Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS ">xS a SOI I) Advertise any item undrr $500 (or 5 days II the item(s) doesn't sell, call vis at Ur.-no. and vs i'll run live ad jn additional 5 d.iv s al-nluliU I 111 I !! To Place. Cancel or q ya £ AO AO Correct your ad call 00€ POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE 300 ENU UO BOOKSTORE DEADLINES LINE ADS one busim-v, fjay < |. DISPLAY AOS !.v business 4141 i,r sfo{ f , !?»«• I ......... . on ■ • - { MU REFUNDS COPY ACCEPTANCE ERRORS .id1 Reiiori *Jver lOO BWTHDAY-QREETiNGS HAPPY 21 AIRHEAD! Wall my litUe Chicfcle Monkey. you ; Imally mad* It legal Henry a com : mg to dinner, perhaps Jon* also ' don't b# latat l ova, the Peart St Diacuit aaaa 105 PERSONALS AZ Jonru and A..1fton, <\ good lop to tw^kioy Ww H rmsa you1 l Ov®. Yoor 5m&I«ks IIKA KWi •A ml R A ro< n th« h«y might U» Kvn Ju<»o l 105 PERSONALS Ln" AY TKanka for tha fun last Saturday night Lat a do tt again? Lovi, Trl Datta LX Iharvfcfc lor tha» graffiti party Ka*ipa Dafta Km Cong'irt uU*Ux»t on your p*rvwng. VA'Kifc'.a and Pa W« you t’*« tMWM o' kM> and !h« rwppitt&t of ,:rr^A n youf Mu'o tuynTa* Wlh k.*v« YOuf S*iom m Cf* 0"**ya ft(H! XH xTi.. I h»n*a lor lha aiudy c>ial«< l at a do i a^awr X*4 110 LOST & FOUNO Found young, farnala taht»y ILr •• i R( WARD t o- • gn»v *’ *u *••!!«►»' * f.M A * ,m : --.i' IMt- & IJrvirwrvfy attid F’W»a-ui .ti Us t r. yt. /»»# W',% 115 TYPING SERVICES 344-4510 (jt ai rr n v*(>k(i i’K um « 11 m imxm *rra-iv n» t v ris i yi \p4.mlntl I AM H IKi.Vl tN«, 605 E. 13th Printed text to c Js C A NN E R Si 7474589 UTOfmUotM *1 iirtV.-:.i-I T^VHTW ( A HOI v V A 344 0 * H INN - CHAD S( M< t A PPM* vt t> . .... , i •• . ' ON CAMPUS' ( HI AI i V{ I YPt & Dl SIGN typ>''t ijwii>gl ak»ur Pfg _Call Tom at b&* 6’93_ I AGl I t Yi TYPING I DIT iNG Ojs%4*rta’m./' •vt.xHM-: | t) p ‘HJ 4tt4 ttj I ic alien! lyfXbl . «» I ’ . ' P«*<30y • iyp»«g <►" IBM • ; '.» ■ * •• <»'»! .»• «•' P' fU*a&onat)*j fa!***. Call Paggy at 342-4868 PHOfISSIONAl TYPING A ui *i>nl pfOtuv. ng **>•.»>£ I r«x» Honda. U »S • «* >*ior .»• ryi-'v ■ • g An. ..-.re » *• ti«« , ~ • . • • !»■ n*n & frvidv Hoaanv* i U4 5 .ilud H jou Irvoaire B*)g 120 TUTORING FRt NCM Of ITALIAN 'tr.so's A ! \ > >g 1 f»l hr q Naif pnoB 345 1t3?. Ji» f'r .an* A group s»:«*.. a: wrvwi* Spanish. natrva s;«im»' from Span lutunng private Wesson* <*• •. luvois I ronswi.’KVi* f r*g lo Sp. Sp to l r>y Nil! I. 34? ?514 ■ m i 120 TUTORING English tutoring C«f i-urt •xpononcaid Fill ,S1 instructor ,,>■ » «, U‘, 4 ■ '_ 125 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATION Wednesday, October 9 4:30 pm - 6 30 pm Hoorn 185 Computing Csntsr Basic Mac ir tosh Operations ___ tor Viohn instructor • «-«;•«! for r>*. 9 yoar o« (>«'i a *l/> ovstwym do FOR SALE MSC A "must ess" formal dining room set Solid oak 70*44 labia, Two 18 leaves, four Windsor chairs, two piece buffst A hutch, sncassd txrv»i«d glass doors, and s*tra glass tSOOO W 1672 Dorm si/• refrigerator *or « t • 4 *,M1 ' ■ ■ • . Dorm fridge Avanti-17, walnut ] finish Just chargsd 870 Matt 4A4 406B Drafting chair A.