Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Survival Canter general in
tcrust mooting will taka place
tonight at 7 in the EMU Ben
l.imlcr Room
Asklcpnids mooting will take
place tonight at 7:30 in EMU
Century Kcxmi 1)
National Student Exchange
orientation mooting will take
place today at 4 in EMU Cen
tury Room A
Christian Science organiza
tion mooting will take place to
night from f>:30 to 7 10 in EMU
Cedar Room A
Student Projects Inc.. Board
of Directors will meet tonight
from 5 to 6:30 in EMU Century
Room C.
Latin American Support
Committee will meet tonight a!
f> in EMU Century Room 1)
I'RSSA will meet tonight at
T> 30 In 214 Allen
Mortar Board will moot to
night from 5 :t() to 6:30 in EMU
Cedar Room C
Hnldemnr Velaquez from the
Farm Organizing Committee
will moot tonight at 7 in the
EMU Eir Room
GTFF general membership
meeting will lake plato today at
noon in EMU Century Room D
Call 244-OH32 for more infor
^ ■ i
|TICKETS $10 U of 0 Students. $12 General Public, available!
i EMU Mam Desk Face the Music, Record Garden CD \
Health care information ta
bio will bo wt up in the EMU
lobby today from 11 a m to 1
p m
CD-ROM tutorial Meiiline
(medicine) Learn to use the li
brary's computerized database;
to find information in medi
cine. The tutorial will begin to
day at 2:30 p m in the refer
ence area of the library. Call
340-2300 for more information.
CD-ROM Tutorial: Science
Citation Index. Learn to use the
library's computerized database
to find information in general
sciences. The tutorial will be
gin at 10:30 a m tixiay in the
reference area of the Science Li
Career Planning and Place
mi'nl orientation sessions will
take place today from it 30 to
4 30 p in. in 23H Hundrii ks
I.ectionnry Bible Study will
take place today from 12:30 to
130 p.m at the Wesley Foun
dation, 1230 Kincaid St. Every
one is welcome The study will
be led by Cam pus I’aslor Janet
Deadline for submitting El a/s
to the Emerald front desk. EMU
Suite tint), is noon the day be
fore publication. Et a/s run the
day of the event unless the
event takes place Ire fore noon.
Notices of events with a do
nation or admission charge will
not be accepted. Campus
events and those scheduled
nearest the publication date
will be given priority The Em
erald reserves the right to edit
notices lor grammar and style.
SAIF president slams
Ethics Commission
President Stan Long said
Wednesday he’s disgusted with
the state Ethics Commission's
just-ended investigation of him
And he ( ailed his chief ac
cuser state Sen Crutlan
Kerens of Eugene a "two-hit
politician" and a "political i ar
toon who goes around attac king
"This is the most dismaying
set of events in my professional
life," Long told a group of re
porters he invited to his office
Long's comments came a da\
after the commission, under
pressure from Attorney General
Dave Frohnmayer, ended its in
quire into whether Long misled
Provactive. Brilliant.
The Content of
Our Character
pres-td by ikuht tlun fc racism, and to a generatxn alter the Wans nit' and passage
d the Civil Rights Act of l%4. i's tine lit Nads to kii tvyonl then voirm/aturi
and rely in lieu dTons to gam access to tie Anencan mainstream
In hnlliain, n»nmg pnse, Seek illuneutos tie origins it the unllia in race tela
tens today the aercase in anger, mistnet, and evai veiaet between Nads and
w lutes. With ijielel and persuasive arguntnis, he slows us how htfi Nad and wtutr
Antncais have lexeme trapped mo seeing exit before character, anJ lees social
[tilicies desigtcd to lessen racial dilTeratcs have instead made than greater
The CoKcrt of Our Chir<iier is neither "IJvral" ret ‘cOMOvaive", Nil an
hum, uuragaus hi at Ant real s's meat endunng are! wrenching aual lilcm
"Slocfc lias given eiivjuai voice to pinful truths that are akiea always left urtspv
ken in the nation's oruimscntvd puNic discourse cn race.”
- - New Ytrk Times
"(Stock's) skill unpins with to d James Raldv. m. Ridianl Wright, ti Frrd
end Douglass."
A New Vision of R.e.r in America
H\ Slielbv Steele
In. after twenty-five years of legal change and chhng prcjudiu:, arc
Nads were ofl Utlay? In this aiunveiual oikxun d essays,
award winning wnter Shelby Stock claims to Nads arc more i^>
- Chaigo Tribune
13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7 30 6 Sat 10 00 6
lawmakers about SAIF's fin.in
dal health.
Long, who has denied the al
legation, said the Lillies Com
mission earlier ignored advice
from state lawyers that the in
vestigation was illegal. He said
the six-month investigation tar
nished his reputation and un
derse.ored the need to possibly
revamp the way the ethic s pan
el does business
"I think the Lillies Commis
sion wrongly sees their job as
being able to 'get someone,'
he said "I’m not the first one
who feels bruised and abused
by this process "
The SAIL chief also said he’s
not ruling out the possibility of
suing the Lillies Commission.
Frohnmayor, a close friend of
Long’s, appeared before the
commission Tuesday to warn
the panel that its case against
Long was legally insufficient
and could leave the commis
sion open to being sued.
The commission voted -1 to
take no further action on
Kerens’ allegation that Long
tried to make SAIF look like a
monev-loser to build pressure
on legislators to overhaul work
ers’ compensation laws last
Long, at his Wednesday
meeting with reporters, said the
complaint Kerens tiled against
him was politically motivated
because Kerens opposed the
new workers’ compensation
laws backed by SAIL
’I would prefer that the com
mission stay out of political de
hates," Long said. "What I ob
ject to is the government using
its investigative powers to re
spond to nonsense."
Long said Kerens and special
interests such as chiropractors
who oppose the new workers'
compensation laws raised bo
gus issues with the Lthics Com
mission to try to damage SAIF’s
For his part, Kerens said ho
wouldn’t respond directly to
Long’s characterizing him as a
"two-bit politician" and a "po
litical cartoon.”
However, the Eugene Demo
crat said the Investigative pow
ers of the Lthics Commission
need to bo strengthened, not
curtailed us Long suggested.
Kerens also said that Long
had continued to misrepresent
SAIF's finances to legislators as
recently us this spring.