UNIVERSITY AVENUE WHERE STUDENTS SAVE When it comes to saving money, every little bit helps. And at Fred Meyer you can save every day. So why wait fora sale” Mm rail fill vour medicine cabinet or stock up the shower for less, anytime you want. We've taken the guesswork out of saving, on health and l>eauty products. By bringing you lower prices every day. the end result merely lieeomes a lesson in how to spend those extra nickels and dimes. Suhv <• Huircart* Products ) 0/ Styling Mousse 16 07 Shamjxx) or (’ondittoner. 11 o/ Styling Spray, or t or Styling Gel M\'f nt<>ut!h t< get a side o/ guacamolc u ith your nuchas 1.49 i h..i.. Mermen 2 2’) 0/ Speed Stick or 1 ’> o/ Speed Stick All Siellts N.U I' ' •j-u.'Ji In pul -ujirrn gtis instead of regular unleadt'd speed stick 4for$5 Ymtr < holer Colgate Toothpaste 6.4 oz or 7 oz tube Five formulas and flavors iSAVE enough for two scoops instead of one 1.50 12 Excedrin Tablets , 200m«. Advil Tablets, or 10 Tylenol Extra Strength Tablets I SAVE enough tv park your ear 90 minutes inste of 30 minutes.) Your I hou r TAHTAH f**n*>. Fred Meyer 3333 West 11th Avenue in Eugene • Prices good Monday, October 7 through Sunday, October 13,1991* Open until 10PM every day Kachofthe*- jdv.-rt.M-ii .tvm* sruM f r. ;»di!v .1* .ulabU-for >ai»- .»• or Mo* ihr .uh.-rt:^ r .n u "• Krwi M. ..-r •' '<• • • !'f 'i" ’ 1 ' !