Runners garner three of top four spots The fourth-ranked Oregon women's cross country team claimed three of the top four in dividual places but were edged out by third-ranked Arkansas at the Stanford Invitational on Saturday. Lucy Nusraia. Lisa Knrnopp and Nicole Woodward finished first, third and fourth, respec tively,'blit Arkansas had five runners in the top 15 as they won the 5,000-meter race with 52 points compared to Oregon's 59. Nusralu won tho men by 1 seconds over Pam Hum of Cor nell with a time of ltictii Karnopp l ame in at 16 r>2 and Woodward finished right be hind at 16:54 Coach Tom Hoinonen said he was pleased with the results "Wo looked really good up front." he sail! "I think our big three showed that they are for real." Ninth ranked Brigham Young finished third with tO'l, tul lowed by No I t Arizona with 12‘), N'd It) Oaldrvino with, l-l i • in.I (Virnrll with Hl« Ollier Oregon finishers were Caro! Hoimen (IB), Jenna Clari son (.1 i), Jill (lullero (■!.'), ami Klein (f> 1), "Hoimen had a lerrifii nice, and Jenna ran as Well as she did in our last meet," Heinonen said. The learn is out of action un til the Jell 1 Irenth Mem, I ial ill hugeno Oil 10 FOOTBALL Continued from Page 9 Iho Puck offense: was nearly outscored by the defense, which had two intercept ion tv turns for touchdowns Linebacker James Bautista scored the first touchdown of the yame when he intercepte d a deflected Ledbetter puss and had an 11-yard return that he ended with a nifty hurdle over one of Ins own teammates and into the end zone. Smith, who returned to the team this week after a week s suspension, picked off a pass that was tipped by safety Chad Cota and returned it ti-1 yards for a touchdown that put the Ducks up 2 1 * carlv in thi ll) ini quarter That was just one of numer ous times till Aggies Won! '■ get within striking distance < ' the end zone, only to have the Ducks stop the drive New Mexico State moved tie- h ill into Oregon territory six times in the game hut could mlv i ome up with two 11 Id g ui "If we ever could have made ,1 big play w hen we were close, it could have given, 11s some momentum." New Mexico The Aggies helped the Due ks go up 14-0 after they were called for roughing the kic ker on an Oregon punt deep in their own territory Tailback Donovan Moore c apped off the 11 riv(■ with 'i one Imn h ilovvn run lain in the first quar ter. Salisbury started lilt? third quarter with a nine-yard (out pletion to sophomore Juan Shedruk, but was leveled bv Quinton Te/.erio lor a It) yard loss two plays later He then threw a floater that was puked i iff by (leorge Sykes A ggie quarterbai k Da v id (Ihisum returned the favor' three plays later when Smith had Ins ‘I t s aid dash The game marked the return of tailhai k Sean Burweli after he had missed the past two weeks with a had a n k I e Burweli finished the game with 74 yards on 1 7 carries VOLLEYBALL Continued from Page 9 Oregon, which entered the weekend hoping to even its conference record at d-d, was ambushed by a surprising Washington team on Friday A crowd of 814 ate free pizza and watched the Huskies take three straight from a Duck team that hit only .1)09 for the match Washington came into the game without a l’ac-10 win. but tin; Huskies scored the first DUCK-TAILS HAW suns BACK TO SCHOOL z ? - r-> * < ns<.'. »> Mltli. ► SB OOfMICd 1IT. 10/14/9 1 t T*». 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Debbie Bust!, resigned suddenly on Thursday Bill Neville. who couched this Canadian Nalioaal team al the 197(> Olympii s, is Washington's interim coai h "It was a classic example whore shot k shakes a team out of the doldrums." said Neville "Oregon had some injuries, and we made a lot of great plav s INVEST 10 MONTHS FOR THE CHALLENGE OF A LIFETIME Willamette University offers an excellent 10 month program leading to tear her certification (eiemcntarygradesK 9 or secondary grades 5 12) and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree baccalaureate degree and e.irly admission testing required. 1002 03 PROGRAM AUGUST 24, 1002 (UNE 11. 1003. Certification available in? 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