225 APTS DUPLEXES CAMPUS V2 BLK 1 bedroom. ’ i blk center of campus carpets, air. i«cur», quint $350 mo 687-OB21 or 485-7878 JEFFERSON APTS S00 JEFFERSON Roomy 2 bedroom townhix/se r,! f •« apartment avauab'e soon Private r>« ;-os. on sdo laundry and parking Cali Larry to vww. 343 ®235 Jennings ♦ Co 683 2271 934 WASHINGTON #10 Huge 2 bedroom apartment in vintage house nvaitabto soon Lots of eitra storage, fireplace Must see fo approa ale $550 Also 2 bedroom apartment available m complex in rear $395 Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 Large, 1 bedroom No pets $340 484 1057. ONE BFDROOM 1370High F'arKjng. leundry. patio $325 195 E 24ih Qjiet. Parking Laundry $340 TWO BEDROOM 1150 West 11th $500 ROOMS 2140 Harris* Includes utilities and kitchen use Only one room ava ’abie tor male student $185 1862 Kincaid Very clean room $i*>0 includes water, garbage, and kitchen use ‘Non-smokers only No pets. Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATFS686-1130 Furnished units near music building, one bedroom, $315, two bedroom, $360. References, call after 2 pm 688-5769, Ridgewood Apartments Studio, on# and two bedroom apartments. Pool-laundry facilities weathenzed. Five buildings, 15th & Hilyard location. 484-9922. Would you lika a really me# room all to yourself with a private bath room, close to campus, In a new building where your meals are pre pared tor you? Call the Collegian, 343-12 55_____ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RENT NOW FOR FALL! A CLOSE TO CAMPUS A PARKING A ON-SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bedrooms $575 3 bedrooms from $685 Call 683-0729 NOW! Jannmgs ♦ Co , 683-4219 SOUTHGATE APTS Vary large 1 bdrm apt A 2 bdrm townhouse. All apptiancas, private patio, pool, sauna.and laundry fac on aits Near campus, 345-44 71 2345 PATTERSON $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 124 7 W 8lh #2 1 Bedrooms from $325 2 Bedroom F lat $365 POOt PARKING LAUNDRY Ceil Nmo, 344 5583 Jennings ♦ Co_M3 $21 1 bdrm turn, clean, quiet. l)W d.spoe dl. laundry, cover*.*.! parking. $X 343 3.318 2 bedroom, ' -f O' ■ furr» on M mu:u in 4 pe»i WrtiKU o< O QU»f T on t 'o ‘iMiy V4-> ■vs., n ». 48 > die; 2 MONTHS THEE C q 1.4! * A . bedroom npafimonts Furr.jsbed p*v* ng. laundry 1 b*x.* 10 car'pu* 484 4127 of 687 2385 Plumtree Apts. 1555 West 18th I WFFK FREE! large. two bedroom. uiuncJry appi rtnoos *43*) 686 4009, Mgf cv 343 fyQOO_ GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES Recently renovated 2 bedroom townhouaea New carpet, drapes, vi nyl, appliance* Larga grassy play areas, on site laundry call Tan. 689-8667. ONI Y $375! Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 240 QUAC AFFORDABLE 1360 Alder Si 345-5949 N>co. c*oan wed-maintained quads available A Furnished, util paid A Laundry facility, covered parking A $229 month DUCK INTO ATALRAYQUAD Campus view, S249 & up! Woodaide Manor 344 2657 Campus Court Quad* 344 2016 Campus Quads 344 2816 TAIRAY HOLDINGS (OREGON), HC 344-0763 553 E. 18th Ave F urn is bed quad with PRIVATE BATHS and relngorators Parking and laundry ONI Y $265' Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 •* 2 WEEKS FREE ** Walk lo campus trom tho?