| EiyiU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS AT THE EMU BALLROOM THURSDAY OCTOBER 10 OOORS OPEN AT 8, SHOW AT 8 TO m I TICKETS $10 U of 0 Students, $12 Genera; Public available lot EMU Main Desk Face the Music, Record Garden, CD World FAST FAST FAST FAST INTRODUCING 7 HR. FILM DEVELOPING AT THE UO BOOKSTORE Everything is I ASI these days...fast food, hast cars. So why wait lor your pictures to come back from a $Lnv photo lab? (Air photo experts will prixess your him in 1 hour using the Kixiak (dolorwatch system for guaranteed quality. You'll get big 4” prints on Kixlak paper, with FAST service, just the way you like it! S W I \\ I III I'HIS COl HOV I HOUR LAB COUPON Oil 24 l.»|»NUV ()11< M> ( \4»* |uni film. I - |nuts ( *Nnun ivily ) * >.J«I Midi ■ . d>i i4ln ! \im' inmiw . • «n • VAI KjfMW IJTIi & KINCAID M-F 7:30-6 SAT 104 3464331 CouMrty photo Phish, whoso sound is described as a mixture ot jazz, reggae, ralypso, rock and funk, will play at WOW Hall Thursday. The group s show includes the use ol trampolines and acrobatics. Go Phish in the Ballroom By Mike Freeman f "iixaid Contributor Thi \ 're back That band will) tin: unique name, the unique style and eer tainly the unique show has re turned [or a performance in the i.MU Ballroom Thursday at Ball) p m 1‘hlsh, who made its last ap pearance in hugene at WOW Hall to a sold-out crowd, has be. ome known not onh for its wonderfully multi-faceted mu sit, but its uncanny onstage performance l)es> ribed as almost carnival like, i’hish breaks all the rules by employing the use of tram polines and carefully t railed acrobatic s while playing gui tars. As additionally acrobatic as the band's onstage hi jinks is the music, whit li has been tie scribed as rot k and roll w ith heavy jazz influences, reggae and calypso tinges and a touch of hard hitting funk or some combination thereof "The hand writes composi tions that juxtapose different styles in ways you wouldn't ex pect," said I’hish manager John I’aluska 'i'he band lias claimed infill enccs from Frank Zappa. Duke Ellington, Lori Zepplin and igor Stravinsky But what kind of style might one rail the lowdown sound of a vacuum cleaner? Yus, it scums that drummer |on Fishman von turns out from behind his drums and express es himself in truly a moving fashion with trombone and vacuum cleaner solos. Now that's talent. Flush spawns from the wa ters of Burlington, Vt., and has traveled up and down the East ern musical stream, gaining a following from many of the Eastern colleges and universi ties Only recently has the hand gained wider popularity on the West Coast in places like San Francisco, Santa Cruz and hurt; in Eugene. "The hand's audience is a bit more homogeneous now than we hope for in a year from now,” said Paluskn. Dialogue is currently under way with a major record label for a possible contract. And that agreement < ould ultimately lead to more widespread expo sure. So, before Flush goes out into the mainstream (get it/), the hand br< kens everyone to cast an ear out for their sound. 1991 nbined Fund J>f Drive i :an#aic;n kic koff Rhcieition * cjerlinger lounge Thursday, October 10 10:00-11:30 P.M. Al.l UO DEPARTMENT C. OORIMN'ATORS ARE INVITED A>k vour department he.id how you can j>et involved. It s important. For information about the 1991 combined fund drive, call Sherrie McArthur Burton at 6-5024. 1W1 Oregon state Lttiployccs t ombineil haul l hive OIFK'I OF I.IUs: \:|VI AND CoMMl'NITY Ril ATIOMS l MVI.KSrPr OK OKI (,ON