Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
body worker is brought in to
provide massages
Local restaurants donate food
so there are always refresh
ments at the club, and Penman
said she picks up flowers ear h
week "so the place looks fes
The Lane County AIDS Hos
pico Services Inc . a communi
ty non-profit corporation, cre
ated the Acorn Club in May
I'inancial support for the
club comes from donations to
the Lane County AIDS Hospice
The club is run on a drop-in
basis and about 15 people at
tend each meeting, Penman
Kedfield said the club serves
a dual purpose It gives people
who are HIV-positive "some
thing to come out of the house
for" and provides u needed
break to care-givers who may
be "totally run-down." Red
field said.
Willamette AIDS Council ed
m ation am! outreai h coordina
tor Doug DeVVitt said the Acorn
Club provides psychological
; an? for members, which is )ust
as important as medical care
There is a major bias to HIV
and people who are HIV-posi
tive." DeWitt said "The Acorn
Club is a safe place to lie and
talk and avoid all this awful
stuff directed at people with
Lane County AIDS Hospice
Services’ agenda includes the
creation of an Acorn House,
Redfield said The proposed
specialized living facility will
house five to 10 people who are
in the advanced stages of AIDS
and who are unable to care for
themselves Also welcome will
lie those who are homeless or
whose family and friends can
no longer adequately meet their
care needs
Acorn House will be staffed
by health care professionals
who will be trained to provide
24-hour care to meet all of the
needs of people with AIDS
Red field said Lane County
AIDS Hospice Services >t<iIf .»rf
now writing for grants from jin
vatu, corporate ami federal
sources to fund the house
Once .1 person is found to tie
HIV positive, fio or she can
never get beyond the harsh re
ality of the disease, Hubert said
“It's constantly on your
mind," Robert said "livery
thing you do is colored by it
and everything you say is col
ored by it AIDS is awful I've
lived with knowing that some
day I'm probably going to get
sick with a terminal illness
However, services like the
Acorn (flub have provided
( omfort to people who are HIV
positive, Kol>ert said
"AIDS is a verv intense iiis
ease which brings about very
intense emotions," he said "A
non-threatening place can he
good, even a healing tool The
Acorn Club was a very non
threatening thing for me to la
come Involved with
For more information about
tlie Acorn Club, call Heather .it
687-2 Viift
Continued from Page 1
"Should there hi; a chal
lenge to tin; University's
speech code, more weight will
probably he given to the Ore
gon Constitution than to the
federal Constitution."
Dave Fidanque, associate
director of the ACLIJ in Ore
gon. said that the University’s
speech code may indeed be
"The University of Oregon
code is unconstitutional, or
part of it. I think at least some
members of the administra
tion ure aware of that," he
in Section 19 of the Student
Conduct Code, the University
prohibits harassment on Uni
versity property or at Univer
sity-sponsored or supervised
activities on the basis of race,
color, gender, national origin,
age, religion, marital status,
disability, veteran status or
sexual orientation
Section 19B prohibits hate
speech in the following cir
cumstances "Specifically in
sulting another person in his
or her immediate presence
with abusive words or ges
tures when a reasonable per
son would expect that such
act would cause emotional
distress or provoke a violent
Fidanque said it is this por
tion of Section 19 that may be
"it's fine for the University
to prohibit students from in
tentionally provoking a fight,
but they can't prohibit all
conduct that might be consid
ered offensive.” lie said
Peter Swan, a University
law school professor and legal
aff.lirs assistant to President
Myles Brand, said the speech
code is constitutional.
