Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1991, Page 2B, Image 17

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The Jones philosophy: ‘I just want to hit people’
By Jake Berg
Emerald Spods Lditot
I'M (|uartiT!t,n k Reggie I’1''
r\ took tin- hike turned In
M'.iri h tnr ,i roc eiver an<l mrt
Oregon linebai ker I most (ones
l lii' intnuliK linn w,is not In
.1 handshake nl i nurse bill In
a s.h k
|ones rose from the ground to
tin' i'ai splitting mat nl l i ()0()
plus fans uni full Ins big sinili*
widen I rum tier lu ear Hi'
jumped hi (he air inunlless
limes pumped Ins list in e\
i dement and lell dim n
'inn might sa\ lie mil a little
ev lied
I think I pisl slipped
|nnes laughed
The sophomore has i elehral
ed mule than |iis| uni e in Ills
Insl season as a starter Ills fuel
s.uks t urreniK lie him fm the
Pai ifli 111 I a inlei i ni e lead and
lie is also tied fur sei olid III the
i nnfereni e in tai kies for losses
v\ ill) five
limes i redds Ills sin < ess tn
his emolinn width is visibh
uhv K ms nn 1st id I lie I ime
I feel so energet It Ire said
I uiithall has always been like
that just get so pumped up
so woiked up into the game
and has mg so nun h fun I pist
want lo hd people and lid pen
pie and hd people
And hd people and hd pen
pie and hit people (ones Is sei
mid on the learn in total tai kies
will) in and outside linehai k
ers i oai h \u k Aludli said
main of the things (ones does
so well ( an I men he I,night
I hie thing that Truest has
that \ou don't coat h is he has a
high motot A1 nit11 said I le
runs in thr ball lik** .1 liu//
Jonrs malii's a point of tli.it
"It s all m tlif heart. lours
said I lo\r to gel Id tile ball
anil wherever the ball is I want
to get then'
Someone w bo was verv good
at getting there was Peter
lira lit lev I ones' pi rdrt essor
and former mentor limes said
Hrantles helped bun Ireinen
douslv w it It i ertam lei himjues
like (irepatmg lot a game
Oregon defensive t minima
tin I Jenny Si biller said his de
lense basil t lost min h w ith lie
switch of |ones and lirantles
who was an all i onfereni e se
lie turn as a senior last year
I don't think we ye missed
a beat overall Si holer said
I le s probably more ol a big
plav gin than Peter
\nd dial probably earned
-|ones the starting |oh ill fall
tamp Senior lioug Ifoiigbiss
and sophomore I'errell I d
wards both had experieni e last
year bill It was limes' ahllitv to
make the big play with bis r\
leptional speed t fl.lt earned
bun the job Si.tiuler said
(limes starting) was with
lull knowledge that he i mild
make the big plays." Oregon
bead t'oai h Rirh brooks said
lie si ert.nnh e\i liable
I be kind of emotion (ones
was showing after Ins prep 1,1
reer in I !tii a \ N though
was fat from evt ilemenl He
felt he bad worked hard
enough at the high si bool level
to earn .1 si hnlarslup to a good
football program furl Maine
was the lone school that bail
made an otter to the Imebai ker
He lived onlv fi minutes
from Svrai use I 'nisersils but
then again. lus high school
|i-.un Him onls four games tn
Ins four years
I but u .is \\ luui hr si iit ,1
highlight tape to (Iregon
(begun i .illi'il Inn k the next
■l.n .mil offered me a srholar
ship s.inl limes .1 soi iologs
major I ss .IS pretlS e vi Ill'll
■ iboiil tli.it
I sai.ll I HI gOUHU gll mil
West ,ind slims i vervlMidy bin k
I .ist lum big of ,i mistake lhe\
Jones bus i ei l.imis pros en
Ins point so l.n .mil brooks
said the point ina\ be long
l ines! Jones il be stuss
healths vs ill lie one ol the best
bneb.il kets eve I to pi.is at the
I nisersits ol Oregon Brooks
lie hopes to go bother than
( Vregon and feels t onfident that
lie i an plus at the professional
"As long as ms heart i on!in
ues to lie in football. Jones
said I knoss I II be in football
for a long lime
Jones' mother and aunt It.IS
eled to I- iigene last Saturdas to
wall h their first i ol lege lootball
game the I )ll< ks loss to 1 S(
Jones said his mother ssorrted
about her n foot J.sn pound
soil being outmatilied on the
She gels a little ion
ierned. Jones said Von
know these guss look so mm Ii
higgei than her sou
Dear Mom Don't svorrs l.r
nest is doing (list fine
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