Eugene police to step up patrol around campus By Tammy Batey Emerald Reporter Eugene police will strengthen patrols around the University area beginning this weekend following several distur bances last weekend including one that police say was racially motivated Four of these incidents occurred around 13th and Alder and Kincaid streets, said police spokesman Tim Ilirr The racially motivated incident, also the most violent of the four, occurred early Saturday morning. Four white University students told police they were returning to their car behind Ren nie's Landing when they were up I proached and beaten b\ about JO biat k mon. I ho four split up to get away but were confronted, according to the police re port One of the white men was asked for money When he refuser), he was knocked to the ground and bit with sticks, according to the report The other three were also struck with sticks or fists. Police found a pool cue in the area of thi! assault. The four told police they were mock ingly called "white boys " They also told police their attackers said race was thi! motivation behind the attack Three of the four men were taken to Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene where they were treated and released, police said. Another incident occurred around midnight Saturday when police broke up a group of about 50 intoxicated youths on the 1200 block of Kincaid Street. \t the same tune ufluei l.mda 1 ishei uas intervening in a third lot ident [ isher arrested ft year old i mversitv student Ku kev (lien Jones 1000 Patter son St \o .MO who siie i eporled see oig assault a 20 vear old female t niver sit\ student '■Jones is also i h.irged with assaulting the womans friend. Kevin John S' limidt. t di Delluood I )i also a I niversitv student i ishfi also urmsltxj Scnmuit. on charges that hr pushed her after sho ar rested Jones. In tin* fourth incident, policu were called by a 7-Eloven store employee whi'ii 75 to KM) young people refused to It'avt’ thr parking lot of till! Hast 13th Avenuo and Alder Street store, till rec ords said Tho disturbances police broke up last weekend were different In two main w ays. Birr said "Like any city, there are some racially motivated incidents but they haven't been as large with a dozen or more pen Turn to PATROL, Pago 6 ---- TV/VCR A GOOD WAY TO STUDY rvr A COMBINATION THAT FITS TODAY'S STUDENT ALL IN-ONE1 No wires to hook up 13 IN SCREEN1 Fits in small areas 25 function unified remote controls Doth the TV and VCR On-screen programming Dy remote plus one touch recording 110 channels including cable Audio video input and output jacks for additional hook ups 499.99 *Soits fa* dtl'Vtry Of instotiot>on not included m mifumum monthly payment shown Yout actual monthly poymtnf can vary depending on youi account balance Vi tv »it* m»o»ui»e avogonaiiy Ptclui» s.muioi«a T *oa« (Mft «CMS B300CO) SHARP TABLETOP STEREO, 5 DISC CD CAROUSEL Remote dual O AQ QQ cassette 3 0*T #• # # rvrnrl am SONY MICROCASSETTE PORTABLE RECORDER Auto recording level, one 29.99 touch record 44* 4 3000 GATEWAY STREET (503) 741-1110 Each of these advertisec items are readily available tor sale as oaveitised