BANNER Continued from Page 1 Marshall’s plaint, a 10-41 Boeing Stearrean v\. about $40,000, was used during World War !' as a trainer for hopeful pilots. Those pilots had to be able to make a solo flight in tint plane within It) hours or they were washed out of the program. Marshall said Marshall's airplane has two claims to fame lleorgo Hush trained in the same model, and the top lei! w.r.g of Marshall’s Stearman came off one of the trainers Hush flow. Tint plane is .1 throwbar k to a time when-thmgs urn a little simpler. "1'he wings are an all-wood structure with a fabric covering," Marshall said. "It's cotton, kinda like bed sheets." The Stearman is one of the more common biplanes around tixiay, Marshall said, partly because the mode! is very reliable "In the past they've been used extensively fur air show aircraft, .is far as doing aerobatics ami whatnot Ini said "It's a very, very lough airplane Verv strong 1 here's never been a Stenrman come apart in tie- ski "Considering the serv e e they go through, that's im prossivo “ Marsh.ill's Steannan was used as a i top duster alter .:s service as a military train- r Win 1 lieh. opt. : . m ■ mto vogue in that industry Marshall a. quin-d the plane from a local pilot. The plane has been almost completely restored to its original 'condition, except for the power plant The original 220 horsepower engine has been replaced with a OtiS cubic inch motor, which cranks out 450 horsepower Marshall said the extra oomph comes in handv when ho takes off at the sleep incline required'to keep the banner from tangling up behind him He also said he's spoiled because it's hard to go back to the smaller engine after ov per nan log the nuwi'r online's piwcr V irsj;ai! -aui I t.u k tu.ithall games anr tho most pn| alar oVonts with twivortisers, hut Ills personal lav01 lies include the hugono Celebration an.I a so to 7 in 155 Straub. Call 484-24H4 for more information. Students for Creative Anachronism will moot to night at 7:30 in Agate No. 1 Call 484-5G09 for more infor mation. OPPORTUNITIES Bidding for the following companies will take place to day through Wednesday in 244 Hendricks: K-Mart Corporation. Doloittu Sharp & Dohme. AFL-CIO Organizing Institute Cintas Corporation. Tlmborline Software Corpora tion. Black 14 Docker Sears, Roebuck St Co Kellogg Co. Career Planning and Plat e ment orientation sessions will take place today from 3 HO to ■1 30 p.m in 238 Hendricks MISCELLANEOUS Fating Awareness Work shop for fall term will start to day from 3 to 4:30 p in at the Lou n si; 1mg Center. Call 346-3227 for more informa lion MFChA (Hispanic and (Ihi cano student union) reception will take place tonight at 5 .10 in EMU Cedar Room E Call 346-3508 for more informa tion. Black Student Union is sponsoring a hlai k student lo rum discussion on study skills and hla< k films tonight at 7 in the EMU Guimvoud Room. U/t) Outdoor Program is sponsoring an "open house" tonight at 7 30 m EMU Room 23. Call 346 4 365 for more in formation. KliUC'.ION Rap vvitli the Rabbi .it 1Iillel (in tin: Koinorua (lontor. 14tb and Kincaid) today from .1 .10 to f> p.m ('all II I.I MOJO for more information Bilile Study will take plat o tonight at the Newman (Ion ter, 1850 Kmerald St., at 7:110 (kill 340 4408 for more infor million. Deadline for submitting lit a Is to the Kmerald front ilesk. /.'AN ' Suita .100, is noon the day before publication lit als run thi' tiny of the went un less the event e he fore noon Nath es of events with a tin n.ition or admission charge will not be accepted. Campus events ami those st hedulml nearest the publication tlate will be given priorit\ The Kmerald reserves the right to hi lit notices lor grammar ami style. Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen our > •: fe r*i W <•' »v . )T KiNi‘A > t C,oOP 7 » Ht i F v*«: Ox'I r.« !( Af«> II -■■! / '•A f l i in w, «•' »f •yt'AKt V . w 1 ►V ?*' t iV Weasel’s World Kraig Norris M'iCl X’ -A A D*r . IS£ TCC^y e*E&'-’N 3N ' s^:-i * a*- PJ'X »_ 3 lDO* *.* Wt ST-C.'/T' ■.AW’fj ’H£JR soon' *c "_*ss Ik s T'hC £D ST-V'f** H> 5t£N *tA": : ' a - T5(«£ >«'* . - f RESUMES Give vour resume a professional look In having it typeset at Lett»- Periet t Graphics. Suite I ML {46-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri 1991 vfanbined Fund Drive <3? C'AML^KiN Kk ROM RH IITIONS J C Jl RLINGIiR LOUNCK Titsiuy, October s 2:50 4:00 l’.M. Tm rspav, Oc roBi u 10 10:00- 1 1:30 l’.M. All UO ITi’ART MIN I C X AORl 'INATORS AR1 1NVT1 I D Ask your department how you can pci involved, Itk important. l or intorrn.itton about the RW1 comhtned fund drive, call Sherrie Mi Arthur Burton ui (' S024 Oregon Stiiti l tiif’hn/i'es l ombinetl I mill l )r/rv Ot i K 1 o! l.p< .K A VIVE \Nt> C UMMl M H Ki t A I It >\ L'MVI K‘.| I> of OKI i .i >.\ COUPO/V photo finishing SALE YOUR CHOICi Of COION MINI INC BIG SAVINGS 135 > $2^9 s3" $499 SUPf R PRINT SC99 | SHUTTERBUG COUPON J SUPERPRINTS 35mrr