Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS BAT BEAT To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSONALS ATO r*B Congratulation* Heather •nd Brent on your promt**? I ov, Your S**t*f CAT Ml RINE THINK SNOW! XU fYflS XU CM Om*g* Lit* St* Trtna, S** you toon Stud' YHS XU You • stud B* p*tl*nt l H' SIS YHS Chi O Amy l if Srs h T>m> o I itm' low. Y B S XU XU J Fotematv A taw more days and than you II know, ft a all bean a farce aa tar aa ckjea go love. Y B S XU XU Colleen I can 1 wart to have a Irttla aiatar aa apecial aa you, but in a taw daya it won't be an laaoe! I ova. Y B S XQ Kim G. XU Star light, Star bright. With upon the brat atar You aaa tonight Maybe I II coma true _VYBS XU Kan Taitman ft % t>me rxm tor your tilth due Iter® ft «v I vu got a rmi* doo* Wth some rv«w hint* you' sure rx* lo m»»s Ifni one who low you Your, Big S»a! XU l ittie Sia Sboikiy Chun You sparkle bk« the sun Clue »*j I to run Aa t»g a'vJ *IU> Wo ti haw lo<» ot tun low YBS XU Sarah M Who am P Maybe l.» pve a speech to you about my diesel some time* Love. Y B S XU Victoria S T G I 1 __ YBS_ Delta /au Pledgee liovu a groat time at Greek '01 * l ovn Your Srstors AI’ AT Harndance dataa gat payched Tonight a the night"! Love, Delta Gamma AT AT KA KA Jill B - Tonight a the night, ao gat payched* "I" ta hare' __love, Your Slaters Kelly, it a plain to aea Aa b*g and l*I ata. wa ware meant to be' _love. YBS OH MY GOOONfSS! YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU' Love YBS L4>f: YOU WIN TI* GOLD FOR A GRI At PARTY THANKS 10S PERSONALS Hastbar W XU Elite O YOU gxfft a'O wrdy OCX*' _ lov* yBs-> SWI f Nt Y CLIME #5 I hava brown ay •* and supar groat thighs' Ha' leva. Y B S THE 2ND MAN to avar wall on watar comao to fug ana Oct 26 no LOST 4 FOUND Loot; 10-F16 woman * l rt*;ak» watch b*> tween Gabon & t ewrenc* S4var arxi gold rectangular tarn and grey leather barxJ Howard GeJi 683 70? 7 My kfflan to mlosing1 l .t'v! 10 10 9V. 16th 8 A*kw forr;n. 4 mot . gniy striped Answer. to I kx>* •h " I H>ve her Please CjWJ f "uiy C . 0443 3453 w!h any info ns TYPMG SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land l aoar Printar 485 3343 t ormerty kxabaJ B^ou Thoaira H*dg A' >44 Of Vi HOtWNie GRAO SCHOOL APPROVE D. 20 year ihesj**)** t>»v A ground Term paperr. f ufl resume mu v9 7-6 793_ EAGLE f. VI TYPING EDITING By eipwnenoed writer Ph D O reseda Urn Student It*pi! typing 4414 /‘ulfl t xcelient typist, iw curate and roitabie for prompt ytrv*::ii <;ari H. .f j (503) Peggy • Typing Service I ||WWX»I lyp.sl OHaftng %onrro» on IBM computer system arxj ta%»x printer Hingxttrmr fWaaonabta rates Speoawad m Cmm 'm-'1 A * 'f ■ r. 344 7833 Skilled, caring •drto*ial halp for in ternational atudentu PaiM/a, tha Mt, diaaeriationr Grad-achooJ approved tow ratet 34 5 1469 Typing 4 word proceeding 50 cwri5*kx>b*i*tw #j Th* WORD SPECIALISTS** * i •laduar K«h*I \j'i 1 ' v! * ► 1 h • lUltnn '14 1 ‘aj•■ i ► IHM l ompallMr I >i-k V . nv i ■¥ ■ * I 4 1 I'nnMlu 1 •» apM* • * I y K ' unn 344-4510 QIJAITTV WORD MOM I.V.IM. <.a*wiAT» wtHMx *movui nmr KtaFtfftii >J AMMt*iu LASER rVINTIM. ^ .RTRSaRHB-U__ 605 E. 13lh 1M TUTORING GREEK MATH TUTOR 114 Git>er1 Tuea. Thura ? 30 p m lo 9 (Hi p m 125 INSTRUCTION Aerobic Instructor f ducetionel Workshop. oa ?fi 10-12 00. loam B«co*fKK« m taacfvngl Ant.go'i®. 484 4011 into Electronic mute instruction from muse ttcfmcian wrih tfMCftmg background m toH studto Bob. 720 10*M ovos no FOR SALE MK Airplene ticket from Eugene to Boston Departure 10/24 Return l0/?» 484 1361 Dorm fridge Averin-1/. we I nut finish Just cherged $70 Mett. 4844069____ Dry suit diving equ*jment. tompekory u*'. up for c-okJ water $9^0tobo 48S0tt»4 mornings A Nintendo System, *> grr'H* and .