EDITORIAL Renters’ civil rights deserve high priority it looks like Portland civil rights legislation may fi nally expand its menu to include the city’s gay and les bian community along with those experiencing hous ing discrimination because of their income source Portland's City Council held its final meeting yes terday to hash over a recently proposed civil rights or dinance that would prohibit disc rimination in employ ment, housing and public accommodations based on sexual orientation and income source. Tin* final draft of the ordinance. re< ently signed by Mayor Hud Clark and the four c ity commissioners has the support of all five council members. Those against the proposal say that passage of the anti-discriminatory source-of-income legislation would put landlords at risk by protecting those with unstable incomes. I bis group, however, hears no real risk I lie- provi sion allows landlords to c hec k potential renters' finan c ial references along with the reliability and amount of me iiinii So, the landlords can be sure they'll girt their mon ey and make sure it's legit No problem, right7 Wrong Since outright discrimination based on race, reh gion, physical disability and age was made illegal years ago, source ol income offers a hands way to re ject the "wrong" people in a legal wav It only makes sense to deny a single mother, minority family, dis aided person or elderly couple housing because their income may consist of disdainful moneys such as wel fare. social sei urity or alimony Passage ol this proposal would tear a convenient facade from landlords, ton ing them to rent to those they previously would have denied cm shaky ground Raising even more of a stink is the official a< knowledgment and protection of gay and lesbian rights This issue has garnered an increasing amount of venomous reaction from conservative groups every - yvhere. the most vocal being the Oregon Citizens Alli ance besides officially opposing the recent proposal (X A is try ing to push an ()reg»n constitutional amend ment formally < Ossify ing homosexuality as abnormal It's good to see the gay and lesbian groups' stay ing power m the lace ol sih li fear based oppression. They c an find strength in other persec uted groups' past and present struggles Prejudice against various groups remains an ugly mark on this country’s continuing history Hut that same history shows changes can be made, if fought for bard enough The proposal of this ordinanc e proves this, but the tight won't be over should it be approved Minority and women's groups everywhere i an attest that pas sage of civil rights legislation is not enough to gain true equal status in this soc tety The reason yvhy Urns have the power to change peoples' actions, but not the* magnitude to change fears and misunderstandings ingrained over generations The first step has been taken, however, y\ith this proposal's support. It's a good sign that America may after all be* a land of equal opportunity .. &. Nice try II Presenting |amie Hakuitn s mm uml letter, simn I" the tune u! riinstopher I asselt s letter [DUE ()i t t) with full t reilit >iii(l apologies to him In regarding I'assett's re spouse In Kussell Mi{Jlnthlin s letter (01)1 Sept 27) I tan mil\ laugh and sav "nil e tr\ 1 \erv time the greeks trv and defend themselves the same examples of h\pm ritu al inde pendents spew forth their stuff I he ( mnplete hypoi ris\ that I asset! speaks almilt is a< titcilIv the fat I that even after thev i l.ilIII to tie so ( ultuinlly sensitive and so moral IV supen or to the greeks independents i ontinue to (.til greeks ' (rat I ks and throw off campus par ties to smoke pot and score I nn* sometimes .1 bad .1 pp11* rums lhi* independent reputa lion, hut they .in• responsible fur thru sue ml image when tlir\ put tfieir tie-dyes oil lli.it tlie\ paid for So independents, don't piste f\ your existeiue with flailing (ieorge Mi (iovern esrjue speer h of self righteousness Ai lions speak louder than words espo 1 tally when vou are wearing vour Hirkenstoi ks lhe purpose of this parody was not an attack oil I asset!. nor anyone I may have alluded to I lie entire point of my letter was to show the idiocy of ster eotvping either side lasselt writes because he took offense at being called a stereotyper, when the letter lie writes is full of them lie is as misguided as those w I10 tall him a (11)1 lamie Bakum Kappa Sigma EDITOR’S NOTE Two i artoons ih,il ran in Wednesdayhnwruhl U ea sei s W .ithl ami the editorial tart non at the top of Page J (.untamed material alxiut tin homeless ami Aim .in \meruans respei live 1\ that souit’ oi out leaders ha\ e found offensive (Ini' of our staff s priorities is to publish material that is sensi five to out readership ami tin- rust of tin- i oinmumiv as a whole .Sometimes we tall short of this goal and we apprei late reader i onunents and i om erus w hen this happens Hi. 1nirr.ild apologizes tor running the (.artoons and regrets am insensitivity we may have displayed ( hristopher Li hi tr Hnwruld Editor Think about it Last weekend I attended a memorial service tor a women I'd graduated high sc hool y\ ilh She was extremely intelligent and talented, very hardworking and successful. made triends with (everyone and always made time tor tun She'd graduated Whitman College in Mai and was up there preparing her resume She and her older brother were driving home when a 4(1 year old man from Oregon, driving in a drunken stupor with a blood alcohol level of - a (in Washington state. 10 is legally intoxic ated), drove his truck in the wrong direi tion on 1 'in and hit my friend's < ai fai e on ending her life of only - 1 years I ler brother is in a c oma in c rit iiail condition The dm or was unharmed and tried to plead innoc ent Hoc ause of him an unnecessary death was caused to a very sun essful and well-respected person, and a tew thousand people are sutler mg from tlie- pain and shoe k ot the situation Please don t drink and drive Since it's the beginning ot the year, and parties are bac k and everybody is psyched watch out tor yourselves, espe c ially for those "other drivers Next time it could he one of your friends Deborah Dirt interior architecture WISHES wwrs IMW Tt* ”"’’1 V-M'“ Ho W CumM6 T* TXFBG£ *jE0T*nP SW'nG vOttE OIK I ^OMESTC EvtS&NCigS f ButiCbUPK DRfMAi^O •'**. 1 '1*4 V A i ‘**r **JH* *♦ IAW* UK*0> ill