THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 26 Dorm wait list tide turns; housing expects vacancies By Lisa Millegan - i I hree years after nvi'ii rmvilnii; toned Lmvrisily Housing to wart list BOO stu d.-tits' request. lot dorm rooms housing department o.lln i.ils tills term .in- 'till tr\ ing to till prnjri ted \ ai .mi u-s Tilt: dorms are now lull with -t,'IMH sludi-nts said housing department Hirer tor \ 11ke Eystei who was hired this year Hut re< riiitnu’iil eltorts i ontinue Him ansi rooms will open as somi- students move elsewhere during tin1 lust lew weeks of (lasses he said At this time last year the / nur.iltl re ported that t,1)2B students were living ill the dorms. Last year s number was high er hei ause of a higher rate ol shared rooms In the past the housing department solved the vai am \ problem by over hooking the residence halls Km e -to dents staved in teniporarv housing such as the HI.a k Angus Inn until openings liei ame avadahle l lus year, however no similar student surplus exist-, Lvster said that earls this summer Ill considered closing Moore Hall her arise the number ol dorm reservations was so loss I hings turned around alter that he said "Hut vvu oevor did stop taking res creations this year It was different than last v ear Now. at a time when housing depart ment officials are act ustonied to turning students awav they are trying to enr our age students to give Hovnlon ( as well Spider and the rest a try I lie housing department's quest for students led it to take out a series of half page advertisements last yveek in the I'm rra/tb an action unheard of a veai ago Headlined Affordable Living the no tii es extolled the benefits of tree lor a! phone servile ta cent washers and dry ers and the short distant e from classes Lystri salt) the student shortage is not i rite ai and the decision to advertise yvas an afterthought I yvtiuldnt rail |the adverfiseinents) aggressive he said This wasn't a maikiiriiu! iiimp.ii^ii \\ r ilidiit spuml a wlliilf i<11 (it turn1 thinking almul >stiat v\i- \\ i1!'!* Ui > > I t * > '1(* it Was nii'ic like I {mill this SI'IMIIS hkr a UiiihI tiling tn i'ii) t.vsti'i said tin- low hi hi i up..iiit'\ rail.' m.i\ lir (Ini' in part to tin di‘i rt'.iMux immlifi at 1H amt pi vi'iir olds in tin Kinit'liil Inn I rfshmen ut this .kji' uhu ntaki’ up i.n puli fill ut (icinn 11‘Mili'iits thn tall, an* t \ pH a I ly niiirt’ i n If I i*sl«,*cl ill living III tin- liiilins than thru iihitT iaiuntprparts Antithfr posMbir nason Ini thn It i line in rpsHlcnts m.n In- Iihvit total on rollmcnt at thn t'mversity Although ti imI totals won t ho iHailahh until the tourtli vvoiik ot si hoot. I'nivi-rsitv I’ipsi ‘We never did stop taking reservations this year. It was different than last year. ’ Mike Lysier, Housing . v.f< »■ H,r deni Styles Miami said he iwiicvi-t fewer than l r,r>(H) students registered for tail term It this is true would mean there .in* about f».r»0 fewer students nit campus this term than .it the same time last term (fourth week enrollment tor ' 'em w .is i M 141) ! \ster said he doesn't believe m < mm ed dorm tees t aused the i h.iue.e be i ause the rates went up nnl\ M percent this year (residents paid St iH.l tor a double-m i.updiu \ room tins term and $ 1. 0 tall term a \ eai as,;* ! We try to keep mil rates .is low as we t an so other expenses are more afford able tie said f yster said tie doesn't believe this year’s tuition hikes have much to do with slowei dorm reservation*, either t>e of the difference in occupancy rates at the I niversitv and Oregon State Turn to DORMS Page 4 Ecuadoran serenade Fr,, i.r - horn Its• hand Malkur> «/<•/ set •'<> •'1 ■»v "> '' '' - ' Cl>i,ml Wednesday afternoon Memtn'" at the Quintet iron) northern Lcuador say their main purpose is to preserve and share their traditional music Photo by Jane Halim INDEX For Leonard_ About 50 people gathered .it the 1 ederal Building in Lugene Unities day to show their support tor Leon ard Peltier, a Native American man who they say was wrongly jailed for the deaths of two I HI agents in l‘t7r> See story. Page 6 Tibetan experience Photographer (ialen Rowell enter tamed and informed a capacity i rowd at the KML Ballroom Wednes day night with slides and stories from Tibet See story. Page 6 Blazer hope_ The Portland Trail Blazers open tamp this week, and are trying to come to grips with their heartbreak mg loss to the Los Angeles lakers in the playoffs last season See story. Page 11 Brand ‘optimistic’ despite Measure 5 Myles Brand 'Oregon Model' planning strategy to begin By Came Dennett [ r- > m ! Associate f ditor In spit*- nl Measure i budget i tils l ni versit \ President Myles Brand said Wednesday afternoon hn is optimistu .it >< hi I tin- I 'mversitv s future I see tin- next two vi-.irs .is nnns in which our strategii planning |>riu.i-ss will i nini- to fruition and wi- will begin In make progress toward ri'ali/uiK our ai adi'inii aspirations Mill these also will lit- visits in whit h wt ( ontiniif In feel (hr pain of tails re suiting from .i di-i ri-asi- in slate support and in whii h there will continue In be uncertainty about the environment for higher edur ation " fie said in Ins annu .it state of the ('diversity address to faculty stall and students One asper t ol the plan is a new ap proach to undergraduate edur ation called ''The Oregon Model Brand said the plan builds on existing suet esses in undergraduate education while stressing small ( lass sizes strong ilisi tplmarv .mil intordisi iplinarv pro grams, .in emphasis on learning in depth .mil .i i urri( iiIiiin strm lure enables ,1( .kIi'IIIII Mil ( (‘S'. Mr.ind s.iid Oregon the advantage (it tieing sm.liter th,in most publii uni versities while having Iretler rese.iri Ii l.i i ililics ill,in most private universities I jinking at the effei ts of last vear s budget (ills Brand said that a less visi ble effei t i s the ( list of ( out inning phased out programs State support for eliminated programs ended on Julv 1 vet these programs are being maintained for liie l'cil n.t ai a demii vear and some for the 'I 1 ai adeliiK vear as well We felt it i ritu al to honor the ( om mitmeiits made in the tenure proi ess " Brand said And we must as much as possible give students the opportumlv to complete their degrees Brand said the cost of maintaining these programs must come from other Turn to PLANNING Page A