"I've taken great care, and
made many revisions to make
sure it is in accordance with
till! stale and federal constitu
tions," he said,
Fidanque said that universi
ties should use education, not
punishment, to stop hate
"The attempts to punish
those kind of statements can
make it more difficult to root
it out, because it just guts
driven further underground,”
ho said.
l l)i1 i s Sinter I'nivemily Profi t will
have a general meeting tonightt at ‘» in I Ml
laintury Room K l-all fc*HM0J6 for more
I he Fluency Su|»|Mil1 (in>up meet* eivi-ry
; . c »day for pe<>p|« who stutter New
member* and drop in* welcome Hm group
mm-ts from 4 to ?> 30 p.m at the Umvenwi
::n 4] Services. '*>1 : l 3tit Ave Room
H>1 t .»ll H& lAHt for more information
FMt> Hoard of Director* House
t ormmttew will meet tonight at 1 'he
hvofil (charge Review (ommilUMJ will meet
today from J to <> M) p m in tin: KSH Hoard
R< ,.m C-ui 1 34«> 3 720 for more information
OSPIRC Niliunal To»i«« (.u»» Root*
Pnifw t meeting will uke plat e tonight at
in the KMl Cedar Room C (‘all MB 4 »/ '
lor more information
OPSIRC Toy Salrty Project will meet
•. night at A in EMU Suite One Call
I4rt 4177 for more information
Amnesty International general meeting
will take plate tonight at 7 u) m KMl
CntUi Room 1. ( all i)«i 4*K) for more
Pre law Society general meeting will be
lonight at 7 Hi In EMU Ban Under Room
(a»ii 14 J 1070 for more information
Sew* Department meeting for KVAl. ha*
been canceled FutU/a meeting* will uke
plot* on Tue*«iay* at 7 p tn in 21A Allen
(ali »4«> 4«nji for moro information
OSPIRC Recycling Propa t group meeting
will be tonight at A W) in EMU Suite One
( all MB 4t/7 for moro information
Support Rally for Pruinwur Anita Mill
will uae place today at l H> p m in die
EMU Courtyard
Blood Drive* mi.i '.I i r ; *■ • lay fr ,;i Jo
4 m in l Mi p rn m ifw* KMl Kir Room tail
»44 14«*» (<tf rn-ifw inhumation
Sli«»* SUiuK*-niml tSoikdmp ». .no
jil.n o tonight at 7 in th« KM I' Cunriwuod
k‘ i-rn i4.1 J4f> 3718 fur mum mforrna' n
Health i4M* forum w ii take i.v e t : ghl
4t 7 .10 in tha KMlMaple K >m ( all
4M4 fiM'»4 for mom information
Health * are informalurn table wi. 1 • --et
up in the KMU laibby today from I 1 a rn to
1 p m Cali 454 rwi’,4 f;>j mum infnrr iti• n
Halli (Mini i)ait« e Swing Workshop w.:i
:.iko pi* u tonight at n 30 tn 210 (ieilirtgor
Pol it ms tW lh*? Am ir*r»t Koiewl is the l> ,
of 4 program taking j*U« n tonight at ’ 30 at
■.ho K i.i\4!volt Middle St h *>il i «jute (la 74th
Avunu# and Hi!yard Street The program is
sponsored by die Sierra Qub
Holding for ihr following i timpani**
takes plat r t day through Wednesday in
744 Hendricks
(iu’vron ( Corporation
W al Mart ( orporalion
Walla- e ( ornputwr M»rvii«s. In*
h 4 J (alio Winery
Great Western l.ife Iniuram e (j>
K rito lay. l;u
*s orlli wo stern Mutual lufe
CD ROM Tutorial I* SYCI.IT
(psychology, l.earn to um the library's
computerised daud’uv.t to fmd information
in {>iychology 'Die tutorial will take plate
today at i p rn tn the reference department
of the knight library
Prate* gathering will lake plat e tonight at
rt at the Wheeler House. 9US Alder St All
\t . lenls are invited fur singing, bible study,
prayer and refreshments Sponsored by
Restoration Gampus Ministry
Tta Cfljni Stab
Just 2 blocks
West of campus
539 E. 13th
M-F 8:30-7
Sat. 10-4
D-v. • C P- . P-- ■ ■■
f{ ^('(v fJin no < t f * ttxc /0(1 f{t' e/ii>
Silva Concert hall, Hult Center ♦ Eugene
Monday Novemoer 4 • 8 00 pm
SI / l><I (SI.I !■ " .T-, ■! ... ■[',) ■ iMIult I IS. „
Oftu f *v »!■.<nil ■ >ijf;. -T-. i i. ji i- ‘iy f t > .n.-r.fi/ ?*»' i
Goo/ge s now album Summer n now available
on IP candle and CD
f't« • jv* j vn U; if ujf *i)'
Fof L )• L >\jt >’v t** t>'' »"
uJ-.i jT ■ f • r •• • • 1
ffK*. IT •• .