- • .omfcyt. /."-i I* i . icmost n*«* VftivjB 8.*t>\ w *^ii !,->r U.*C pfXJtG p.ip*y A 8‘ *;<»' ! 8 l‘> 34,? JT '? I icallsnc# 55 I w»tnc with T*on f li Mttuw cxxxJition 8'5 345 3735 FOH SALE ttf P« ,t , ' TV. ■**3 1 ynar 8’ ’0 344* «TU1, Vacuum claansr, 855 Toshiba stereo (cassstts, CD). 8300 Sounds gr.at’ 14;’ 381 7 Matching swrvel ■ m *u*' m» .. 8'.•*> h >-■ burn '\n 8-KK 8*>C ?,r. to? MUST Sill1 JVC Al i Q5 lur^tat u S‘- 1 ti'ny M. , ‘ a' u p 81 • .1*1*0 ^ • g s .■ -v «i V ‘i It-, oh a •mom $1S Conootounc 836 a?at <.o«0*»*v» phone 8*‘V) 145 £X Over 200 drawings A paintings by J Bump Display Sals Saturday A Sunday, Oct. 1? A 13 Ridgewood Apts . »4? F ittth. No 7_ Queen si/s waterbed win ■.I* and 2 of 81?0oCjo tm * 44{.t tleclnc calculator. 8'5 4ft4 455? 1M BUY OR TRADE its OK to rattle tambour ms* ft S. . ** 1:. v 1 CO I’ •» A M 140 PITS ! wo frwa cat* These strays r^oud • usporu. '!mi a' hj k)v>t\q txyr*** C. an: •••wO' l MW mosjwjge 683 t>30b us CARSTRUCKS BMW ?002 Sunroof AM1 M craurfui MU'ttO Win miimtiiined rti.10 U*-« v>txj Charles 689 9500 | 1885 VW GOt f 4 door*. «i' | condfliontng. radio i 3,000 m.es j comiu»n 5!) 100 GOVERN Ml NT SI l/l D Vahrclas from $100 Fords Marcadas CorvaMaa Chavya Surplus Buyara Gut da (1) 805 962 6000 1st S 8642 HELP reduce my parent^: d4rfx 81 Renault le Cur. 78,000 m*k* $850 343 4/19 1983 Rabbit GTI b fcptajd. Sunroof, AM i W CttNstrflu. rvtm t00 34 M 100, 34fe 11 3/ 1976 A Ha Romso 56.000 rrviuy cuim puff conaion. it*e rtuw 668 5996 or stop try 1800 Lakewood No 179 $5950_ PRELUDE 83 Honda, rmw sty**' b speed power sun roof, spun seats 4 speaker AMT M cassette stereo. *o*J down bac* seat. ml wipers, toother touch coot rots Good tires' 3b r^PQ $bi 90 obo Caff Kevin. t-»4 V?4 3 ly ^SC2 __ 145 CARS TRUCKS $300 obo, 1974 Datsnn B-210 Good mileage 343-7365 ‘73 VW Camper. 35.000 on raburil •nQtna S*nk. tnd$«. P°P top. va^y c*«n rum wr«Nt (?500 060 Dave 663 9‘>4? 'll Chevy van. 350 4 bar** t*< - n«. no* prwfly tml * gprwi! ha • *' Run* qx*<1 M At w (650'Obo 61 Me/de p*tk up. rH*¥> top r*m ■ -,r »nd b'awj*, Re> Good gill. m.Me.3-41 I’VXoOo 344 6669 '79 VW DASHER taw* t.ru* and tvaxu* 7B.000 rr-rt**, Somnd owrKtr Hun* pood (1?00 Kay, 344 6fl?G 64 Nt»»*n Stan/a AMT M cav. u power window AC, rww tr*n&m moWU#' Hi/"'.* great (3000 344 756? 89 ttorxli Civic SI red. ?4.000 imiirt Son foot. t*M, Ulp0 alarm, r\0W liras In *»*<: ei x*nt cond/t *un %H'JOC \>tx> 345 0005 ISO MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda Elite SEX WAX ■* : J*! CVW of th* cx*.«- .• f ,;<* you'll got i»3»n ycx. buy my rod 1 H»«da f id•• D'» ■«» v* UixxAttr Vv ■•SO bRMll'tf i$5 BICYCLES Cannondaia Hoad H> M * k>»0 b'Huv. M.t « hi.!a 345 5469 V-t.)0 Moiobecana to fcjxJ L -• ’• i -.i I-:"' 24 10 *p**d. good (35 ?' ’? sp euii $ * ?5 Paul 666 4-*C Mountain bike, k 1 S’ • *.■ V ... a ’ /•,' *»* ( Oftvo, UO y*>4.‘ 90 Cannondala. 1H M 4 M S4».; Great fchapo V'.