UNIVERSITY Residents reminded to think safety By Colleen Pohlig Emerald Reporter In n collaborative effort bv University Housing and tin* Of fine of Public Safety to run crime in residence halls, dorm residents received notices in their mail boxes lost Saturday concerning security and safety in the dorms The brightly colored memo detailed what precautions resi dents should take to ensure their safety and security A few of the tips are to lock room doors at night and not to prop open locked building doors, or open them for strangers Precautions like these are in eluded in other pamphlets and literature the residents receive when they arrive fall term However, University Housing felt the need to emphasize some of the potential problems "We figured that the rest dents had so much to read and go through when they arrived that we wanted to remind them .ifter they were here for u un qualifs INMIKM \ll<>\ I \BI I -/ nme talk In a rtcruttrr Vs eHI77 l\l l< '__ • TYPLSfTTIMG • PASTLUP • • LAYOUT • Hi SIGN • • CONSUL T A T ION • CAMtfU • i.i6 -MM 1 MJNDCRUND "TiiSiV 5th STM ET 5C video PUBLIC MARKEi OOWTOWmiXltN! 683-8464 Fa VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY RIVER PUZA . u, THY n DANCiNO CAI Pv Pvti>5N! ff Sf'fr AVVv tt<> (~'t>nc> t-t ♦ itlC Silva Concert hall, Hult Center ♦ Eugene Monday. November 4 • 8 00 pm $ 11 Reserved ($ M Studonts/Somors) of Mult Center Box Office arid usual outlets Charge By Phono 687 6000 Georges ne»v album, Suuum It now available on IP. couotto and CD Pteoso tom us in Supporting tooct for lono County by tmiirjiiSij O cionotw >r> of t onrv* i food to th© COT*C©ft _ ()rt'gon I Kul\ p a BOX HM, EUGENE, OREGON *7403 |h«i (W»yon Drtity l mu/(«1 n tl.i y MnfuJay !' J>' \ f*i«*y Uonng tfw - " ** y*M,- ainj ! HfiMtay •••.-> t>y " *» Onnjon Da y I • i ’ Co l?n al th« UnivtKvty of Ooyo»' I i\}***> Of**gon I ' *» ( fTWakJ Op«E/rt! »#. ! r Ejf Ik V*>'’. !y A ' '' tr. ;»• . .1 ■ ■ «• l 't! W«n' '1,1. 1>-M •’•• a/*! % a ' h A. .. . »••*! D-u-.-. I'm I rnwit*] 'S p' .Jlo P';^m»!y Dai ia IM wmi Ol p.lpn'S p'w-**' ’.»! <> Editor in Chn*l Chnniophuf BUnr Managing t di!or ( ditortal \ dllOf Graphic* l ddor f ntaitainmant Editor Associate f ditor* J’u! M.I..UJ1 l XlM J»*ff Pti-> >ty l l t aflor l diianal I ditor I drtor Niyht t ditor I ! t * . ** Don Jakii Hf*Q Do- f'otort. Community fin •» i •- > IiUMwin uov*mm*ni Acuvnm* t > > Higher l due at ion Adminlafrattan .»■ * -•» H*f iOf tor » I *»■'? ' y I r oy l > i.«J < ^a.'tXK'r »M / I 4. I . / > ’ 11 * 1. 1 •*»>' 1 ►•**»-. •, ► l ... .f . I \.» M -mg.r t fc •,*» Ht*l .**n POM g Photogr«ipn«M» J.m*i l > A/«)'u Ha< *>< AdvoMivtng Jitatfi Hf«»l*«y **»>'! l).v » l «*-.*» f i P* r ■ I ■■■ *’■ t I i , Haml- M "f : • «t Hoy;** M.vy .vrd*»' •> I 'V ' * »'!. I»»m ■ V - *-■ 1 .Srwi/on Vtu Cl«#*rt»«d Pogyy Mc:C. K«vi»' A,,-,.. • .« A « *’ «»• •« - • Bo a in •• a Kathy Oa/ho- *» •f.^venir Judy Connoc-y Production |nyr*l Prtxiuct**' .i.w m* 'ur A'. * «» -H* i < ** f*,/ if *j«»' • .-ui1 M<». i! I**' ’ '«»r H* ,«»y J>' ■' Mil I ***» t.i t ■ '.>('»? 1 f M' ' i. Mat! M. •' )*# •• W H -.L«! I *• H o'.-. .*»• A n W ■• '* General Manager J >■ 1 y H t*i Advertising Director i:'r.t M - N(f«t»roo«n 146-5511 Oftico 146 551? PfOn Marvagei m Advertising 346-3/1? Classified Advertising 346 4 Ml THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON i Tw < kV .’Ik. r