SUPER FALL AUTOMOTIVE LUBE, OIL & FILTER • : ■ i TUNE-UPS 4 CYL. s49" 'W* s69** 6 CYL. 8 CYL. RADIATOR SERVICE *29" CHEMICAL TREATMENT POWER FLUSH.49.99 I I TRIUMPH 1200 TIRES • Steel belted* All season I Compare Our Lowest Price! f Shop fee $1 for all items Ttre^tone W AMERICA’S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE 345-1 593 No Appt. Necessary 185 E 11th Store Only-Short Walk from Campus BACKSTAGE BLUES As Eugene awaits the poise, polish and professionalism of The Firebird ballet, the cast and crew work long, hard, unglamorous hours backstage SHOWTIME BALLET: Tho Eugane Balls! Company will prasant The Firebird on Saturday. Ocl. 19. at 8 p m and Sunday, Oct. 20 at 2 30 p m Both shows will taka placa in tha Hull Contar's Silva Concarl Hall. Ad vancad tickata. ranging in prica Irom $7 to $35. can ba purchasad by calling tha boa otfica at 687-5000. Half-prica atudant tickata, from $3.50 to $17.50, will alao ba availabla, but only a 1/2 hour prior to aach show Backstage at the Hull Center, dancers of the Hu• gone Ballot Company compare ballot to the mil itary as they sweat out the last days before their sea son debut this weekend. Dancers will change from their frayed sweats into exotic costumes for a dazzling production of The Firebird, a Stravinsky classic that turns this bul let company into an army At rehearsal the ballet looks nothing like the fairy tale glamorous princes and pro esses it will later prude • Tech nicol director Marco is preparing expln- ves while hair-naked dancers tin arou I Uie props The uudi once will never know what goes into these shows and the dancers and stage crew of lilM.' are always disguising their hard work During The Firebird, an orange blos som tree will blow up on singe, but Mar co described arranging the dynamite os "artistic futsing or supervising powder amounts.” When asked about her work, costumer Lynn Bower gives a sigh of relict Her most challenging experience with pro duction of The Firebird occurred when a choreographer flew In from New York Dancers of the Eugene Ballet Company put the hnishmg touches on their season debut ol The Firebird The ballet will be performed Saturday evening and Sunday alternoon at the Hult Center and said, "You know, we do this top loss " LdK’.'s costumes, however, will in elude tops. In fact, with explosives in place and costumes completed, the production will show no flint of the craziness tfiat goes on backstage "Part of the job is to make it look easy," said dancer Verna Carter "That's the art part." In addition to that "art part,” dancers will fight gravity, age. injury and ex haustion Dancers also fight against time Must of EBC’s dancers are around 20 years old " Time is against you," Bell said "Inn older you get, its not like thn better you get Dancing is for the young Soma dancers trv to gel a second job. stn< n they aren't paid nvnn .is min li as the? stage hands But tor most of the KB(' dam ers, ha I lot is their sole source ol income Just this year the company " ill travel to Canada, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, S' intanu and Washington Free lime is almost out ot the question. All 111 all, backstage is nothing even close to glamorous But both the Uiiiit its aim mr cn:w stress that the final product is vvurth the unseen him! work lor all o[ thoiu, the glamour comes, ultimately, vs hen the curtain rises By Beckie Daut> Emerald Contributor A self-guided tour of our lab. Thr Witt £rr\ *U|(fr »»l prxOu^tuvn ■'"> ' ' /. I I'miu* grnrfjii** Unjxj {Hr km» U> m*u h Uw fi>i curve your pmmpUw nr^uim '-■ r 1 » r»rr> pttamrtrr o* nnif K» 4%o PD pmn> j K*w lAirvr irm hi tramr iUgnmrni and nv>rr --- The fastest service in Eugene for glasses and contacts. Hours Mon-Fri 8am~6pm Saturday Sam Sprn Visa and Mastercard accepted rainbow optics 766 E 13th Ave Just one block from campus 343 3333 RUSSELL ATHLETIC IRS IR 50/50 Crews.8.95 IR 50/50 Pants.8.95 IR 50/50 Hoods.9.95 IR Hi Cotton Crews.12.95 IR Tank Tops....5.00 IR Long Work-out Shorts. 