Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Airing dirty laundry a definite no-no
The other das m\ editor
and I be^an talking about
the t oluinhs that are print
ed pel audit alls in this paper
I'lli'. wouldn't be unusual ex
t epl that s\ e don t generally
talk about newspaper topic s
Mostly, our conversations ton
sisl of
Kditor: What s up/
Me Not much You'
Kditor: Nothing
It s a simple i onversatidn
and vers similar to the one
taught users ibis in ms Spanish
( lass, but the ( lass .list) asks
where everyone is from, mek
mg the i lass t onsersation more
As students, we do this esers
this as 1 mentioned before, and
nosy 1 am able to ask the gus
sitting next to me svbat bis
name is. the names ol bis par
cuts, ss here tlies are from and
svbat tlies do professionally
These are vers important ((lies
lions it sou are planning a trip
to a Spanish speaking country
Translated, most conversations
m Spanish tire like this
Person 1 What’s upv
Person 2 Not much You '
Person 1 Nothing
So. in our (.onsersation about
columns (with the editor, not
with the class), mv editor ob
served tb.it .1 lot of columns
this paper prints do nothing
but complain about something
or mention the paper's name .is
d the world resolves around it
(notice ms avoiding tile use of
Also ms editor observed that
sometimes the column svriler
subtly airs internal dirty hum
In ms (ontuiuing effort to
raise journalistic standards I
svdl neither complain nor air
dirtv lavmdrv I'o do mi would
be petty
It would In1 its petty .is charg
mu li.irdwork.mg stall memlicrs
S.’H lor Ireedoin Howl lukets
1 li.it couldn I have boon m alped
.<I any price, especially because
lho\ wore tin* worst so.its in tin1
stadium \ny si lunm k could
ha vo walked to I ii o ticket
booth paid tin- satno prii o and
boon m a so.it whoro tho game
was \ isililo and not |ust tho I .os
Angelos sks lino
(111 now thoro I go again
l lotting potty w till mtornal stuff
In my continuing
effort to raise
standards, I will
neither complain
nor air dirty
laundry. To do so
would be petty.
and complaining so others can
hour mo I roallv do understand
why 1 should not complain and
not question those things You
definitely don't want to do this
bet aviso of how you w ill bo per
i eived by your i o workers
'loll might be thought ot as
cheap, like the kind ol person
who. m an office poll, would
pa k the I ’niversity ot V\ ashing
ton football team (ranked lourth
m tho nation at the time) to
beat lowly Kansas State (who
tiled to cancel tho game with
l'\\ liecause it was such a mis
mutch) by only sis points
(lee/, t did it again I got in a
cheap shot I'm being petty,
like the kind ot person who
would ban reporters from
watching I'Y in tho office Ii
hrnrv while they are eating
their liini h bet aviso advertisers
might wander into the wrong
department and see reporters
w all lung TV
('mild vmi imagine that/ See
mg reporters watch T\'On
ttieir lunch hour no less taxi
forbid that an advertiser see
that I he e\t hange Ivlwi'en the
general manager ami the .elver
User might go something like
\d\ ert iser Is that a 1'V
Manager N es
\dvertiser Is th.it reportei
w ati lung it ’
Manager Ves
Advertiser Now alxiut those
,ul rates
()f i nurse ad vert isers tor
most newspapers don't seem to
mind the numerous TVs that
litter newsrooms and' otfir.e li
hraries of other papers the Or
egonian lias at least live TVs in
the newsroom two around the
copv desk and one near tin
sports desk And all those sets
are not always tuned m to m
formatiimal news shows sin h
as Vig/if/ine \/. \ril l.rhrr and
/faI s ol Our /.iies I rion t know
how the\ manage to stay in
't oil i an imagine advertisers
walking around The Oregon/
Advertiser Are those l \ s?
