SPORTS Ducks lose more starters to injuries By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Editor Just when the Oregon foot hall injury situation was at its worst, it got worse. Starting quarterback Danny O’Noil.'s first season came to on early end Tuesday as Oregon couch Rich Brooks announced ,1 right-thumb injury would sideline the redshirt freshman for the remainder of the season Also, starting defensive end Matt LaBounty will miss the next three weeks because of ar throscopic surgery on his left knee Tuesday. O'Neil suffered the injury early in Oregon's t> win over New Mexico State last Satur day, hut stayed in for the entire first half. “Livery lime I threw the ball," O'Neil said after Sat urdav, "I looked down, and (the thumb) was out, so I put it hack in." Team surgeons tiet ided sur gery would he needed next week to place a pin between the two hones to ensure the hand heals properly O'Neil passed for 71 :t yards and seven tout hdowns in his five games as a starter tor the Ducks. Junior Brett Salisbury, side lined after hernia surgery until two weeks ago, will start Satur day at l!Uh-rankud California Salisbury played all ol the set ond half against New Mexico State, and has completed 10 of 15 passes lur l.i'l yarns .mil two touchdowns in his two games this year. Salisbury s.iid iiftor the New Mexico win he is prepared lor his first start "Definitely." he said Satur day. "I've got to be ready to play." Brooks said Wednesday that tliis is what Salisbury has been waiting lor all y ear. "I think this is the opportuni ty he's been looking for." he said. "Now he's the starter, and it is his opportunity to show everybody how good he can be.”' What yvas thought to Ik; only a in inor knee injury to LaBounlv instead required ar throscopic surgery on his left knee Tuesday The senior suf fered a slight curtilage tear and strained ligaments in his left knee Saturday, putting him out for three weeks. LaBounty, Oregon's career leader in sucks, started 2‘) con secutive games on the Ducks' defensive line. Sophomore Cary Williams will start in his place at California LaBounty is the second mem ber of Oregon's starting defen sive line to be sidelined. Senior end Jeff Cummins may miss the rest of the season with a foot in jury he suffered during Ore gon's second game. More bad news came Ore gon's way Tuesday us starting outside linebacker Ernest Jones suffered a knee injury in prac tice and was unable to finish drills. The extent of the injury and Jones' status for Saturday's contest will not be determined until later this week Back from the ranks of the in jured are linebackers Jon Far well, Terrell Edwards and John Tauinoopuau, starting free safe ty Eric Castle, and starting cen ter Greg Phillips. Sophomore tailback Sean Burwell will play Saturday in his first start since the second week of the season J Junior Brett Salisbury will finally get a chance to start at quarterback on Saturday against California He replaces the injured Danny O Neil Glasses/Coil tacts/Exnnis Complete lab on premises tor /as/ serv ice rainbow optics 343-3333 »X' 1 I Uh \\ f I ih;i ih’ i >ni- !>Uh k trinn l nt l ' I :iv |'.irkmg m h.n k I lours \1 I Smi K|'!ii Sit Sim >pm ' !»v\;. •r Help us r>.".jtn a !>y puttiny !ho ( fill " when you person !< > re,i(l Pass it on. (please) ; n cnssful f('« y. ling on t .impus t\)on Daily t me fa id ba< k in its ongm-ii » ! uMcJmg it This wiii illow <«fwhiff .I'Hhor t>© • visily pn M*d up for recycling Student Line It you want to meet all your banking needs enroll at Weserve I 1*iist Interstate Bank ot (tre^on. We have a s|x*cial package designed to help students make it through those trying college years tin- Student Line Account. It has all tin products and services you need: Checking Account with no minimum balance. Write up to Li checks a month tor one low monthly fee. And cash your personal checks at over 1.100 First Interstate offices in 21 states and the I fist net of Columbia. First Interstate Bancartl. (let upto$200ca>h every day at I fay A Nijjht ’leilers* throughout hirst Interstate territory and at 25,000CIRRI S’ auto mated tellers across the I IS. and Canada VISA’ eligibility. Kven it you have no credit his tory. you may still quality for a student VISA*, so you can lietler manage your expenses. Student Loans. Il paying for school is a con rn n, we can ht-lp you with a student loan Student loans allow you to borrow money for college and not Ix'ynn paying it back until after you graduate. So for all your kinking needs from a checking ac count to a student loan graduate to First Interstate 1 kink University Branch 1380 Villard 465 5945 Two Day & Night Teller Machines also available at Kaufman's 840 E 13th 18th and Oak Branch 95 18th Ave E 465 5849 First Interstate Bank