‘Colgate' controversy not over yet By Kirsten Lucas Emerald Reporter Mike Colson, who became in famous in last year's "Col gato"scandal that ultimately led to his ouster front student gov ernment, says he was the vic - tim of an unjust ASUO investi gation and wants to see blame directed whore he believes it belongs. "This entire thing has been a big sham,"Colson said "They owe me an apology " Colson, who was found re sponsible by the ASIJO last year of altering the minutes of a January Incidental Fee Commit tee meeting, was voted out of the 1FC and subsequently lost his bid for the ASIJO presiden cy. Colson maintains his inno cence and has presented the ASUO with a complaint alleg ing that former IFC secretary Lydia Lerma altered not only the Jan .tlminutes but also the minutes of other meetings. Lerma filed the original com plaint with the ASIJO, asking that the problem of the altered minutes be looked into She was elected to an IFC seat last spring and is now the chair woman. Lerma changed the al tered minutes in May by delet ing a line that had been added She said she made the change only after she was given per mission by 1090-9 1 ASUO president Kirk Hailey. Ironic ally, the information Colson has presented to the ASUO comes directly from the ASUO investigation docu ments, which were released in compliance with an order from the Attorney General Colson's complaint relies pri marily on what he says are dis crepancies In the dates of com puter entries and inconsistent interviewing procedures all of which Lerma considers in substantial technicalities "We never followed any set procedure on public rec unis." Lerma said. "It wasn't a formal situation. He can go on about the technicalities of it ii he wants, but that's just the way things wore done." Lerma believes that Colson is simply trying to drag her down While Lerma believes the ASUO's original investigation was sound, she said she empu thi/.os with Colson's situation. "With what he had at stake. IMINDERIAND - 5th STREET (Jp) 5C video PUBLIC MARKET ~ V UCU turNlJOlMi GAMtS 683.8464 X'Zl. VIDEO ADVENTURE \ VALLEY RIVER PLAZA 4" . Twrrr you\l iim rr South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 ,jj Student rates Near Campus fus behavior is thoroughly un derstandable," Lorma said "I'm sore this isn't going to be the last wo hear from him." she said Colson, who is frustrated with the AM.'O s inaction on Ins 3-month-old complaint, af firmed that expix tation "I am close on the verge of taking this thing into a real court of law,'' Colson said “1 have no qualms about doing that because 1 know that the iiv idenee is on mv side A St JO Affirmative Action Coordinator Bobby [.or. who vs,is involved in llir original in vestigiltlon. said the ASIA) lias born strolling to initiate an in vestigation into Colson's coin plaint over since it was re coivnd "I told Bobby Loo tiiat if you're going to another Investi gation like this you should bring in outside authorities.’ Colson said "And they better get some guidelines Lydia Lerma Mike Colson ondering how to set up a computer system that's perfect for your needs? Then you won't want to miss thb important event! “‘COMPUTER FAIR! If AT THE EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE, OCTOBER 7 ■ 12 §F Ask Bri^g°Ut #supfav! td00^eS s •'KSX—'S \eflAS _i /VIlT/lC MPC 2386E DESKTOP COMPUTER • ■. • .-f • M*■ ; KAf,* • Mt , H i■ : , • , • , i a . ]. . ; . • 14 ,v I ■ piled: v'( iA r .’Hmin .lot ; nt( h • Mi- t< ft W- ■ ■ ! • .v •. ' ': • ■ • • Educ Discount Price $1995.00 MICROLASER PLUS AND MICROLASER TURBO • I j,[-ft > ‘.it i ' ■ • t ;. r t f 11 l.l'.ur • HP I t• ;H II "i i' I • P ,( , n ;■! ' f t‘. * ■ it I 1 ; ■ ' i.li • Ap| Mi.lll" I- P'-l. . f >i>! .ll TutbO exltil: • Dual i-i f uily uuloinalu ilHn.linn ul input and niudu Educ Discount Price $1199.00 ZtNITH MASTERSPORT 386SL 18SSI 2 M»mj HAM VGA LCD Simon t. H lbs 60 Mug IbifcJ Dnvu Mu f l ■1. I! Wli ■* L /.1 30 Educ Discount Price $3399 00 m ) 7, • MANY, MANY MUHt i>Tbl tlVlO! TOP BRAND HARDWARE & SOFTWARE ■ MICROSOFT ■ LOTUS ■ DISKETTES AND DISK HOLDERS ■COMPUTER FURNITURE ■ MAC AND IBM ACCESSORIES ■SERVICE AND REPAIRS • IBM & MAC NO MONEY DOWN! EASY PA YMENT PLAN! A Division of the wmt: v