Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS SxS s SOI !) Advertise any item under $**00 for 5 day*. If the itrm(*) doesn't sell, call us at 34 d.i\ s absolute!) I l< I I ! ? _ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 IQS PERSONALS Swamp stomp • tori' l ooii out U ot O, T ho Board's hsvs Rsturnsd? A TO Climbing tho butts wrHh you guys mas * graat way to start tho Msakand Noit timo. ms II stay tor sunsstB KA AAA K£2 CONOR A TUI ATIONS Trt Dolt Tammy and Phi Pal Tom on your pinning Boat luck to you in tfvo tutors l ova. Your Sistars A/. Jt»n D You Snow mo *<» t> A yt> - a avt knoar my wrw uryt M J*»y n«ght' Hugs. YBS A/ Tonight s ths night, gat psychod to saa Mho I am l ova. Y B S A-M Wa nsvsr thought polyattar could look so good' Thanks, ! ! I Cor>gratulalions to our F, Pladga Class MiSk B I or*y t Gabo G Mark G l rm K N.Yo N at m m ill fStfo Brian I r"a W VO B IN I han* you lor escorting us to the g*ma Us! weekend! K.\ ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING 110 LOST 3. FOUND found friendly, older, ' an r **.r ?!-,! K ffc yard ijtt? tmw 34.' Mr 9 m TYPING SERVICES ~ 747 4560 }i?0I'o»h«bi«j •} - 344-4510 QUALITY C word pHoci ssing i cis u a • II { r \* ISM I ....'I"' ht>> 1 \ Mh A 344 0/W. HOHIN CHAD St Mt ■ l Af’l’MOVl D . >«*.i " • ' d : * * I • : \ . • ON CAMPUS' 1 AGl f l >( 1 YPtNt. EDITING fVy t»» ;-*s *»! W» *.«»/ f ' 0 ■ .'O . •*, i , ; 484 /59fl I Kcellenl typ*tt. ' . . , «■ f Of prompt yr’VH u C.iii Rwt'y. {**.'3: »M5 m 4 115 TYPING SERVICES EicaMant typist, n .ra'o and r©t-.i? •» F {jr prompt WKVX.® cm Ruby ■' *>03) ifJV3n< __ P»ggy * Typing Sarvica l *p.o—.y«. H4 n- n TYPING UNLIMITED Uartoara land l a*ar Prmtar 4fl*» 3143 F ixmiv'f h> a'.urt B i rUMi’n li*• j i?o TUTORING ~ FHtNCH o/ FT At IAN .r A ^ i v* t*mo half p#.« i* 345 '1 V. J pf?wi!« A >;■ a ra! i*> .i w»vt*s Spanish, a iml*. *»*■' * *»'*J tutor.ng F^-u w 746 5? 76 A-.* U Ins O' pfeasa Wan* a mo&MQ* i?5 INSTRUCTION Violin Instructor iwx&tati lor ' r>Q 9 yuu (Ml 64W 4965, ovarvtgi no FOR SALE MrSC Architactura Stodants* Mayt>na *» «1 Board.. $75 Gnip? './tvxiS"* Aici1 46i* Cu< f4.T.i''0 at 686 0?»4 DAY lit 0, WOO cond >i*on \' ?5 o t> < 9* 3 4 V.* r. Dorm n/a rafrigarator Ux »> Drafting chair A . .• t ■ / J » p' ’o .•>' A ih«»'r .i • S' S!,jr)®nt do1 » S *'■ 34.' 31 ' Mac. with printer, mouse, keyboard. $800 Vacuum cleaner, S'.S Toshiba stereo (caseette. CD), $300 3423817 MOVING MUST Si'll l>»*■•*• S "4 $'*> f/ t>-«» aso $3‘> M ad , , «w bo%l of,t>r .3 &;*»•«.! C>*K<» $ ISWKGttV* * ■"' u»b‘ *>! OOCKS Q \Amtn wo bud *dh har*5,r>«V Otto-' Mv .r';.' borU oflor 8 u)-. ' $ • S«to t m.*. ; -.-ttfMHi' $. 4.' '• *'*d ‘•.» '-«* *' u»«J cf a '• $' ‘*3 boo*. i“-»' V !*;> Ik-. .i-«. VH IV V.N $. W* •« .i-r i - ..*i« 4 % "> fix*, rex • ■! t)u Cursewitt !,x*J ; •■> o $.‘j I •> ‘ V y P*VH $v*C Queemi/e eraterbed. a. mtftrau. rrwrorttd btMKJboanT, ondr* dr»rva*r ;<■ *w*ch $.>*»0 34? .'4 » a"»»' *> p m [ teclric calculator, $ ‘ *> 4 84 4':'-. Wetsuit r >' ' " . **r*l .uxot (ho,*! art iK.rmd) iSnfae.? 