* joystick $106 oOo l A'v « 344 ’ r.M Sony D3Q3 Dtscroen, $?00 So' « answering mrhn# 1130 David. 7 46-42S0 TWO n NO! M ST RATOCASH RS. early 70s Comptore AIRBRUSH quim. $100 344 1163 _ Word processor. Pa KXWir'’ buffi m discs, Spo?0ot>0 342 3161 3 piece white goto wwddtx> Dave. 485-654 3___ '73 VW Bug. good enguw. p'ea! tr*l car $ 1?OG ot>o 484 1515. 'lay* and 34;> <5/66, eves 75 VW Daahar Good condition $ 7 50 obo Cam. 344 9761 i so MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS For Sal* 1987 Yamaha Rva *ui «■* only 150 mile* 'Hr* 1495 San# $900 obo 94? 7170 __ 1985 Honda Spraa 50cx engine 4300 trims wbo 683 7668 81 Ik) ikI• Cipraaa $3 75 Good con (Mon 343 9781 __ 86 Honda flfla 150 Daluia, run* gre.il. r‘>5 MTM new buttery and fu.v wro Mj*I*oH $600'W* 344 9?74 HP 4?S calculator «*ih taat^ar ca&a. owivom manual and programming mar>u* W» 343 2891 LAPTOP COMPUTER MIT SURA'S NINJA 86 20 MH Hard Drtv* lightw«gftJ • APcyrJatoe Cloaa out pnca at only $959 Ca4i *or ava.iatxwy 14 Tech CommoditMM 683 2338 170 SOUNO SYSTEMS Optonira racarvar. 8S wpc , 690 MlvatxsW sukoo VCR 6285 DavkJ. 486 6543 JVC Mypor Oaus txx*n bo* 5 tovol 4*1 .-'.laWo f Q miWai typ© CUptiW'Ty. Cl) -npuf jacks AMI M ramovitW© spunkor* l *o rum. 680 OfX> Call Kom344 5743, 190 SKI EQUIPMENT l ANG XHl. Um0 3 Paid 63f»0 In gr«Mii ttn.Apo % 1 /VotX) 6B3 7668 19$ TRAVEL Travahng Soon? Apply for a crad« card Fly anywhara in tf»a USA for $ 180 la*» Call TODAY" 486-8830 Frankfurt $944* London $982* Tokyo $2*9* Sydney $499* Ini nth ^Mrwr«l c»< iruilkr f&ntwtf aw adr*t»r»W »*1 mm • «* tr-tu* l»i» Council Travd 7 IS SW abOO. tkntnriJ. O® 97VOS 503-m-ifoo • too nt tiM laavmg for ttouklon O A 10-/70 t*o;p with 0' v»ng a/xJ otpt*ntMM> A or pan fine 34? 2648 205 OPPORTUNITIES Coordinator Wantad TNoCaroor Dovatopniont Intornahip Program is tasking t«*ndO«t!wt» tor the povton o* Student Coordinator tor 1992 93 CDtP w deserved to g w students in the Coi«ogu ot Ans and IaOa.rx.us intemth.p opportune with a-*w* t>usi'x*suu* A* Student Coordinator. you w be fufcponvb*# tor various aspects ot the program ifKJudmg promotions, designing uli the correspondence. ftfxl maintaining an act vu t>*e on each ot the placement snos Skua roqu rud include organization. irwtiut'vo. attention to dota problem solving. demonstrated **>,; ty to work with a Macintosh (Word. Works. Pagemaker) and the ability to communicate ehodiveiy Compensation includes a S7S0 a term stipend Posiiion descriptor * a».i aP«o in 244 ftondnck* tk»!i Submit a cover tenor and rusum# to 244 tfc»ndnck& Hall by Novambar 6 Questions. contact John Crons haw. 346 601 1 205 OPPORTUNITIES Amazing! You can save $3000 this term A*k Cookie how at hoi dog stand across t'om bookstore. today1 GREEKS! Pacific Nonbwe&i leadership Conference (formerly Rocky Mountain G'oo* Conference) ts now recruiting staff for the 1992 Conference to be hosted t>y the UO Greek System! Come to a oenerai interest meeting. Tuesday. October 7?, in f M1J Map* Room h* 6 30 p m "Know Before You Go," where to work, live end ski free In Colorado's resorts Current Guide to Aspen, Veil, Breckenrtdge and more! $16.95 Call 1-800- 768 6174 Models needed for professional, advanced training men & women, all styles October 28 thru 30th 9 am to 7 pm For appointment, call or come in to Precision Cuts, 609 E. 13th 464 3143 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE Now seeking students and graduates to fiii many entry level positions Starting salary range to 24K with travel benefits' To app*y 303-441-2455 Extension 9A ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fisheries Earn $5,000* month Free transportation' ftoom A Board' Over 8.000 open rigs No experience necessary Male or Female For employment program call Student Employ morn Services at 1 ?0f> S4S 4155. o*t 114 Baskatball rsfarees needed No exponent o necessary Jr High ♦ High School l eve! Earn up to $i5*ir 741 1434, ask tor Mark ( ARN MONEY Reading books $30.300-yr income potential Details (905} 962 8000, e*f Y 9642 t ipenence Eugene e newest state ot the art plasma center Call 683 9430 and wa ll tali you now to help yourself and others tqjwunced f lectromc* Technician Job requirements mduou 1) Repaying and calibrating electronic a'*d eiectro mechanical equipment (this include* trouble shooting analog arxf digital circuitry to the component level) 2) Constructing one ot a K.nd scientific instruments 3) Modifying existing equipment 4j Maintaining printers and Personal computers 1 5 **0 h*s *weok $?.00/Tw Must be a UO or ICC student it interested. contact Dave B»umbH/y. Institute ol Neuroscience at 346 46Ui Helper for disabled women Short ’split Sours *7 50*KXX Ml Near campus 484 6423 INTERPRETERS AND T MANSI ATORS are wan tint m various 14»ids Call 1 800 868 9256 tor application LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The i SCAPE f It l D STUOIl S PROGRAM is looking kx a student interested m heeding the HUMAN SERVICE DIVISION This puvtmn requires soil motivation, the ability to motivate others and commit menf to experiential teaming Receive stipend a/xJ credit kx work Applications are available m the ESCAPE office. M*. 11 EMU and are due OCTOBER 25th Can 346 4351 with any questions l.rve-m eirter, over 18. tuition assistance, up to *84Smooth (713) 789 2360 OOE STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER posBion is open tor an e»p*x»encud pfmtujOurrkii'.M Must have own equipment. darkroom ejper*encw. ancJ fiextiie hours Cart Jeff PftSJay at 346 5511 to make an interwew appointment Deadline is 5pm Monday Oct 1B_ OVERSEAS JOBS *900 *2000i*mo Summer, yr round, ail oooninus. all fields f ree nfo Write UC. PO Bx 52 OR03. Corona De* Mar CA 92625 210 HELP WANTED Outstcto teles Fast growing marketing firm representing F irestone looking ky Outgoing enorgotC P©Opie tof Ut!» afternoon & ov« hrs *15-$30/hr w«» guarantw* *8/hr 1 -800-323-7559 PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING - now recrurting for Winter term Pick up appfccaiion* In 141 Straub Deadlne for submilling applications is October 2?) Telemarketing, auto insurance 5 fo 10 hrs p«*r week. $SH U ol O Available now Fum. big kitchen. DWAJtsp, big closet*, new carpets noleu m. lots ot parking, laundry, sundock 683 0919 Ceil Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 * COVERED PARKING A WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS A EUROPEAN KITCHL NS A FfTNESS ROOM A CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co Forest Village Apartments Quiet place to study, weight room saurva pool Bus to campus 2 bdrm tv* bath $4/Smo & $49Vmo Renting now & tor Nov 687 1318 _ GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1893 Garden Avenue The BEST KEPT SECRE T on cam put 2 bedroom apartments, available tur naJuid or unfurnished, private parking, on site laundry Ask about MOVE IN SPECIAL only $395” Paul. 344-1/21 Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION HUGE 2 bedroom apartment available lor lease Appliances include dtshwash or and disposal, pnv.su balconies, off struet parking, right on busline to U ol O ONt Y $395"' Jennings ♦ Co. 683 2271 (AU M* 4343 ID I WKKN • 5 PM Mr TO M.ACK YOUR *•< I.ASS*’ AD! Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 1‘U 1*1 gf&'.Hb' CjfT HOI rr how HU. ns just some atepncR ipont KNOW WHY &f[-\TN HAVE A PHONE ITS NEVEK600P NEWS ’ PONT 66T600t NEWS' WHY7 BECAUSE I'M NOBOPY' WHEN YOU EWT HAVE A JOB, YOU‘BY NOeCPY' UJHO HANTS TO T/U-K 70 NOBOPV ?_ NO BOPY. tw°‘ \ > ns THE WHITE HOUSE UJEU-, OKAY. THAT'S MM UKETT. i