Committees offer chance for student involvement By Meg Dedolph Emorale! Contributor \ r ,i r I v e \ (* r v aspect of t'nlversilv life from parking to the library. to the art museum and academic requirements, is lone heci on by a student far tilts com nut lee The Student Senate Is cur rently taking applications from students interested in a posi tion on ono of them They are due Monday by 5 p.m. in the ASUO office In KMtJ Suite 4 The committees are on off shoot of the: Student Senate, with nach senator serving on 11 committal). 'Ilie vico-prosidont of tho Senate, along witli other members, is part of a commit tee on committees, which makes decisions on applica tion* for committee members. However, each committee, once formed, is free to' choose its own organizational structure. Tho faculty members on these committees art! not ap pointed. but share the same re sponsibilities and powers as their student counterparts "It’s a case of existing as equals and talking as equals," said Student Senate president Christ! Drue. "It's also a greet way to gel to know the faculty, tOO." Committee work offers a great way to (income Involved with student issues, said Stu dent Senator John Thomas Some committees, such as the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, the Student Con duct Committee, and the ones that address environmental is sues are the most popular "I'd recommend people who apply to pick their top three or four, ” Tin anas sa id The responsibilities the com mittoes have range from bud getary ones, like the Student Health Center Comm it too, which approves the budget and student fees for the Health Cen ter, to advisory responsibilities, like the Ethnic Studies Com mittee. In the past, student,/ faculty committees implemented an Asian-American studies class, and stopped efforts to reduce student rights in academic dis honesty cases In addition, the Campus Planning Committee, which ud 1 Back To The FutureInOur % Electronics Dept.; SEE l :s A7 THE RAC Tv Of THE MATS EL(X)R! Brothei WORD PROCESSOR • . ■!(>K t . •( .' > <>•«’ 1 (ii im:".u ; 'u'i A > 11 Text . H ONLY s429.95 TDK SA-90 FUJI T120 HQ AUDIO TAPE VIDEO TAPE gggP NOW ONLY s2.99 NOW ONLY $ 1.79 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES! j Brother j IGX 6000) TYPEWRITER • ■! pnnli’U} * r j'-n’ ; r \ nghi margin (lush SALE 139.00 SONY >:ui PORTABLE DISCMAN ONLY 179.95 SONY WALKMAN SPEAKERS *.< . !»■; ' .M' • •!’('» • ' . « ! r of (Jorm mom SALE69.95 Mill f NIUM AA CHARGER WITH 2 AA HA I TE HI) S (Model CM .'AA HP) H«*i) i t ■)*> SALE 9 99 ■% y | ■DMOTHIH Canon Typestar 110 TYPEWRITER • M Ih.l.'t /() iM'xji.W ■ .«{.,«(> is! > • !- a -r ; h»*. kor SALE 179.95 Phonemate mooli 6600> ANSWERING .. 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Thomas said that budgetary issues, particularly those per taining to Measure 5, will prob ably be major topics in the committees, as well as other is sues of interest. Changes to the committees this year include the addition of an Environmental Issues Committee, and the appoint ment of a member of Students for the Ethical Treatment of An imals to the Institutional Ani mal Care and use Committee, a first for animal rights groups. The following is a list of all the committees and the number of student positions available for more detailed information, contact the ASUO: • Academic Requirements — 3 • Academic Standards — 3 • Advising — 2 • tarn pus Planning — 5 • Curriculum — 1 • Fjju.i1 Kmploymnm Opportunity — 1 • Krivironmunla] Issues — 6 • Kthnlc Studios — 5 • Faculty Personnel (xunmitu** — 2 • Foreign Study Programs — 2 • Graduate Council — 1 gr»d. student. • Intercollegiate Alhlotics — 3 • Instil Animal (are and Use Comm — 1 • lahrary — 2 • Minority Education Council 4 • Museum of Art Advisory — 3 • RO H Advisory 3 • Safety Advisory — 3 • N* hoiarships — 2 • St holastic: Review — 4 • Sutus of Women — 3 • Student Conduct — 4 • Student Faculty Comm o Grievances 4 • Student Financial Aid Advisory — 3 • Student Health Center Committee - 5 • Teacher Education — 3 • Traffic Apfasals Hoard — 2 • University Appeals Hoard — 3 PATROL Continued from Page 5 pi*- Hirr said ''Thai's real different for Lugene Secondly. those involved in the weekend's in< idents took their problems out in the open Hut said U hen polii e have in tervened in confrontations in the past it s been primarih at pr i\ ate parties Ihe good weather, alcohol and a football weekend all mn\ have played a part in the ills turbanres. Birr said I'bough (’diversity students were not involved in last week end s incidents I’niversity se i urity were in meetings l ues da\ delibeiating their response, said an Offii e of I’ublii Safety spokesman Donald Lee. OPS associate director, said OPS Director (hi rev Drayton would have deli nite plans about the (hliversi tv s response bv late Tuesday night or early today The large number of people who gather on Idth Street near the I'niversity makes confron tatlons more likely Birr said "On the street of l.tth there .ue lots of groups ami play ers Hirr said "It's very unique in the mix of people we have up there It's one place when you have students coming and go mg from t l.tss and open busi nesses It's very different around midnight and early morning. fGUiTARSfRiNGS”* j 50% OFF OUR LIST PRICE j < i Music guy j 210 E. 17th (AT PEAK) EUGENE