Class: Term: Instructor: Lan psychology ^ Pall 1991 e^jans^Di District 1) Who I i List them. k developed "the hierarchy of need"? 2) < ©re an e xample of cognitive dissonance. 3) Adler, "Post-Freudian Fromm, Menniger, and Allport theorists". What does thata are descf?.* mean? ed as SuBxarize n^oTachievelffnts of each 4) You can ride the bus.. .anywhere. Anytime. AH term long. Just show your student I.D. Would Skinner call this "Positive Reinforcement"? lBONUS what doe in a£ s "the bus" ream? 5) According to FreudJ represent^_ How do the id, the ego and the superego affect bus ridership? Please be specific C 1991 lane Transit Disirici Defenseman ties game 1 -1 By Steve M;ms Emerald Contributor The Oregon men's club sports soccer team tied Willam ette University 1-5 at South Bank Field on Friday, with a goal in the last five minutes. Defenseman Wes Codros scored Oregon's only goal, with five minutes remaining, to tie the game. The goal came after a penalty, and Oregon, 1-2-2 overall, got possession Freshman Howard IJvaelive look the hall down the left side, and attempted a shot that missed hut ended up being a great pass in front of the goal Codros and midfielder Kolly Saito were both there to get the miss, and Codros kicked it in. "I just picked up some gar bage over the middle,” said Codros, who left the game in the first halfwith a shin injury. Oregon fell behind when Willamette's Takuya Ozawa took a pass from Tom Lucas and kicked it past Oregon goal tender Brian Colling. u was only one oi inrcc shots on gual today,” ('oiling saiii. “There was no pressure on either goal today. The game was played in the midfield." Willamette was at a disad vantage during the game as the team brought the minimum It players, giving it no opportuni ty to rest players "We played well, but we only had 11 men here today,” Willamette Coach Brad Victor said. “We spent the last 15 minutes just trying to hang on." Oregon came out firing in the second half, spending the lirst 1!0 minutes on the offensive Despite gutting numerous chances, they didn't get the ball in until (ledres' goal with five minutes Oregon Coach Mike king was not impressed with the game “1 think we were tired, two games in three days was too much," king said. t I I I I DUCK-TAILS HWKM/m Duck Tails Friseur wunscht alien Deutschen Sludenlen •in herzliches Willkommen Gegen diesen Gulschein gibt es einen Haarschnitt fur $5 billiger. Beetlung Dieses Angebot gill nur bis zum 14 Oktober '91 EMU Erdgetchos* 343 8219 DO YOCJR SHARE: MONDAY Find a recycle bin for your Emerald! • The Emerald circulates 10,500 copies daily • 70% of all domestic-cut trees are used for paper products SPONSORED BY: OREGON DAILY EMERALD 346SS11 DO CAMPUS RECYCLING S46S243