C Of “ **f ’
()re£on Diiily
T’.«» Daily f p.*> s'h*5 ikv > Mi - *K»y j"1 I r»!■**> •-> • ’*» v * *•*
«;x* T «*«-<*.»> a**! Thi.-iwi.iy during vm * • &y • *» •- Vog > [).« y l
i ,) lc. at Urvvfxvry of Onpgon, I oger*) Oogon
f ’ DpM'x'i'w. ,Klop4»ntJ«K'tfy 0< t?v«* I t# •;v«»<V’*> V’* < **s -x -u MO o* W'«*
I ft> Mflr'O1' <\i Uhon and «. a fw,*Jw of lh» As*** Prm?>
I*‘« ( rnofaMl * private p/opurty IN» urta*K> ‘umovm o• uM» of pope'* pro&4*;uliit>»u
t?y «m
I dttor to Chief Chrtetophec tllair
Managing t dflor
l ddorual I ditor
Graphic* I ditor
l n<*M*inm*n( Editor
AaaocUt* l dRor*
) ill Mil u.n
Gathai DonJete
l ay<*» l nfco^ih
r unur
1 ditorul l ditor
toWH f drtor
Night (_ ditor
Don IHiuvi
Cfvn Bounett
Community H®n« 0®C*<' Student Govarnmanl Acliwrti#» Iroppe
High®* ( ducatiorv Administration C®rn® Ooniwtt
H®port®rs Tammy Baluy OnvHl Ch®*fcoon®<m l)**nn<* I G®*t>i ho®pp*ng. K«*sl®n
l uciu, l Mfr®Qi>n. Mop* NoAmon. Colleen T\>w«g
Pho!ograph®rt J*rw H«wt»n. Arid'® Han***'
Advertising J«*vi Rreukyy JiaKI Of*'®. I f ■*>. B/«a»n Kiihum. lom l mict'. I »4i Nq
Handan Hmy Cat^n*® Hoyte. M.ry Sandedon. i ryn SchamaH. T«r« Surratt. Vcko Totxn
Sharon Viu'
Classified P®ggy McGmr Manager Kevin Aiewwman. AJan Curt». Sh«*.W* lorw/o
lluiinni KaJfiy CnutKX'm. Supervisor Aaty ConnoPy
Pro dud ion Ingrd Wh*t®. Production Coontmafor Jenrxfar Archer Sarah Ciartc J*m I >nch.
C-onne f '*» Krialme Grang**. Susan Heed JennMor Hi/oy Jim fcAv-on. l>«**i Mc<k>Ot>. Stacy
Mrtchefl. Matt Monn. Jonr lw Mo*and. Dor Mona, Jennifer Smith Ann® Stepheraoo, lixkJ
General Manager Judy Hted»
Advertising Director Bryan ft Coppalge
Nswerooni W6-S511
Boeineee Office 146 5512
Production Manager M «»«>Hi»s
Display Adverllamg 346 3/12
Classified Advertising 346 4143
We have a
sales position
The Oregon Daily Emerald is now taking applications for
a position on our display advertising sales staff.
Applicants should have a minimum of 3 hours per day to
spend selling retail display space to an established client
list. The position requires use ol a car and the applicant
must be a full time U of O Student. Previous sales
experience is a plus.
Please apply today for this position by picking up an
application at suite 300 EMU. The closing date is
Wednesday, Oct 10 at 5 pm.
Oregon Daily
I hr Orrjjoft Kmcrwld h »n n/uitl opportunity employer
Voila! . . . Your new dream home! If you like It, I can
get a crew mixing wood fibers and saliva as early as