t. ■ O I .. O !v t- s JEWELRY DESIGN STUDIO 1502 Willamette St 343 2298 Reguiar B~s"ess Hoims Tues • Fri 9am tpm 2pm 6pm Sat 10am-4pm i MJNDCTIAND ***.\Rr, sth STutrr Cvmo PUBLIC MARKET 5 W GAMES 683-8464 # VIDEO ADVENTURE VAllfY RfVEH PLAZA •41*4 *Hf *4WA< ■ >*4 mi Mini. 4iis tut rr yoc-u UU ^ IX 1TXT1T111J COME TO THE EUGENE COMIC BOOK SHOW \ SATURDAY, OCT. 19TH .» 10:30am-5:00pm Lane County Fairgrounds Admission S1 50 f -Of flv 'f*‘ inf'irni.KN ,i ,i ■ -,t.r >i-J ' ■■■■>' ' J84 X COMPACT DISC WORLD'S FALL BLOW — OUT SALE EVERY DISC IS OM SALE Hurry In For W|TH EVEN A LARGER INVENTORY Best Selection OVER 27,000 DISCS IN STOCK (Ends 10-27-91) ALL ON SALE Time To Build Your Library THE SMITHEREENS Bkm Up I API!< >1 EVERY DISC IN MOKE IS ON SALE!! Choose from Nearly 28,000 Discs What A Selection! ( mosMis JKTHKO TULL CAT* ISH mSING >> ' S *V *r -« r C All Storage Units Are On Sale All Carrying Cases Are On Sale 2100 W. 11th \t ross from VN.irrm.irfi 683-6902 dims sms ims \ wiik Primus climbs to fame on ‘thrash-funk’ sound By Ross Hubbard i morakl Contributor Herb Alexander. Les (.'lay pool ami Larry Lal.ondo catno together 3 years ago to form the latest version of the band Primus Now, they are touring tile country with bands Public Enemy and Anthrax in one of the most diverse concerts ever When lead guitarist Lu Londe was asked who would enjoy this concert he said, “This concert is for people who like all kinds of music exc.ept maybe country west ern." With Primus being de scribed as a thrush-funk blind, Public Enemy u rap band and Anthrax a heavy metal band, it's hard to ar gue with that Rut how is it that this band from San Francisco i .line to be in the position it is now? It started when Clay pool, the band's lead vocal ist, borrowed SI,000 from his dad to press the bund's live debut album, Suck on This, he said Now, with Pri mus gaining popularity, its third album, S.ulinig the Sr.is of Choose, has sold more than 200,000 i opies When usked if Primus could be considered an up and-coming band because of this, Lul.onde replied, "Bands come up and go down all the time Now, for us It has just been a gradual climb We can go out on tour and people know who we are, not just the people in San Francisco." Since thev’re looking for the exposure right now. it had to be a big thrill when Ri lling Stone Magazine came out with an article itljout them in the Oct. 31 is sue "I am just glad to be in Rolling Slotic Magazine, it is a pretty brief thing. The guy only spent a weekend here talking to us It is nothing surprising, but i am totally stoked about being in a mag azine, especially Rolling Slone," LaLonde said As far as looking ahead to what tint new-found success might bring them, LaLonde sail), "We pretty much never look Uxi much into the fu ture, but we know what we want to do and are just going to go out and try to do it." Their current tour, now in its third week-,.'certainly should open some doors. Recently on MTV, Public linemy and Anthrax said they those Primus It) tour with them because they played music that was nei ther rap nor heavy metal but somewhere in between. But how do Primus mem bers view the groups they are touring with? “Public Enemy is something this band has always been into. When they played the first night, 1 was blown away. It's total hard-core crazy stuff. They’re amazing And An thrax they're really cool. They're heavy metal and punk, super loud and super heavy," LaLonde said. As for Primus, they will go on tour with Fishbone four days after this tour ends After that, who knows, but with the great enthusi asm and spirit they are showing now , the sk\'s the limit. Hard-edged hustler portrait filmed on Portland’s streets ★ ★ ★ 1/2 FILM My Own Pnvato Idaho opens to rv»ght «t th« Bfjou Thsutrs Ruled R • «M| I t>o<*Mi * * «■•>' to 'MsI. * * * *W|)| ttM*. * * * • • *u«l MM My Own Privatu Idaho is the latest film by Cus Vun Sunt (Drugstore Cowboy), and fo cuses on tlie lives of male street hustlers. If that doesn’t get you, maybe this will it was filmed in Portland. Mike, played by River Phoo nlx, is a young narcoleptic with a troubled past. His involve ment with prostitution gets him the money he needs to search for his mother Scott, played by Keanu Reeves, takes part in or der to escape from his father, Portland's mayor The movie opens with u dic tionary definition of "narcolep sy,” and then we sue Mika standing on a road in the mid dle of nowhere. ”1 always know where 1 am by the way the road looks one-of-a-kind like someone's face.” he says before falling to the ground. And before the film is over, the viewer is taken down many roads and sees ull kinds of faces, as Mike and Scott travel to Idaho, Las Vagus and Itaiv in search of Mika's mother Aesthetics play an important part in this film Van Sant uses a clever device when ha brings the viewer inside the Film Fol lies adult book store in Port land The camera pans over magazines to reveal Mike and Scott scantily clad on the cov ers They come to life to dis cuss why they are on such dis play. This movie, however, is not merely a happy trip through stylisl) images. Pessimism pre vails throughout. The "Ameri can Dream” is torn apart visual ly, and the audio track follows suit. The film, with its many attri butes, also has its flaws. While Phoenix's performance is com mendable, Reeves is weak. The storyline also gets a bit confus ing at times, with Van Sant try ing to accomplish too many things with one script. Hut despite its shortcomings. My Own Private Idaho is a film that stays with you. The images are concrete yet do not take away from the seriousness of tile subject matter. By Christina Komeshian Emerald Contributor