SPORTS Women’s big three to chase victory By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Sports Reporter Women's cross country coach Tom Hcinonon won't mind one bit If his top runners fall behind at this weekend’s Jeff Drunth Memorial in Alton Baker Park. Hcinonon, whose team is cur rently ranked fourth nationally, said his team needs to get use to playing catch-up, and will get their chance this weekend. "This moot will give our top runners a chance to chase peo ple," he said, referring to ex Oregon standout Liz Wilson and 19H8 NCAA 10.000-inetor champion Sylvia Mosqueda, who will fie competing as indi vidual entries at the meet. Oregon’s "big three," - Lucy Nusrala, Lisa Karnopp and Ni cole Woodward - dominated ihe firs! two moots of the sou son First, thoy swept the top three places at the Emerald City Invitational, and thon took throe of the top four places de spite a talented field at the Stanford Invitational two weeks Uf-O "In past races, we’ve flouted to the front after the first mile and gone basically unchalleng ed for the rest of the race,” Heinonon said "This weekend, our runners will got chal lenged." Besides the two post-colle giate runners, the Ducks should have no problem holding off the rest of the field that in cludes Washington and Dart mouth. "This is a low key meet to gel es ready for the l’a< 10 meet," said Woodward, who finished second .it the Emerald City Invitational and fourth at Stanford In addition, this meet was important as tar us looking ahead to the Par 10 meet to he held Nov 2 at Stanford. Hoinonen said "This moot will go a long way toward tolling who goes to the Par-10 meet." he said The top lour spaces seem to bo set u r e d h y N us r a 1 a . Karnopp. Woodward and ju nior 'Carol Holmen Freshman Jenna Carlson, who was the fifth Duck finisher in both moots this season, should fill one ol the remaining three spots "Jenna has run consistently well this year," said Heinonen Carlson said she feels a little pressure about this weekend's Turn to Women. Page 13 MEET INFO, Both tho Oregon men's and women's cross country teams will compote in the Jeff Drenth Memorial Satur day at Alton Baker Bark The meet, sponsored t>v the Oregon Track Club will start at 10 am with a Kids' Kilometer race, which will he followed by an open ll kilometer run at 10:30 The 5-kilometer women's invitational will begin at 11:15. Among the runners com peting in litis race are ex-Or egon star Liz Wilson and Sylvia Mosqueda. They will be joined tty teams from Dartmouth, Washington, Bortlund, Port land State, Western Oregon State and Central Oregon Community College. Noon marks the start of tiie men's tt-kilomoter race Four ranked teams will also he showcased in tho men's meet, including the 3rd-ranked Ducks. Iftlli ranked Washington, l(>th ranked Portland, and 17th ranked Dartmouth. The meet originated back in H(H() when it was culled the Oregon Truck Club-Lm erald Valley Invitational. In I'.UUi, the name was changed to tilt, Jeff Drenlh Memorial to honor distance runner Jeff Drouth wdio died that year. BUY usru SILL USE D I HAT'S COOL I 258 E.13TH 0 342-7975 Bfw ultd cd« lapti r*tOnil Just in: Soundgarden Bad Motorfinger Runners trying to maintain rank By Dave Charbonneau Emerald S|>orts Reporter Thu third-ranked Oregon men's t russ country team will attempt to turn away another handful of ranked teams this weekend at the H,000-meter Joff Drenth Memorial at Kugene's Alton Baker Park Three weeks ago, the Ducks cruised past then No :) Texas, No. 15 VVebor State and No 17 Washington to take the team ti tle at the Mountain West Dies sic in Missoula. Mont. This Saturday, the men will face Washington 115), Portland (10). and Dartmouth (17) among others as they prepare for the Pacific-10 Conference meet in two weeks "This meet should be a good challenge lor us and a good in dication of where we are right now," Coach Bill Dellinger said. "The first seven (finish ers) m the meet will probably be the ones that go to the Puc 10 meet for us." it looks as if the top three spots are secured hy seniors Pat Mu I lor (who finished third in Montana) and Colin Dalton (sixth), and sophomore Andy Maris (ninth) I'hu others competing tor tire remainder of the spots include juniors lye Van Schoiack, Shannon Lernora, Alan Roster, Rick Mustier and Tim (ulinn. and soptiomore Colev Can dnole Oregon is currently ranked third nationally behind Arkun sas and Iowa St.ite and should lie tin' favorites at the Par: 10 meet Tenth-ranked Arizona and Washington were the only other Pac-10 teams to garner votes in tliis week's top-20 poll In lire meet last your, Oregon won the team title over Wash irigton Dalton led the way for the Ducks with a second-place finish, and Haller was sixth Maris, Mustier and l.amoru all finished in tlie top 20 Also parlir ipatlng in the meet will be Oregon Interna tional's Karl Van Calc ar and Mike Bilyou and Club North west's Adam l.eahy. ii iv *ocn noA avmanv VISTA VOLUNTEERING IS A GREAT WAY TO START A CAREER Ask VISTA representative Simon Connor about one-year literacy, drug-prevention, homeless assistance and other projects nationwide Oct. 16-18 9a.m.-5 p.m. Information Booth, Main Lobby, INFORMATION SESSION 7 p.m.-9p.m. Student Union or call (206)553-4975 Volunteers In Service To America • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • IAYOUT • OESIGN • CONSUITATION • CAMERA • •ii'/Hl < t HH M# A.f* >H •> N<> ’* i4(S 4’W 1 ‘ ‘ M t Mother Kali’s Books Celebrating Women's Lives In All(\ir [diversities women »>t color Jewish women kshutm «j,iy men Fwyurwfi wckotnr! 2001 Franklin IMvd #5 Eugene. 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