1 • ■ ,j V ; As $’ : u;, BUY OR TRADE ft a OK to rattle tambourines H S- 0 or 1 $ h •» A M •' up PETS I wo tree cats !?*►%« ays '****0 '«* 5pans us CARS/TRUCKS GOVERN Ml NT SEIZED Vehicles from $100 lords Merced#* Cor vettes Chevy* Surplus Duyara Guide (t; 80S 962 8000 1 *1 S 9(>42 1983 Rabbit GTI ! I ■ | M* tr US f.i s yi'»< K«.t*On $3300 34S 1100, 346 113?_ 19/6 Atta Romeo ‘>n . V Seized cart, » • 4*fhtw,**»rs • i.uv-nii'. by I Bl. IKS Dl A Ava ! usCARSTRUCKS II MW 200?. Sunroof. AMI M cninoti# *. tvtta W*#a ’d«vr»ed n o UiXXHObo Gna'-ov 689 9500 S300 obo, 1974 Dalsun B-210 Good mileage 343-7365. 1074 J»#p CJ5 Nww' l '»*■ ' S 10S7 Cbavy Sprint. 4 docY 'V. m V -hOO 34 4 >, 48 PRELUDE 83 Honda. n*m \*yW< *.• spread. pow sun fool. spon S4*.i’s 4 tp«Mik*»r AMf M fc'ie'llC, >0*) O * bock 5imi!. mi * pwrs lo - n aonJro*» Good I MO’.' -5 mpg V ,1 >»'■ -V-i (• ■, 344 * >4-* % ~y; 73 VW Campar, 36 000 on rwf>...■ » »><• gine Sin*. tfidg®. pop top Vtt^y C •**V\ • •¥»# S." ■ ' oOo Davo. 683 9M? 7 7 Chavy cargo van, 354 barren o g.f*». not {yttfiy Pt4 a Q'oat NiuHk Mur* great Must •.*. J-r SOtod© 81 Mazda pek up, now top. now 1 '(*•., and b Mi# apn* Good gas ffu*«wtgn bOO-Aobo 344 6^189 '81 Subaru Gt. AW 1 W cassia':*. If i . 346 1164 or 484 12? 7 iso MOTQRCYCLESSCOQTERS Honda Elite 80 cc, 1985. *.*» f.«w. red, $£?6 345 1100. 346 113? St X WAX *».'"* - j'.'v; f g«4 a* >■ i yo *; ;y ny »**.’ * '*«. Mi *'a { ;.i [u .hi 150 v » '«*' Li' 1984 Honda A#ro 125 l >.»* r>*m V«. •, >w m 4i*i D •’ * - >t>o Do rt! 74.’ 5 9) 1SS BICYCLES Canrtondala Hoad H »o 21 2i -t>i. MvJK>40 traMM K4.i i .i f ' a*J .< "i Good ocKKJ- 7793 74 10 apaad, pood 1m l.pK ’MIco J ib 21" 1? r>p, u»i *> i*1 ■? cor*?' * | _ Mountain txk*. k .« Sh.m.i' goa* ‘.fvitl, -■ u • *• 060 Lki*». 68 J 9642 u 5 COMPUTERS ELECTRONS ~ Atari 520 SI * ’h p*'•* a *? ' *•* tf«s O' y $460 To?.* oo&* 1. <*4.‘ 4 71 Compaq Computer (-4 > MAM . Mi- HO *. 7V c •> Vi‘- ot>o 683-4362 _ HP 28S i*:..* *-«! • •• .** Umvut *Kl S '*• 1 896 4229__ _ Hi* 4?S calculator * *‘.t‘**«ar -*> A S • .1 4rxJ pr >j'.i mgntrili $/S 343-2891_ Kay pro 2 Computer. 64K. V. a1 fl.'S >44 8049 Itka rv«»«A), P' • «*' i M2 oh*.?-. !-, ;«** • * " 8K ' '.**■ a "■*» ' '> 4>! MliKi'iilU U • • il' vi*t> 3600 iP<«»? >1700) 34? H87 Plua 4 com put ar. a-o' ar. d‘sk iJ' «■** - Word procaaaof A • • -»a PVVVH.M • • M>>!•- -ml » «f l -Mi in* S' '• ..V Mi ' 8449 op SOUND SYSTEMS BiiHUiiiKl DRUMS, *» {>«*:« Tama Impwr «' Sift' / ■ k j;n Cy" 5nil. o i (<♦ >«rM cxyxJ:! on 195 TRAVEL FREE TRAVEL- Air courvor* and cn/soships Students a%o needed Christmas. Spnng, and Summon ky A" .Ao/Tx>m F*ty* p-rrymonl Ca tv.,\ M 7SS5 I *t f MSI TrsvafinQ Soon? Apply for a cradrt card fly anywhara in tha USA lor Hfl&lasa Call TODAY" 485 8639 205 OPPORTUNITIES ■ — ■ i ■■ ■■■■ i Hass piayar singar - » '^g lof wor* •ng roc* band Rush. Mr Rg ji.aiens'ycJi ara » 'lienees 34 3 6B58mag Know Bafcra You Go, ahaia to work, Uva and ski fraa in Colorado s rasorts Currant Guida to A-ipan, Vail, Brackanridga and mora1 |16 95 Call 1-800 788 €1 74 This is Big Groal now in,\ >«»v* opp I v f.rm. vu%i 'turn markups Ja(>anaaa, Horvg Kong •todanta asp ancouragad. I am UO ■ ludont S0.1 74/ 7SG7 ?iO HELP WASTED Activists’ Student Campa-yn lor Disarmament seeks co cvociors lor 91 12 school yoor Shpond or w >'*. S'.L#dy ava.