4.00 $10.00 Off ail mens & womens regularly priced running shoes Selections by N.Ki- • A:. Tiger • Avia • adtdas • B i m • Saucony • K Swim • Roobok ATHLETIC M ..i thru Fnd.iy 9 30 6 00 94 w broadway eugene or 97401 • 343-1288 Downtown Eugene EMERALD TAXI 686-2010 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT */I.D. McKenzie Theatre PRESENTS Oct. 18th, 19th & 20th 2” Adulte, 1“ Students & Seniors 1* Kids under 10, 1“ Handicap ARSENIC AND OLD LACE • Coiy Grunt 4 Pnjcikj i one FRt 4 SAT 7 p.m SUN 4 30 p rn SOME LIKE IT HOT MoMyn Monroe. Jock Lommon. Tony Curts FRI A SAT 9 15 pm. SUN 2 pm. ft 6 30 pm BIRTHDAYS 10/15 TO 10/25? Admission FREE with small Popcorn or Drink McKenzie Theatre 630 Main St. Downtown Springfield 747-8349 r. s NEW FARE! INTRODUCING OUR NEW LOUNGE MENU. irfing .it only t I 'IS yon. in enjoy .1 liyjlit rm il in the l Sfvjjin l lrt rm .it ii >n lnunj,i ( 3n« *e1 ruin over K) iirnu iteim itx Inline our l.imois N* ho Supreme, lull 11< HIM- Jaikrts. IVcp I nil I Morrarvll.i, ( .nhew (liukcri, I l.ilihut S.iikIwrIi, Rh on ( lirevhuijvr. I rtnx me I’.irniesan , I’rimc Rib n ml more OUR LOUNGE & IWI10 HAVE BEEN REMODELED & REDECORATED. ^ SPECIAL OFFER! A hi i S PM.»mly in our l< nm#* yi «u i .in & f Oir^ni 1 in. tru Si .if m »n In *s d'tn'uvivs, s.iiuIwk hc» »»r dinners fr< >rn flu* It Hjn^v menu nvi jfc*t live sex«>iul • 4 rt| < h lesser v.ilue OREGON IV Mire ii* ,»k yi*ir tcrvrf iK mi rl*- hrvef.i*5* spci uls OOE OMof ExptfOft 11/1 U1 ELECTRIC SIATION 27 E St I». Eugene 4^S 4444 dl\ I I s! \l \ll I I 1 * I he MOVIES you want to sit ★ ★ The PRICE you want to pay ★ ★ i he PLACE you want to rent from ★ Special prices every day * Rs * IV. * Nintendo gam. •• players 4 .h.i < * ★ TANNING. TOO * $1 no per session (with package) OPEN 11-11 DAILY 344-269 1 1888 FRANKLIN BLVD. (oil \ tl (i next to 7-Eleven) Oregon jtlo>art |J layers V "him: IKm Mmi. Mu Mi Dm i tor Saturday, October 19, 8:30 pm •• ;I \» ,1111 \TRfc, III 1 r l I S. 11 R Sunday, October 20, 2:00 pm Bt \|.l i i >Ni I KI MALI , l NIV l-KSITYlM Morjrl: ' H, rlun i, "I u1 ii. n .11.1111 v l.iMiut l ,'iiirri.’ in A \l.i|.,i iMuhtif'l K.hI.iK : I ' in. . ii, 1 lUiihovcn: in N ''ml Mu 1 Call 687-5000 For Tickets Sorcn^: >.!.!. 's I i. >14 .uni > 10 Beall: Vo Senior*. >» MudrntN. >I.S0 I Sand under (Be.ill tuket* also available at the door) Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary Season Gus Van Sant makes a big bold leap to :n Jin. -Jarmusch and the Coen brothers in the front ranks .t America s most innovative Independent film makers I’h.e film itself is invigorating written, directed and acted with enormous insight and comic elan. . , • , . •. u». ***♦! Exceptional delightfully differ*-:,' and daring that it renews your faith u, - ^ .an*,-■ *.<*•* • . • A tenderly comical and beautiful piece of work." i’K UA iA. Two Thumbs Up! RIVER PHOENIX KEANU REEVEB 1ROM THt OtHtCTOH 0\ DHUGHTOHL COWBOY am MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO A FILM BY GUS VAN SANT rare ujn ruvim . u wottri kxaitu kwyf/ ••n't w* tkva'-k . ah ■ aw.', r" . a;;::aw - \> * •A.-vr- u ia?: * •/. k:a.-« a.*. .. k:rh «*ha.v • m j * w % ■ .•:* :• :x a- \sa - a v.»„ j -.aK av aw:.-av;: a- s a:a}i EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! Nightly 7 00. 9 10 Sun. Mat. 4.00 ■ 4 N A. U • 1H tiA 1 KAVt MTE U J W« i«S i i v> • a l. S gwiy Fife 9 JO • * - Mj!4 10 WINMk ( \NNI s HI M l I s M\\| l “AN KNORMOlSl.Y AMI SIN<; CRACKPOI I AXE ON I HE UNDFKSIDK OF I HK HOlXYWOOi) DKKAM " . — i \ BIJOU LATE NITE IK BIJOU LATE NITE rW-VtuBliB-n tB 40 ‘ j*«K.t«d by Alain Tt Sign if 1 1 AOUL JS ONI Y! No or* \jr«U* 1 / adrr*t*d ra-.* annar WH 4 I 1 '•* « ■ * — m ' t m SUSAN SAflANDON NigWIy 1115 GEENA DAVIS . k