Sales person Ves
Advertiser Well. I don't
want to advertise with a paper
that allows its employees to
watch Donahue I m a 'Days
man tm sell
I Inis tin' w isdom behind the
der ision to have a I \ hut ill it
use it on tlie luni h hour be
comes evident Thank (.oil tor
Damn, there I go again W i'll
instead ot rewriting this pint e
to iie a sinning example of r ol
umn writing (I don't have time
(iprali is on I'V) 1 11 leav e it as
it is to serve as an example ol
what not to do
Don’t tie pettv don't air ill
ternal business and don't write
tile word ijurr.ihl
( hns Huuni’ft /s news editor
nI the Kmerald
Politics is hell
As homosexual ac tivists cry
foul in California .uni sec a
( hristian i onspirai \ in Spring
field. conservatives whine
about tax dollars going for ore
nation in DKA sponsored
"art " filths so-culled "AIDS
education." and welfare
i heats we learn anew th.it poll
tics, like its violent brother
war. is hell
We have been sheltered of
late No more Army w militia
wars as in IBM \o more open
active, bigoted denial of rights
b\ gun and dog as in the IflliOs
and tilts No more can the tech
nocrats save us No. we must
now stand on our own two feet
and deride "What do I be
Opportunists abound We
have taken the choice of seat
belt use avv.il from all -toish
Ph D's in Oregon Why then
the fuss when conservatives
like myself want to do the same
for l.iish girls who are preg
nant and incompetent to make
Why the cry when sexual
morality is the yardstick for
sexual behavior7 Why defend
the thieves, rapists and murder
ers rather than the innot ent'
Lines are being draw n This
is an ideological war One side
or the other w ill win. for, para
phrasing Thomas Reed, we (the
American people) believe that
if nil white, male. sexist,
homophobic. racist
homogonites vote one wa\ and
loo enlightened, politically
i orrec I humans vote the other,
the 101 .ire right
Slav the ideals of our system
hank and i ool our vicious dis
position, fur in a land of major
it\ rule only majority restraint
w ill allow majority rights
William Caskill
Politic al scient e
just a note to proclaim m\
love and respei t for the teach
ers Nancy and Carol and
the student staff of the I Ml
Child Care Development Cen
The efforts, patient e and
concern you share with our
c hildren is invaluable and
deeply appret oiled
Thanks for every thing!
(uliejohn Knott
Like many other students on
c amplis I drink coffee As a
high volume c onsumer of cof
fee. I have one question for the
1-All' food service Why does a
22-ount e coffee refill cost me
7f> cents at the EMC. but only
2r> cents at (lire le k '
A Imltomless i up .it most res
tuurants is 75 cents I know that
it costs far less than that to
make* a c up of coffee usually
f> H cents, ac c ording to the res
taurant ow ners I have talked to
In these (liftic ult finaric lal
times, why not give the coffee
drinking students a break low
er the pric e of a tup ol coffee to
.in affordable level
Klin Harper
Sue mingy
I want to oblige Mark Russell
[()l)H Sept IU| who requested
U nshington DC is bee om
ing stranger all the time Ac t
mg dumb, forgetting important
facts lying to Congress and
apologizing lor your mutton
turn is in, and you will be con
firmed to run the CIA, .1 former
ly demanding job! Also talking
balderdash about “natural
law 1 not ever having dis
c ussed Roe vs W ade and
growing up without running
water or a toilet is in. and will
lead to confirmation to the Su
premie (ourt
|ust what gives in this court
try"1 W hy is everything bee om
mg a fare e? A theater of the ah
Millie ( berry
( h , <11 I fatly
po sox list eugene Oregon »?«j
• • •• . f •••• « !.u"* M M> Ih.
. •: ytja* and Tu«- . !a> i ■ *i Thursday - during »h« Oregon Da*!* l > «•'
« J Put>iinh>ng : • in* UrMvtf'iitY of Ohttfon Fwg«*rif> Oog h
Try*- l ?n<v as.} 0P#0«l«»* ' d<* n , pf (be University * >?»ffu:t*s .*1. Su»t« W
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The f m«v iMvi» , >>,ttp i1 f*.!{'•• ’Iy The unl«*fui~ removal ■ un« of ... in p
ecu I a We by >mw
Fdilo» m Chief m >
Managing} Editor
1 ditonal f dilor
Graphica f ditor
Ent«rt*trm>#nt f ditor
A%»oci4ii> f ditor*
• r V . . •
t jiliie Dintfis
j«Mf PmI«y
New* i ilitoi
f (1ltOfl«l I d*to*
Sport* Editor
Night t ddo*
Crin* Bou'teff
IX-f Petma
J.»m* Bt?fy
Community ■ Student Government At tivihes t > . > .
Higher f duration Administration r
Reportert ' > . H• i«■ t ( • ' • ' •>’">< K
1 . .1 M . .1 H. , N'--J ’ I\ ■ • J
Photographer ft > *• B.i A ! i* M,i ■ f"
Advertising t' i >V> >*t t \» » Iv ■■■ » *.»' Hr ’ < ► ' »
N vj M.l -!■••• fl i'y \ ' r H . * M.l I i 1«' > I I 1 * I- a »t t T . 1 ■ »!!
Sheron Va:
Classified M . M.i t ,v *«•'.<'- A . .*••• < A . • • *
Business K i" . «•• t, * y
Production . • * * .it ’• A ’ 1 Hf 1- t1 ■ i
i-.»h I 1 i>* ini' f h <• 1 1 ir ’ , \ ,i- ■ ‘ 1 " ' Mur > ' M i
M •• • * t *.» I . M>’. ' M.lM M • • H I 1 ' ! . 1 H •. I*- • *»• ■ ”
Ai'mi> Ste'pt't’M•,> im Ti>a ••.nmt Jeiu'iftn TT<-••»t*| Wat
General Manager H .• ;
AdveMiftirtg Ditecto* M . t
Bu*me»» Office
.14ft 5511
146 SSI2
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Oitpldy Advmlmng
Classified Advertising
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