U.S. may send forces for Haitian evacuation NATIONAL W XSMINCTON | A I’) lire t'nite.f States li.ts sent \ one of the negoli ators They were kept by the 1' S government and never played in publu Indore Partial tiansi ripts of a lew of the rer ordmgs w ere printed ill Inti ' w hen ( ongress issued its report on the Iran t oiitra affair ABt did not say how it obtained the tapes A lit News aired short seg incuts Irom some ot the tapes late Tuesday and on Uednes day to promote a planned hroadi ast ol the rei ordmgs at length on its Nightline pro gram U ednesdav night On the tapes a frustrated North invokes President Kea gan s name in an effort to move the hostage negotiations lorvv ard And businessman Albert llakim who was working with North urged delivery ot arms to the Iranians I must he able to convey t" my President by i iiinmunii at mg w ith him very early to morrow morning that it's within your power, and you are w illing to (.arise an Amcri ran to he released North says on one tape That was in ■i it»K with Ir.mi,m negoti atnrs in I,ill' 1 ehru.irv l‘)tlti m ,111 airport Inili'l in I'rankfort (ierm.un \n 1 r.nil,in negotiator spells nut nti.it his i mintr\ sought from, the bargaining at ,i time n hen tns c uuntrs w -is .it " ,n n itli neighboring lrai| "Wf must gel tin- It,ink missiles s.iss tin- uuuieiiti tied li.mi,in U i- must get in tel I igem e reports nt 11 ,iiji ‘You told your authorities things you cannot deliver. And I told my authorities things you cannot deliver. And we've got a problem. ’ Oliver North (to Iranian ntyol/.JtoN trnnp strength Iran is lining ilest rn veil We need those missiles ( )h replied 11,ikiin u hn had been lirnught along In translate laps gn ahead with deliver\ nt the I ()W s (•inti lank missiles) Let's gn ahead with the transmission nt the intelligence And let s gn ahead w ith the hostages I he Reagan administration kept Its par! nt the h,Ilgam delivering t .000 1 ( )W mis sites hill no hostages were re leased file Iranians said they h.tii gotten only halt the mini tier nt missiles they wore sup posed tu get Ilia! In) to meetings in May HIHti m lrhran lielween tin trier national set untv adviser Kohi-rt \li 1 arlane North, for llier ( IA i itt H lal ( ieorge l 'ey e \at lima I Soi only ( on in 11 staffer Howard Ten her anil Is raeli government aide Ami i .■ in Nn. y\ ho passed himself oft .is .in Amern an A on i nine in yy ith only fia11 t he sinlI Manni her (.hnrhanifar. an intermeiliary i ompl,lined to the Americans in one of tile tape rei oriled segments hroadi ast fiy AIM North yy.is impatient oyer Iran's failure to release tins tages You told your authorities tilings y ou i annul deliver North told the Iranian negnti ators And I told my ant hurt ties things you i annul deliver And yye ve got a priililem file Reagan While House m ltltt’i and ll)HI> sought to free I N hostages held III 1 elm non lust hy allowing Israel to ship I ' S made weapons to li.in and then hy selling di iei tly to Iran i.illiei than go mg through Israel Iran had InfIuem e with hostage holding terrorist groups in l.uh,moil fhree I N hostages were released III 1‘IH'i and I'lttt. Imt three others were ahdui led awrMBlgP ii5S »*5? nssSSssSJ*0* KgoToO«s .ts^tz Tiiurf'' ’ ' -—'" . ,aik< by UU A «i‘» Mart H"-u 0ujUnV. ir*'N „» be *'«ct fACUl .. ( l v >>" i»' ^kH. KMU‘ VOWt-H 4lh is ,Uc dfa«»»‘‘"c for ulty ilc is 4 >1“ WIN rtPu ' <*ih; "> ■■w rc*rt|n* , ..< »",'i',r. unO' J*,ur .asgs v ss ... ’ on- .lr-.“‘",U' ’l” 1ropo‘,c, ... ,mi1 iuJi'“*lf 1 - •■ nh .s tW iml*’1 excu't'1 li<«» ilUPl N/S MOM)NV 1)1 i o»v.»1lh,s lM' VV.HM sfH-r iaf ‘'rt'i r yye’re 'iapf>'/ to answer your questior^ TT7T7 i-1 ;• : =1 13th t Kincaid. Open M-f 7:10 • t, Sat. 10 6. Ph. 346-4331