>n nowty fu furb's'ed quads * Private E ntrance * * E »cettent l ocai »on * * $225 Includes Utiiit**» * * Month to Month lenancy * Drive by 1750 Hilyard (m alley Debod 174? Fl'iyard) RmH ( • tN* Non west 34 1 4109 1728 f erry Si Clean, oft snoot partung. laundry lac. close to campus $225 343 2799 ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th Ciean. quiet comp*«* W *,* io t i.4ss A avoid the perking haasies $50 move *n bonus' OFF STftf L 1 PARKING All UTILITIES PAID Cali 344 9290 Of 343 3281 Jennings ♦ Co. 683-4219 22S APTS DUPLEXES UO STUDENT FAMILY HOUSING Some 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available in Westmoreland & Amazon Rents from $132 to $lfil Contact: University Housing at 15th & Agate or phone 346-4277 for details. 245 ROOMS Shara 2 bdrm hou*« visa lo came*/* M «,! tK) loan. ,\y' sr,)iu>r '» mon ♦ ¥» si if 143 7S4 7 4Mv» "W15 250 DORM CONTRACTS Dorm conlricf for aala Carna 146-9600 255 ROOMMATES WANTED 1 ooking for famaia lo ahara homa \ j. s ’ room $1 so dopos4 fc^Sanonth * v» oapor'.mw Nitv irtr M Jim 6*1.) JO.** Shara housa 3 ,r>.>rn IX) 1 v.my twlMom. t>g nt,',*■ *m! yard Must s«hi Movo p. a S.*t 663 3(XJf 2 badrooma In 4 tadfoom housa, main or fomao parixUty furnished, yard. use of kTfTfim, n«»v bus Une. not Sir from cnmpus S’ 17 SO or $’«3 /B9 A Wes! 11th 485 23 8 i 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Furnltura. kitchamwara. and much rr.>*»t (relay and Sal :'day 1390 Mi1 Apt No 262 485 654 3 280 MEETINGS (ha Studant Haalth Inauranca Com mfttaa writl maat today at 1 30 p m in Cantury Hoorn B for mora informa tion. call 146-3 702 265 CLUB SPORTS EMU CULTURAL FORUM NOON GIG PAUL PRINCE Monday. Oct 21 at 12 noon - 2 p m t MU Courtyard (Fishbowl in raaa of ram) discount snows *• u war Vi . on —km tMIIW TI ^ " **a".*y T 00 » 10 MUi 4 00 & sssr^Ksn MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO ^ Mi »»-'WrU.:4 B lul C. •/•»>«• «mcm k** *•'6* ^’l X+*' Tw*iu»»») • a« >» w-/a ^ / ao* iao*« too* ao* r** mx>v ; ao fiStflanraf ar rooarsfMf*at0 / 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 295 ARTS t ENTERTAINMENT WOW Hall Hth & Lincoln •••Tonight*** JAMBAY •••Saturday ••• NOW WILLIAM & SAGE •Wednesday 10/23* LESTHUGS & JONESTOWN All Ages Welcome Eric Rhomer’s Pauline at the Beach Friday, Oct. 18. 180PLC 7:00 and 9:00 52 students, $2..50 public Wemer Herzog's Even Dwarves Started Small Siindu>. <)clol)t*r 20 7:00 nnh. ISO 1*1 ( 290 CAMPUS EVENTS CALLING ALL SINGAPOREANS!' come and join in the tun at our annual potluck Saturday, 19 October, 12-2:30 p.m. Gerlinger Lounge Don't forget to invite your host family/friends and bring a dish if you can. See You I here! Smgapofi* Students Asvo< lalion 120 SERVICES In a crunch? Pap«r« du«? If yt>. Mv« library phoNit. donT proem?,! natal l u< rrm h«»p you m !h« i bn try i 14 «> 9tl«1 . LOS! CONTACT If NS? VS.i , f ' ■ ry »i «i No •I* _343 3333_ Pl*nn«d Parenthood 4-1 '.Mil Prtvete help ’’ trv ^' *hx1s f f«H» progn-vtcy U»t>ng C«il Birtruignt, t>6/ avtw % i Vt rri:.‘ ■ «• Suw*> 36 I Hu. 3/ M.m.i. 40 ' ..iy i';n ! 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