Bobby Lee PROGRAM Continued from Page 1 Brand said It Is Impossible to expect one office to conduct formal investigations of dis crimination charges and still try to promote cultural diversi ty and understanding Ho said that a dix entrnlized plan will institutionalize af firmative action by making more offices and administrators accountable, and at the same time frees Wong's office to fo cus on education One critic of the dei ontral ized model is Bobby Lee, AStJO affirmative action coor dinator. "Whut this university is try ing to do is institutionalize the affirmative action office/' ho said "Decentralizing is not institutionalizing " Leo said he believes the of fice is being restructured be cause of a lack of leadership by Diane Wong "I don't think she is effective at dealing with affirmative ac lion, but no one is willing to talk about It." he said Leo cited the office's loss last year of grievance officer Marga ret Wolfe and the resignation of Assistant Director Ron Sinecure as example* of Wong's poor leadership. "The University is losing good people because of poor leadership,” he said He said the problem is not that the University is unaware of affirmative action policies, but that it is ineffective in en forcing them. Loo said he believes dividing the responsibility for affirma tive action will result In "tre mendous chaos," and that stu dents will suffer the most "That is why I am speaking out ubout this," ho said "Be cause students at largo are at risk duo to one person's lack of leadership” Wong could not be reached for comment. Jano DoGidio, dean of stu dents, said it is too soon to tell how the new affirmative action mrxlel will work, or how much of an additional strain it will put on her office. "I do think it has a better chance to reach out to more people this way,” she said. "I think people really want this to work, so there has been a lot of discussion about how they can make it work.” ondering how to set up a computer system that's perfect for your needs7 Then you won't want to miss this important event! "“COMPUTER FAIRI AliHu COMPUTER SHOPPE, OCTOBER 7 ■ 12 W /V\lTAC MPC 2386E DESKTOP COMPUTER • 386HX/2I • 2 Mey HAW • 10f) Meg Hard Drive • Super V (jA Vider■ (1024 » 768) • m i,.a Radiation Super VGA coloi monitor 28mm dot pilch • Mil lo-.' M Wm I- I H with mouse Educ Discount Price $1995.00 ,n Insihi mi nin MICROLASER PLUS AND MICROLASER TURBO • g ppm small loolpnnl laser • HP 1 asm Jet II compatible • Posi-,1 iipi 11 or 36 font Optional • Appletalk RS232, HS422 Optional Tttit>o extras • Dual pirn essor f ully automatic deter.lion ot Input and mode Educ Discount Price $1199.00 Z INI IN MASTERSPORT 386SL • 386SI • 6 8 lbs • 2 Meg HAM • 60 Meg Hard Drive • VGA LCD -a teen • Microsol! Windows 3 0 | Educ. Discount Price $3399.00 * MANY, MANY MORE SYSTEMS! TOP BRAND HARDWARE & SOFTWARE ■MICROSOFT ■ LOTUS ■ DISKETTES AND DISK HOLDERS ■COMPUTER FURNITURE ■MAC AND IBM ACCESSORIES ■SERVICE AND REPAIRS - IBM & MAC ^ NO MONEY DOWN! ★ NO INTEREST! EASY PA YMENT PLAN! Especially at C lub Wash. IEere's a deli. A bijj y arn r\ . Video juries. Irv the new Club Wash. IXvin^ vour laundry vs ill never lv the sime. «o 13th + Patterson *- 342-1727 Rackets & Balls r* at the UO Bookstore LETTER PERFECT Graphics CONVENIENT, FAST & AFFORDABLE U'V typeset rcu