PROFILE / PREVIEW / PICKS* Schaffeld’s longevity pays dividends By Dave Charbonneau fmeraid Sports Reporter |oe Si Italleld is luif right v\ licri' he's .it Oregon' s defensive line coach has been coaching lor the team for 18 \ ••.irs and has no plans ot leaving now or am lime soon ' ‘ I love Oregon sa I il Si haffeld. There is no better place to coat h than at ()regon Schatleld was hired bt lor mer head coach Don Head in I'lM and was kept on the stall w hen Kn h Brooks look over the team in PI77 lie was grateful that Brooks kept him 1' I was I in k v bei arise t he whole stall undei Read got tired, and Brooks asked me to star " Sr hafleld said Brooks said among the rea sons he decided to keep Si haffeld was that besides be ing an outstanding lundamen tals r oach. "|oe lives and breathes Oregon He is al wars tir ing to sell the s< boot During Ins couching career with the Dm ks St haffeld has emerged as one ot the most sin i essfnl i oat lies I le has i oar bed more proles sional players than am otliei Oregon assistant Mike Walter (now with the San I rani isto •Piers ill the Ni l.) Steve B.iat k Matt Brin k (with the (Ireen lint Par kers). and Kollin I’lit/.ier are (list a tew of the platers that have played under St haffeld He said he feels good when one ol his players goes pro but emphasizes that he gets a good feeling helping players be sin ( essful in life 111 general '(loathes s ho u I d be l n Joe Schaffeld i (i,i ( In ii g to help p 1.1 \ c r s ,i(hieve goals. whether in toot I>.i 11 or in .inv iIii ng i'Im' Si li.itlcld s.nil "He has .1 great i mu i'll! fin t lit' lit hie If s In- i ii.ii hfs Brooks s.iul Schalfeld also playi'il tun VISITS tin the Dinks Ilf was a niftiiltfr ill thf last ()rt*gnn tisiin to risii Ii llif Hnsf Bowl in l't iH under i oai h I .fii ( asanov a "In high school I thought about playing in thf Kosn Bow 1 but it w as moir likf a Bream Schaffeld sail! But ulifii you it' at tually playing m it you're thinking 1 111 m\ l iotI, here it is (lasauova sa\s Si hatleld was a very memorable player "Joe was one ot the strongest kids that I ever bad. (Basanuva said "I don't know if it was from In mg out on the farm in Vale and hauling around big bails ol hay or what, but be was a strong kid I'oothall has tieen ,i part cil S, h.ifft-hl lor most ot his life Ho started gelling Into ft initial I at \ ale I huh School, and lived on a farm about i'> unit's out ot town t )m 11 *v\ n w as so small ov ervone would plat .sports year around ' lie said After high s< hool. lie wont to I to i si ■ junior ( ullege tm tuo years before finishing up Ins (ollege i areer at ( fregon When his senior season was in er lie v\ cut into the I S Ma rine's sis.month otlii er si hool hut said Ins goal when I tin islind playing' was to someday i ii.ii h the detensiv e line for t )r egon During his .!0 years playing and i oai lung foi the I Hu ks Srhaffeid has heel! through some terrible seasons Kspet lal Iv in the “Us and early fills when dl looked as it (Iregon s toot ball program was never go mg to lie Sill I essful Si hatteld said It was Ills love for Oregon and his commit men! to hard work that kept him here "Something I always lie I lev ed in was that hard wmk will always result in good things " he said ( asanov a rer ailed an mi i dent before the lust game Si hatteld was supposed to plav ill tor the I tin ks It was a road game and |oe was injured so we were going to leave him .it home ( as iiiiiiv.i said I he day before the game he rami' into my ot tu e and said ( mat h if I m not good enough to pi.IV I II get the hell out Nowadays Sr.hatteld would like to Slav I Iglit w Ill'll' he is Oregon to run against the best at invitational By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Sports Reporter II the women's r mss < ountrx team wants to prove they tlt> serve their national No -4 rank mg. it will get it chance this weekend The team w ill r onipete w ith six ot the top lid teams in the nation this weekend .it the >,0(10meter Stanford Invita lional " This meet is a major step ping stone,1' (loath linn Heinonen said "It s a chance to find out how good we realK are " Among the tanked teams competing in the meet are At kansas (ranked ird|. Northern Arizona (7th), Hrigham Young (0th). Arizona (1 ith), (la I -Irvine (loth), and (llemson (2()th) Oregon will 1m' led by seniors 1 .nt v Nusrala .iiul l.isa karnopp ami junior Nil ole Woodward I he trio swept the top three plot es at the 1 merald ( itv Inv i tational two weeks ago with Nusrala taking lust followed bv Uooduard and karnopp This is a good i ham e to get our voting runnel-, out on a good course," Heinonen said 1'wo of the "young runners' that will compete this weekend are freshmen Jenna t 'arlson and 1111 (allero Heinonen seemed pleased with the contributions the two rookies have made to the team, especially ( arisen, who finished 1 ith two weeks ago "Jenna has been a real sur prise." the coach said "She made a real lug jump in the last meet from where she was he UCLA should top the Bears The Enwrahi sports depart merit lias submitted their pu ks lor this weekend’s r ollege foot hall matchups, and here are the results We start w ith the struggling Dm ks taking on New Mexir o State Despite two straight loss es. Oregon should rebound in a big wav with an east, victory over Aggies Washington looked unbeat able in their last two wins over Kansas State and Nebraska and could be in i (intention for the national title, should they fin ish undefeated Arizona State plavs spoilers Dtah and could have a rough limt' with (lit- I 't>‘.v but tin" Sun Devils should emerge vit tori Oils A week off probably won't help Oregon Stale mm h as the Heavers should lose lor the fourth time this year In Wash ington State Stanford, coming off an up set win over Colorado, will not have as much lui k as last week and will most likely fall at to Notre Dame The California !'( d.A game will probably he the game o( the week as tar as the I’ai 1(1 goes, and the host Bruins should win lore She fill! .1 tough aggies sivt* r.K I' I he I111.ll two posit lilies tin this week s 1.11 Will t»‘ tilled In (ami Molrnt'ii who timshcd ninth .it thr hist iiiitI .mil ei 11n• 1 I 1 ika h Inn 01 Sallv'i Klein is nursing .1 Hip ailment ,in 444-4480 •U ' I t .inkim Hlv in in p mi In II (Ml .1 m lo Mu In i uli I S.ll StMMl III Mlllill^lll Siim Shiiii In III III p m DOWNTOWN PIZZA SPECIAL $1 .00 OFF SMALL* $2.00 OFF MEDIUM* $3.00 OFF LARGE* "with coupon OFFER GOOD AT DOWNTOWN LOCATION ONLY 730 East Broadway — 484-2919 Eugene, OR 974o7 NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFE EH • expires October IV 1991 DOWNTOWN BUFFET SPECIAL $1.00 OFF NIGHT or SUNDAY BUFFET with coupon OFFER GOOD AT DOWNTOWN LOCATION ONLY 730 East Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 NOT VA1 ID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER • expires October 1r) 1991 I 484-2919 1 Oregon fans SHOW YOUR COLORS! 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