FROG Continued from Page 4 Nonetheless, for the next four years. Miller said he was never hassled once for selling joke hooks But beginning early last year Miller was ticketed by po lice two times for operating without a license However, he said he was op erating on private properly, at the Fall Creek Bakery, at HH1 E. Kith Ave,, with the permission of die owner, Shirley Valentine Subsequently tile city threat ened to fine the Fall Creek Bak ery for allowing Miller to sell joke ixHiks on its property, he said. In response. Miller said lie was definitely selling on the public sidewalks this year when ticketed, because lie didn't want to put the people at Fall Creek Bakery in any trou ble while his earlier fines were being appealed In April 1990 Bocci struck down tile ordinance as a viola tion of the equal protection clause of tile Oregon Constitu tion file city appealed the nil ing to Lane County District Court District Judge Ann Aiken overturned Bocci's ruling in August and sent it buck to the Municipal Court, where Judge Wayne Allen upheld the; fine and prohibited Miller from walking on city sidewalks with his Ixxik bag. Bocci's ruling Thursday up held the ordinance not because Bocci agreed with Aiken, but bee ause judges have to follow the rulings from a higher court when It sends a case buck to the lower courts, Kelly said In the meantime, the council has asked the c ity staff to look into changing the ordinance, Shuler said. However, even if the the code is broadened, there will still he a finite num ber of licenses issued, particu larly in the University area Miller had also been In 'hot water' with local authorities at the beginning of 1990, when he was arrested a cross from Kinko’s Copies on 13th Avenue and charged with consuming alcohol on unlicensed prem ises THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 1 FREE TACO or BURRITO (VAl Ut 79«) Taco Terrace 2()21 Willamette, fcueerte ONE COUPON PER VISIT CUP N SAVl l Cm you draw? Then kill this hairless kat l I I i I Ui > a z CL 3 o and bring it to our first meeting We re looking for satire wnlers, investigative journalists, literati, and folks who aren't afraid to use words like "gonna" m their stories CLIP V SAVE' I M fc N t W VOICE Sunday, October 20 • 4.00 p.m. • EMU Century RocnD CUP N SAVI I Birkensfock Step into Birkenstock footwear and find a remarkable blend of comfort and style in colors that range ^ from basic to brilliant. We cany every available Birkenstock. 1 h « B i r I* t* n \ t o c k S I «» « ' Cofvallir. • 703 NW 1 1th • 757 0875 • Mon Sal 10 5 AO Eugone • 5th S&oot Public Maikot • 342 6107 • Daily 10 0 _k_ ^.Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT. 346-3712 HIGH! ON IARGH! ► r Vroom, vroom OSPIRG member Lee Avery demonstrates what kind of toys can be potentially hazardous lor infants less than 3 years old Avery was taking part In a training session promoting toy safety Photo by Kim Nguyen theSfe Your Partner In Photography! PHOTOGRAH MDENTS Compare & Save! KODAK Tn-X 135-24 KODAK Tn-X 135-36 Iltcyc HP-5 36exp , KOOAK TKtex 400-24 . KODAK TMax 400-36 KOOAK TMax 3200-36 *2.69 KODAK Tn-X 100' *28.49 *3.79 KODAK TMAX 400 100'. *29.99 *3.99 KOOAK Ektachrome 50-36 *6.49 *2.89 KODAK Ektachrome 100-36 >6.49 *3.99 KOOAK Ektacnrome 200-36 *7.99 *4.99 KODAK Ektachrome 400-36 ‘8.99 ■ ■ ■ Watsor Be k Loacer ‘17.99 KODAK Ektachrome 160T-36 ‘7.99 Recsatxe Casseties 69* each Sepia toner-1 quart *2.49 1 ♦ mm+ I ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ KODAK roybet DW 8x10 -J25) ‘15.99 KODAK Poofter DW toll (lOQj ‘49.99 KODAK PolyfoerDW HiM (KJ)... ‘12.49 KODAK ftyConras! Ill 8i10 (25). ‘13.99 KOOAKWyConjafiiiifciOllOOi ‘42.99 KODAK Po^Conarast IS 11x14 (10} *11.49 KOCAK Pc^yCoftrast !l! 16*20 (10) KODAK EfeeCortast li 8*10(28 KODAK EieContras! tl 11x14 (1Q| KODAK EKe Contast 16x20 (10). SPOT-TONE...... 000 Spot Brushes.... ‘19.49 S ‘18.49 ■ ‘14.99 i >30.00 ■ ‘2.99 g IW^J Money! We've Got What You Need; If not, WE’LL GET IT! * We will gladly special order or locate any item not in stock for your special requirements, with deposit. We aim to please! Save Time AND Money! See US!! Price* Good Through October!!! * Across from U of O Bookstore O/IA ril II 890 E 13th St. 044TILM # •***% fl ^ vrC ir / ^Sfeuttar! We Save You Money w