ENTERTAINMENT Seattle, San Diego, Eugene rock bands to play SOXC. AXDDAXCi: FRIDAY, OCT 1(1 System 7 will perform at the Beer Gardens from 5-7 p in in the EMU courtyard, The Seattle hand plays intense rock 'n' roll with guitar and keyboard melo dies. Admission is free and no one under the age of lit will he admitted Jamhay, a San Diego eclectic nx:k group, will perform at Rail) p in. in the Community Center for the Performing Arts, 201 W Eighth Ave Two of the band’s members, Matt Butler and Chris Haugen, grew up in Eugene, and have been playing music together since high school. This is the band's first appearance .it WOW Hall. Admission is S5, and the doors open at !). SATURDAY, OCT HI The Oregon Mozart Players will perform at (1:30 p in. in the Hull Center's Soreng Theatre Tickets, ranging in price from $10-522, can be purchased by calling the box office at 0(17-5000. The Saturday Market, Eighth Avenue and Oak Street, will feature live entertainment from 10 a.in. to 4 30 p in. Peter Thomas, classical guitarist, will perform at 10; Aerie Academy Talent Review, a kid’s show will take the stage at 11; Kate and Joan, songwriters, will per form at noon; the Eugene Hun garian Dancers will perform ut 1:30; and Art Crooveaux will close out the musical day start ing at 3. The events are free and open to the public New William will perform at 0:30 p in in the Community Center tor the Perlorming Arts, 201 VV Eighth Ave Now Wil liam. a Eugene imnd, plays pro gressive rock Opening the show will tv Sage. .1 high ener gy hand from Seattle TUESDAY, OCT 22 The Songwriter's Cafe will take place from 7-10 p m in the basement of the Community Center for the Performing Arts, 21)1 W Eighth Ave Sign-up time for performing slots is f> !10 p m . and the cafe is open to anyone who deals with spo ken and written words, includ ing song vs ritors, poets and .sto rytellers WEDNESDAY. (XT. Z.i I.es Thugs and Jonestown will perform at 0 ,10 p in in the Community Center tor the Per forming Arts, 20 1 V\ Eighth Ave Both hands specialize in alternative nx k sounds Admis sum is Sti, and doors open at 0 THURSDAY, (XT 24 The Middle Eastern Dame Guild will perform at 12 1 « p in in the Hull Center lobby The event is part of the Hull Center's SHOcase I ree Noon (Concert Series LECTURES AND READINGS MONDAY, (XT. 21 Ei-Young l.ee, a Chinese Ami r ican poet, will read from his work lit 8 p m in Gerlinger Lounge l.ee, a visiting poet at the University, has won numer ous awards, including the New York University Del more Schwartz Memorial Poetry Award Thu reading is free and open to the public TI KSDAY. IX:T 12 Jennifer Craig. tin associate professor of danco. will deliver a public leclure .it 730 p in in tile Hull renter's Studio I The lecture, titled "Kmbrucing the (lift of Art Delhi l.ewit/kv's In dependenc e and Creativity in .1 Idle of Dam e." w ill focus on Lewltzky's unique approach to dance pcirformunc e 'flu! event is free and open to the public wkdnlsday. or i in Karen 1 inlev using her body words and voices, will perform at 7 :to p m in the Hull (leu ter's Soreng Theatre She will also repeat the per lotin uu e on Oct 74 at the same time in a monologue. titled "We Keep ( )ur Victims Head V . she deals with sue h issues as rape. III1 est. AIDS, rac ism and sexism She w ill also lead a disc usslon pan el immediately Ini lowing both nights' performances Tickets are Slf> and S12 SO. and can be purchased by calling the box office at f>87-5000. VISUM. ARTS "Torment and Transi.on deuce,", forty vibrant, primi tive paintings by Ken Rothman, will be on display in tbe Collier Mouse, 117(1 L 13th Ave An opening reception vs i11 take place Saturday, Oct in, from 2:30 to 5:30 p m The Ten Year Anniversary Cruphic Design Alumni Kxhibi tion opens Oct 21 in Lane r.ommunity College s Art De partment Gallery, 4000 K 30th Ave The exhibit will continue Courtaay p«0<0 Now William, a local progressive-rock band will perform Saturday night at the Community Center tor the Pcrlormmg Arts through Nov 11 A Croup Walercolor Show also featuring Don I■'csrr«s 1 i m ulptures, will Ik; on display in tlio Alder (oillcry, lfit) L Broadway. through Nov lei "ilistnlK Woodworking: Tools of the Trade,” featuring thou sands of tools owned by )m:k Birky, is on display in the Lane County Historical Mu-'um, ' to W tilth Ave. Admission Is Sii adults and SI seniors The ex hibit will continue through Nov l? A Wood Sculpture Inhibit, tea luring the works of l.rruy Sel/iul, is on display in pallor ins 1 A. 1C. iiml II) ol (lio Uni versity's Museum ol Arl, l-lill) Johnson Lanu The exhibit will eontinue through Nov 24 Sculptures bv Auguste Kodm urn on display in (lie Museum of Arl, mill Johnson l.ane The exhibit will continue through Mev II I(1*111 1 1 land Caning Rush &l American Wicker Repair 746-2046 Kathleen l.yneh, Proprietor Cascade Caning Co. Springfield, Oregon rj^i PATHFINDER AmencanAiriines Qpp1 Has bra » Nil Hl!l ktaf ft M ill ‘SalSCi iiiiI*J!I?!H Mttti I! I* Tickets *6.00 Wednesday, October 23 7 P.M. Ski Expo — 8 P.M. Movie South Eugene High Auditorium MEET TERRE TEMPEfT WIEIAMS AUTHOR OF «***#*« y-fftt i h«b AUTOGRAPHING Tuesday, October 22 12:00-1:00 A i the UO BOOKSTORE (jcncral Book Department AUTHOR READING Tuesday, October 22 v 7:30 p.m. / At the i:MU GUMWOOI) ROOM Near the t'cnlcr f»»r the Study of WotrKrn In S1 $21.(H) hardcover — WAIJACE STEGNER UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7:30 6 Sat. 10:00-6