Lawmakers propose dividing California in two SACKAMKNTO (Ai’J Fifty years ago. it was tho proposed state of Jefferson. In the l!)7()s, it was Alta California Now a group of disgruntled officials wants to create a new state of Northern California with plenty of rod woods, mountains, and wator hut rela tively few people "The current form of govern rnent in California does not work for rural and suburban counties," Assemblyman Stan Statham, K Redding, said at a Capitol news conference Mon day. Disgruntled northern reps asking for their own state Statham, Hanked try supervl sure from five small northern California counties, asked all r>8 counties to put an advisory question on the Juno l'W2 bal lot His question "Should Cali fornla ire divided into two slates?" If enough voters agree, he said he would sponsor a bill in the Legislature to make the split. His pn>|>osal would have to ire approved by tiro Urgislatunr, which is dominated by south ern California lawmakers who would tear losing wmer irom thn north Tho U S Congress would also have to approve the change Statham released a map that he stressed was only a proposal for a state of Northern Califor nia with 27 rural counties mostly north of Sacramento His state would have a popula tion of 2 2 million, out of Cali fornia’s HO million, and an area of 55.0(K) square miles, about a third of the state. The 27 counties are mostly rural ones with the largest cit # SELnate ?8 H i ** f ./ > <1 I »« A • i • : * 33 H * »M 1*1 J 9 M * ^ L * * 2 » * i»* • ' 4 t » ft n t t ’• * li .i 1* >, *» * * r i I »! 4 • 9 IB «B IJL'/IIT J 0 K Y 0 • *• H * H I. II h '& »♦ f 1 U »l I. «B ft '. »l * • 1 ’ * - • . I *4 «■• » | «*./ ' 4r * ’ * J-*.‘*4’i + Vt* :. r f , i > j •» * .* :*/ n n j i * *!>• t - *f t «"I1 Ji'MAAJf til t * 4rt If • • .‘a tt jt* * r< *.i •• ; sj W rtfctt<•** » •«*♦! (ilDllllU **S» »t ftr*y Tf I i no U7 ?1» rr , f I ‘lAff, It . MOD ® S4G4 »'f* . n • i i a m s r»■ m it ante t**# MJ S * Mr* M OMk* f* 51 lit 1 BOO \U 7?4! Cf » ICS [icing o ci III u rvuau wnu 112,000 people, Vallejo with 103,000, Redding with 65,000 and Napa with 56,000. The state would Include Lake Tahoe, the North Coast rod woods, the northern Sierra Ne vada, the Trinity Alps, Lassen Peak and Mount Shasta and the huge reservoirs of Oroville Lake and Shasta Lake. "It's time to admit the pres ent system will never, never work in tho best Interests of ru ral California," Statham said. "Frankly, with California's population distribution. North ern California has no chance of getting lair or equal representa tion." There have been several pre viously unsuccessful proposals to divide California. The latest was n 1978 bill by Son Barry Keene, D-Vallejo, that would have created an "Alta California" north of the Tehachapi Mountains. South ern Californians tried unsuc cessfully to divide the state in 1852, 1859 and 1907 and north ern Californians in 1941 and 1905. The 1941 attempt was an ef fort to join several northern California counties with south ern Oregon counterparts to form a now state to lie called Jefferson. Cottage Grove man found guilty on 19 abuse counts EUGENE (Al’l — A Cottage Grove man was convicted Mon day on 19 counts of child abuse in a plea bargain that lot him avoid a trial for injuries that left his 7-yoar-old daughter in a coma Philip Leo Kephart, 27, was to have gone on trial Thursday on charges of causing severe brain injuries to Stephanie Am ber Moss. She is being cared for at a Eugene nursing home. A stepdaughter, 9-year-old Amanda Courturier, also was injured in the boatings, which began in Juno 1989, and contin If you want to meet all your banking needs, enroll at We serve U First Interstate Bank of Oregon We have a special package designed to help students make it through those trying college years—the StudentLine Account It has all the products and services you need Checking Account with no minimum balance. Write up to 12 checks a month for one low monthly fee And cash your personal checks at First Interstate offices throughout the West and around the country First Interstate Bancard. Get cash from your account at First Interstate s free Day & Night Teller' machines throughout First Inter state Territory Or use CIRRUS', Exchange' or VISA automated teller machines all across the country (for a small fee) ^udont Uo« VISA Eligibility Even if you have no credit history, you may still qualify for a student VISA', so you can better manage your expenses Student Loans. 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Videotaped statements by Amanda and by Kephart’s wife, Lisa Kephart, may be intro duced us ovidence during Kephart's sentencing Nov. 18. according to court records. Harderoad said no decision has been made about whether to charge Lisa Kephart in any of the Incidents. Kephart was held in the Lane County (ail under $320,000 se curity after his arrest March 25. Fteriyaki ALLEY Japanese Udon $5.00 Teriyaki Chicken $2.75 Yakisoba- Large $3.50 Noodles Small $2.50 Chicken- Large $3.50 Curry Small $2.50 Buy one & Get a Free Pop Located in between Jabberwocky \ CardS & Gifts 1306 Hllyard Sushi $2.50 Subway and