-u»h*e Job description and appkuation on SCD de»» :. . ‘o i I MU f or more in formal ton call 346 4?4B or 343 8769 EOC AIRLINE r* w see* .’’Q Sluder is and graduates lo tni many entry tovo* positions .:an g v» a"y ronga lo ?4K * ih iravoJ benefits* lo app.‘y 303-441-2455 Extension 9A w a nt ad C* i f nday u O Saturday n,ghts M s! Chi ?1 Of 0**W 4«‘> ?961. Kurt Of C-Oi-n EARN MONEY Reading books' i'KV-.Oyr moo- •» [ Va s (B0*>) 96? {COO. «*! Y 964? DOCUMf NT ANAl YST .student pOS ' v>' ; needed V.X thti { MIC C tti\-"«ghf>uMi to pfOp&fO AbSt'OrfS of research reports and /OurnaI urltt art on the topic of oduGtttKjr-.i! administration iscJtooi system management, per-*> mar\QQonw»t sc hoof *i w fa: *• ’ ♦#*. ikj-T, • ;x, icy and theoretic a and applied research on { RlC system database DUTIES uiViOw cx> uments. propa/o abstNK’s describing base content select mdei from l RlC thesaurus Ihal w a*J researchers and pro. .1 it toners in uercNnQ kx mkxmat ton m me subject area Vwe prov&k* V.i j or l RlC document process r»g and use ot th*» I RlC lt*»aurus SKIl l S REQUIRED I.* ! be a! u * i1' a .»’i*m*c standing and have demonstrable r*’ ’ >g oipof'e'ice. strong writing s* -ij. l y to A' -X f/O W »*’ ' .!'•■ .1 • organise concepts a.'xt classify re soar ( h metho Abie to rype on IBM jr (o T ;>.S p.«* computer w-. Word Reflect b 1 and working independently This is a 9 month pOV! on, 1b ?0 hOu'% per wott* with per.- t e k-irmw » avA .tm Vf -DO per hour Interested applicants should submfl a letter ot appac^ton. resume. e'Kur. and wr ' g sample 'o f filC a! Condon Schoo. 1 78’ Agate Si . Room 10? A - N A posfton) tor trie I RiC i *e*r nghouse pfotiif.sing arxl *t]uon in tf>«» fiod Responsible »or irackng conterena* work M $! be det.i • ;-i p good typing sM *. a «: .it ,!y to w » • IBM or lufip., : „ , Word IV *.*! *jl Th . a * - pH*, t . ■' A > JO ’ :Ji‘ \ ■ ’ -«*•’ ' w«m*h aj Jb ?btx>uf To a^.py v.i 6 <7331 Or 2332 fro " 1C «i rn to • ._«of M. -lay ’* f fO;«> ?io HELP WANTED RAIU $500...$ 1000...$ 1 300 MM } JVW... » I UVV...I I -»v FOOL For R*owr traterry/fy aororlty f*rt< or other cempvB orgerutatton AMOurmr so mvmmm uomw f *p#ri*rvc# Eugono'o nowoM s’.V.e of tbo art piasma c«rt®f CaJl 683 5M30 and w«fl lo 1 you bo* lo h«ip yourso tt/Xj Ot^OfS F ipononood F »ctomc« Tochnain Job raqui'amant* inc’tjd© 1) Repamng and cai'b'tt! ng o*aclron*c and ©iociro mecbantcal oqjipmon? (lh*s »ncludo?» troubi® shooting ana‘og and digital arcunry to in© corrporwt f«*v©!) 2) Con&UocJing on© o’ a k;nd sc®nM»c injurumanfs 3) McxJ *y=ng tu st.ng MfjuipmiKM 4) Maintaining pnntors and p*w>nai computttfs 1S20 hrs Vroek S’OO^v Must be a UO o/ ICC SbxJ©n: If irMo/ftSled content D.lvO B'umbtoy. Instate of Novjrosoon* t» at 34fv4M6 WIRED The new student rsdio station needs you! (5) Student Representatives (2) Community at large Advisors to FM bd I s Board of Directors Pick up job descriptions and applications in tho ASUO, Suits 4 EMU Daadlina is 5 p m , Oct 11th An AA EO smploysr Woman, bi-soxuals. people of color, gays, lesbians, & disabled persons are all encouraged to apply OVERSEAS JOBS V* V.' X>C ">o .. .tK-'-t* yr round, a t couf'’’,«*>. a • am t 9imi mfo Write UC. PO Bx V CH03, Corona Del M.ir CA 92625 Postal jobs available' Many pc>‘. ' • r s Groat benefits Call (80!