‘3 345 4ot>7 ICS COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Kaypro ? Cofnpt/tar, V. D' ” »*? xt««d SV5 344 ix 4 1 Word p#oca*aor-:*x.r I'- WtO *»# r-.r-' >' koyhoard, pnnti I ».U H4W J' "*> l "*•' fjs't tvi4 4 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Sony CD Playar ? mo o*d S' 35*>bO 346 6134 kMva 'r^aap Powerful okl Sanyo n* •»-»!*' airman#/ Will c vo 300 w.»" sp**axte'x A. necessary input*. (40 c*X) JVC hyper bae»& boom bo* 5 adfUxMbte L Q. mala typo capably CD jai A*. AM t M 4tvswti« l >M4 *m#w Six; otx) Can Kevin 344 574j. ty msq 1»$ TRAVEL Sydney $499* Maxatlan Frankfurt Tokyo Bangkok $1*S* l««4* $**f 'Al fart coitt Ih*ti Kwtf.1 an *ut»r ’Mt mr atttuo arij *•*»* mantel* ««#• Council Travd nSSW Mcnmor *600. Klttand. O* 97SDS «* S’.cJi-t* • 0 < o-j 0 v, S *4 i7S INSTRUMENTS DRUMS, S p««» T 68fr i S46 i»s TRAVEL “El Capitan” UO Outdoor Program presents on* cX th0 best climbing Mm* wvor m.*x« WwcJnwMlay. Oc! 9 #* i?30 pm m M. .'-" ? \ 1 Ml I 3-If. 4 u «, Traveling Soon? Apply for a credf! card Fly anywhere in I he USA for >180last Cat! TOOAY!! 485-8839. Looking for rid# lo San f ranosco on 1?1h. 13th or Min of Octobor Will srmre g.u> 4rtS 2365 205 OPPORTUNITIES Applicationa and poartion daacnp<»ona lor ASUO Program Tag pos fona are now available in tn« ASUO F xacuiv* Office. EMU. Sole a Apphwiioo deadline ts October 10, 1991 al5O0pm Ih« A:,IK) r& an Affirmative Action \ qua: Oppof*.»r-|y t np».-■><♦/ Know Bafor# You Go,'’ wbera lo work, live and aki fraa in Colorado a raaoria Current Guid# to Aspen, Vatl. Brackenridga and more' >16 95 Call 1-600-788 61 74. Student Projects, Inc has 2 open sort! on it* Board of Directors' This non profit Siucfcxil business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff m th« operation of Footnotes note ! fixing wordprocess-ng resume amp .tv drtliiLxvMi arvj FAX services I Board mo«»ts a minimum of 2 times a month. member* recurve a stipend Students only Women minorities, phys.iui.iy challenged and gays and .i- s encouraged to apply m Sola 4 or Hoorn 21B. I MU App*» a:tons due October 21, 1991 by 5 p m !---!-;-1 Australia and New Zealand 7h# URini«tw Adventure! Spend W-’iUK lt»fm ' y-.rj playing m ' i» s ,nS» - ^ a XJ Ut Down Under W' m” ta« ••g. fOCk catmt».rvg. Dungy jumping. DacKpacK»ng, horsetHiot nd«ng, ; »‘kenrtg. Srgf!-**. ng A mc>fM Thi*, spec i ty (los.g'unj student package cx>fnt>*n»6 cultural IV»aM*r*S Slatting vi .it> M’v« to 24K w1h iMvtti DeneMv Toapp’y 303-441-2455 Extension 9A BLUE LAKE RESORT Nordic sm portion rr'mis. *****otn, Iran grooming. sax*?* patrol Non smoA»t Weekends and Christmas holiday p*«oU 1 WS6t .'1 t ARN MONEY Heading V30.000V income potential Owl a is l*.;1 8000 «»! Y 964? Experience Eugerw • miww^i slate of If1** an piasma center Call *>83 9430 and w« ' lull you how to h*#>p yourself and others tipenenceti ifcctomcs Techn.aen JoD requirements include 1) Repairing and carbraiirtg electronic and e*oaro mechanical equipment (this includes trouDie-ehooting analog ar*J d-griai U'Ojflry io the component teve, 2) Conslructmg one of a kind saentihc msirumonts 3) Modifying tending equpment 4) kAuniaunmg pnnters and personal computer* IS 20 hrs fewuk $/ 00^w Musi tw « IX) or ICC ■JiAtent If interested. contact Dave Brumbtey. Institute of Neurueoorx** a! 346a MG 210 HELP WANTED GET \ WIRED!