We’re looking for your best ideas for the Third Annual “Know When Tb Say When” Pbster Competition. I This competition is being held in conjunction with National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. A share of the $20,000 in scholarship money may be waiting for you! We are looking for the best poster concepts that express the ne»xl for |H*rsonal tvsjwnsibility in the consumption of alcohol. Drawing ability will not l>e a factor in determining the w inning comvpts. 1001 \nheuser Busch Cnnipanu*. In< I S A • (irand Prize Scholarship for "Best Concept’^'),(MX) • Five (•')) Runner-Cp Scholarships-$1,000 • Twenty (20) Third Place Scholarships-$500 Scholarships an1 underwritten try Anheuser-Busch. Contest ends December 15, 1091. Entry forms may be obtained: At Taylor’s Rennie’s Landing 894 E. 13th 1214 Kincaid Guido’s Bubba’s Place 801 E. 13th & Alder 1249 Alder St. If no official entry form is available, you may write to: Poster Competition, c o BSK. 1000 Geyer Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63104.