>) 682 75S5. f rt P 1309 Responsible Tutors '**uded tor studemr. wiih o;sat'> •>«»*> l C 3ac \ • »«r Ca. 146 3211 or Mf., ■■ tt c|, » u, Tha Survival Centar ■.*, - g 1 ' a uordmalor tor trie 91 92 scfKx> year Stipend eva.tab-o Pick up an app)»ca ’.on tn Suite 1 ol th« t MIJ For mom to, ca). J46 4366 A. appi cations due I n. Oci 11th EOE _ Willamette Pass Ski Corporation is now accepting applications for employment at the ski area. Full and part time positions in all departments are available. Applications will be accepted at 47V: W. 29th, Eugene through Oct. 9th. EOE. ?15 WORK STUDY ^ AIDE TO MARTIN LUTHER KING. JR. CELEBRATION COMMITTEE We arc currently mcU«| • hightly Betlnted ■t ad cat with Work ttidr to Hire aa the aide to the kOLKCC. laternahlp arraa|rmeet or stipend la also aa option The perooa eoiU do a wide variety of taaka to clod lag taking aad typing at la a tee. scheduling rooaaa. preparing Ryera. aad general taaka. Coatoct Freak Geltaer la the Student Art! Title* Resource Office. Suite 3. EMU. 3444000. PROOFREADER notjded to proof not es and o< her word processed documents on IBM computers Need slrong grammar skills arm an eye tor detail Start at **> $6Air Must have work study Tost required Apply \ ootnotes Rm B?1, f MU ft QE) ??o HOUSES FOR RENT BIG HOUSE 1 Bloc* From Csmpus 6 bedroom, 3 bath Over 3000 square leal, completely ref reshed on Inside ? i'vmg rooms, huge Mcfien and dining room Unfurnished S1396/month. 1696 H yard St 683 9104 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Charming 5 bdrm, 2 hath home 1697 Orchard St. Recently remodeled with refrigerator stove, microwave wti> her rdry or - A> aboui our Move In Spooa 343 6000 UNFURNISHED 490 E 34th 3 bedrooms. 1 Paths, plus study fireplace. garage weathen/ed S ‘•>* 19S5 OAK Recently remodeled «•*! very c «,.r 3 bdrms wx3 Study f iropusk.u SdC 3639 E AMAZON 2 betJroom and garage 6S6C 3942 PAM 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, appliances, ^replace, tenced garage Jr--15 12 SO SUNNY DHIVE River Rd 3 tAKlrOOmS. wood fkx>rs waathen/ed ho; tub I *96 No Pets Show' by Appoint-:an Spyg avs Also. <«»tu*» 346 West 10th _ese 1130_ 2?5 APTS/DUPLEXES GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION HUGE 2 bod room apartment available lor ease Appliances me; xie dishwasher and d Tposai priva’e balconies, oh street parking, right on D..s e to U of O ONLY $393 Jennings ♦ Co. 663-2271 Dooncshurv BY GARRY TRUDEAU nOk'AY. w/S '*■ i PAW, 601 iif’ft SW" m All CM A' again1 YFAH RIGHT MAVMP(.f? UHA! THf h\ . TATOK KXP AX" ."f> rc »n •:/*{ I'm ifi - * vi-V *i\. ’/ ii < / i>W7 *£»i • \ suRt you MN'JUS! L£ T JH f MOUP 7AK£ w I MEAN. FOKSWVBfS, XX/fiZ AMJT tSPOUNPS HMVieJO Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651