Leius, Davis homer as Twins power to 2-0 lead MINNEAPOLIS (Al'l The pilch from Tom (flavine was down and in. bul Scnlt Leius sont it up and out of the Metro dome Leins' improbable bonier leading off the eighth inning barely cleared the left field fem e, but it was just enough to give the Twins a 2-2 victory over the Atlanta Braves Sunday night and a 2-0 lead as the World Si-ri'moves south for Game :i 1 uesday night The Braves, after playing a sound defensive game in the opener, fell vtt tun to the Metro dome's twin terrors on Gla vine's first pit* it Dan Gladden lifted a high fly to shallow right that second baseman Mari. Lemke seemed to lose against the white Teflon roof Right fielder Justice saw I he ball and rushed in. but ap parently Lemke could not hear him calling for it At the last instant. Lemke spotted the ball and it hit the pocket of his glove, but was jarred loose when Justice ran into him Justice was charged with the error for getting in Lemke's wav Kirby Puckett, who led the majors by grounding into 27 double plays, helped Glavmc by bouncing it'io another one Davis, however, was not so kind, and having seen Glavine in lie- National League, rout: quainted himself with a 383 foot drive over the left field fencr. The Braves cut their defit it, and the crowd noise, hy Iwninc ing hack for a run in the second on a leadoff single hy Justice, a squib double by Sid Bream down the third-base line and Hunter's sacrifice fly Atlanta tied it at 2-2 in the fifth when Minnesota native Olson doubled to the gap in left r enter, moved to third on Lomke’s groundnut to the right side and scored on a sacrifice fly by No. hitter Rafael Bel hard. Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS LOOK OUT' LOOK OUT! 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