\ fe V T he rww student radio station nNdi you! (5) Student Representatives (2) Community-at-Large Advisors to FM 68 I s Board of Directors Pick up job descriptions and applications in the ASUO, Suita 4 EMU Deadline is 5 p m., Oct 11th An AA EO ampiovar Woman, bi sexuals, people of color, gays, lesbians. & disabled persons are all encouraged to apply| Help wanted Door checker, 6lh Sue© Griil Friday and Saturday nights Mjs txi ?1 or older 465 2961, Kurt or Colin OVERSEAS JOBS $900-S2000Ano Summer, yr round, all countries. ai t'ekls f re© nfo Write UC. 1*0 B> 52 0RC3, Corona Dei Mar, CA 92625 Pari time salesperson wanted foi hngsris store Weeker>ds, soma evenings. $5 SO hour Joe, 729-3718. RESOURCE DFVElOPMt NT MARKETING COORDINATOR OF EUGENE GOOD SAMARITAN COMMUNITY Seeking a Ftosource Development 'Marketing Coordinator, to plan end implement marketing and fund raeung strategies 1 he qualified candidate should have ©*uelien! organizational. wrfflen and verbal communication skills, proven success n motivating volunteers, and a w'Hingnees to work with prospective nrsxJonts and personalty solicit major ckK>or prospects Minimum of B S Degree in Marketing Business Administration. Communications or related fields l xpenence In major fund raising activities desired SerxJ resume, roiurences and salary requirements to f *©cu1ive Director, Eugene Good Samaritan Community, 3500 Mi yard St . Eugene, OfT 97405 Responsible and reliable Work Study students wanted to read tor visually '•i.aired students, $S/hr 546-3211 A: >AP I f>e Survive! Center is looking k>r a coordinator k>r tfie 91 92 school year Stipend av (liable Pick up an application m Suite 1 ot U*» EMU I or more into. can 346 4356 A application* due Fn. Oct 11fh FOE Wanted Articulate. effective math tutor for high school seniors in calculus Contact Ed or Phil at 687 9068 wmamette Hass Ski Corporation is now accepting applications for employment at the ski area. Full and part time positions in all departments are available. Applications will be accepted at 471/z W. 29th, Eugene through Oct. 9th. EOE. 220 HOUSES FOR RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS Chirming 5 bdrm, 2 bath hom». 1697 Orchard St. Hecentfy remodeled with refrigerator, stove, mcfowrave. wu&herAjryer in a gr»**l neighborhood $1096 Ask about our Move In Special! 343 6000 Selected New Guitars Up to 50% Off Our List Price Sony, rvo traces accepted or tns otter Coupon expires Od 31,1991 Music city 210 E. 17th (at Pearl) EUGENE, OR. L LIMITED TO STOCK Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Th£N 7Hf ■ H* THIRD QUARTER ' ?£, I HITHftWlM ' ON TWm. /5 FORA SHORi PICKUP Of MHAT? / iOUVEB&N TAUOMS ABOUT kxvbau hjp A 50UPHAI F HOUR' PONT yOUUMT 70 mxusoMf THIN6 ABOUT MB’ 50/5 THATA BUACH CHECK' J060K \ WHAT? \ 2V/