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Fellowship ' I'raver, Bible Study Netters head north to face Beavers By Jayson Jacoby Fmora ) Sports Roporter Tonight's Pacific-10 Confer ence volleyball game between Oregon and Oregon State in Corvallis will feature two teams heading in the same direction but not necessarily the dins lion they would like The Ducks and the Beavers are tied for seventh place in the Par-10 with 1-7 records, ahead of only the winless Arizona Wildcats Both teams have lost five straight conferenr e matches and each has beaten Arizona for their sole Par 10 w in The different:*! is that Oregon was expected lo .contend for a high finish in the conference before a rash of injuries tier i mater! Coach (Jerry Gregory's starting line-up. hut Oregon State, under first-year coach David Gantt, was pit ked to fin ish last in a pre-season roaches poll Oregon's injury woes will continue tonight as senior start Mmdre Adams and Mullv McGrath are sidelined bv nag ging injuries Adams has a stress fracture of the ankle which has kept her on the bench for much of the season, and McGrath has not played m more than two weeks with a lower bat k injury Tile Ducks and Beavers have already tangled once this sea son, in a September Ultima muni mutch that Oregon look in a tough five games Since that win, Oregon has lost eight of nine, ami Oregon Statu has won only three of 10, including a non-conference win Tuesday night against the Uni versity of Portland The Beavers, 0-12 overall, came into this season with a lot of question marks alter fin ishing third in the Par-10 last year with a 23-10 overall re cord Gantt took over the team after an incident last year in voicing the former < o.u h and a player that ended up with nei tiler returning. Gantt has previously coached women's collegiate volleyball at Northern Montana and at Montana State, as well as a stint with the United States N.i tional Men's Team. Gantt said this vi ar has linen an interest i Photo by j«ft Pasta y The Oregon women s volleyball team will try to snap a 5-game losing streak tonight in Corvallis. Both teams are 1-7 in Pacihc-10 Conference play mg one "It's been .1 roller-coaster,'' In s.iid "We've been in posi tion to win a lot of matches, but we haven't gotten over the hum]) We haven’t established that we can play consistently night in and night out " Oregon, too, has been through its share ol ups and downs, starting the season with nine straight w ins and earning a spot m tin.* national rankings But the Ducks have been w ith out at least one pre-season starter in every match this sea son, Gregory said that although both Adams and McGrath aren’t playing this weekend, they are getting closer to being ready. "Both are feeling more com fortable this week than they have in some time,' Gregory said. Gregory said the new line-up forced by the injuries, which includes four freshmen seeing a lot of playing time, is still com ing together. ‘‘ This team just has to find it self," Gregory said. '’They have to learn how to win those close games I know Chat we will. This team has to believe in themselves and at this point 1 think they have some doubts.” Gregory said tin: injuries to Adams and Marcie Price, who broke .1 finger in a pro-season practice and returned two weeks ago, had an effect on the Ducks in their first meeting with Oregon State "We did not play particularly well the first time (against OSt’),” he said. "We had just lost Mindec, and we played a different line-up than we ever had before,” Gregory said that line-up, which has played together for most of the matches since then, should be ready "We re fully capable of beat ing OSt , but it’s going to be .1 real buttle.” Tonight's match gets under w ay .it 7:30 in Gill Coliseum Ticketmaster comes to campus The University has an nounced that the Oregon athlot it ticket office has become an outlet for (I . I joe's I'icketmaster, allowing lingerie Springfield area residents a chance to purchase tickets tor many sporting and entertain muni events in the Northwest. University Ticket Manager Hunt Holsupple also an nounced that the sale of S11 student tickets for the Oregon Washington football game Oct ..’ti in Seattle will go on sale Monday at tl a m. Students are allowed to purchase only one ticket, and a total of 500 tickets will be available to University students At the Tickelmuster outlet, tickets for Seattle's three major sports teams (Seahawks, Mari ners ami Sonics). Oregon State. Portland State and University of Portland athletic events, the Portland Winlerhawks and Sc attle Thunderbirds bin key teams and Tacoma Stars soccer club are available Tickets to concerts, theater and arts events in Portland and Seattle are also available at the lJniversily Tit ketmaster "Tickets lor Oregon athletic events t an lie purchased at all Ticketmaster outlets through out the state," Holsapple said. "Wo ran help fans purchase tickets for World Wrestling Federation when it's in Port land or Seattle, the Yakima Sun kings of the Continental Bas ketball Association anti hot air balloon flights anti rafting trips. It's really an outstanding pro gram.” The Oregon ticket office is open H a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and Saturdays of Oregon homo foot ball games. Meed a break? Check out the EMTERTAIMMEMT section in the ODE classifieds. Golfers get 4th at tournament Tht; Oregon women's golf ! e ii m finish o ti I o u r t h \V u ii n i’s (I 11 y a t l Ii e QFO/lhianfeldt Invitational in Redmond, Wash. Arizona won the overall team race, cruising to a three-round total ol 899 at the Suhulee Country Club. The Ducks finished fourth with u 949 card. Arizona teammates Annika Sorenstam and Deb bie Parks took the top two individual places, respec tively. Sorenstam’s final score of 211 was good for first, and Parks' 221 got her second place. Leigh Hornung was the top golfer for the Ducks, fin ishing at sixth with a 228. Other Oregon finishers in cluded Shannon Maier and Starla Yamada tied at 26th with a 242 each, Beth Manczak at 29th with a 244, Karly Mills at 43rd with a 249, and Oregon individual Bocca Ciersdorf at 50th with u 253.