SPEECH Continued from Page 1 Sillin' titin- doubtful Ill'll mill's |ifulillill lllg ll.lte spi'l't ll I ,111 .11 111,ills unit. HI ih,ii in thf end llii>\ ssill hr ,dlirmi**l Its I In- Su jin-mi' I uni ! hi" said l lll’ I iiisi'isits hilS stllll ,1 I lull1 lull journalism Professor I mi lileasun speaking us p>t11 id .1 panel disitission. null'd lh.it ll is more n.irrussls for used ill.in similar rules at ullmr pul lege ram puses I tulir llm Student Conduct ( iidi’ sliidi'ii!s .in- prohibited Irnm spni ifii alls insulting annthnr pursun in his ur her immediate prnsunc n with ubusivt’ vvnrtls ur gestures svhnn a rea sunahlu person ssuuld espei I that such .nl would (.him- cmnlion.il distress or provoke « v iolent ri'spniiM Dennis said lie aim) believes sm li rules .ire not useful in stopping mic.Ii harmful speech No one ,ti tuallv i onliols freedom of thought or ol sp.-et h hv writing rules or bv fashioning a rlrai oiiiau tcgtme to en fort e them he sattf Dennis s.iul he gained .1 greater uppr. 1 i.itiou of freedom of sp.-et (i .1 few Weeks ago when on .1 flip !o tin- Sot let I liion he vvrts in Must ou 011 the day ol ihe toup lie saw Soviet t ifizens hnidlv parlit ipale 111 pti III it demonstrations even though sm h at lions put them at pi ■ loniid personal risk As | w It Messed the events III Mos i ow il was r dear to rnti one e again that freedom of expression of tourse means must to those who test its tibet Just hand he said Moving io other topii s [tennis said he believes politically < imec I spent h sometimes goes too tat Although terms silt h as people of rotor and phvsi Millv ( halhiiged \irrr t reated to pro vide an alternative to « orris that r am a pert ei\ed negative meaning Dennis said tie thinks sot li language is some tunes i allied too tar In a press eonfereiu e earlier in the day he said sin h terms .is vertu ally disadvantaged and animal i.ompan ions probably aren't as good as tin' uni's they replat e short people aild pels \ftei Dennis finisher! his spun h he part it ip,ili'ii in .1 pane! lilsr Ussiim nil free spent h issue ith (Teasun I1,ml Holbo. vite pr >r academic affairs: i..mreu h>- essnr nf journalism: lames klonu- professor of political si iem e ami I nit'raid editor in-< hie! i tins Ilian The disc ussion was model ated !i\ \riiold Isitiach, jonrn.i11sin sc hool dean Ulan said he doesn't think threats to free speech are a problem l lie threat to freedom ol expression is wh.it makes it interesting he said I'm glad (here's a llire.it to freedom of expression bee arise if there weren't, who would e are ' \<> one would Back to School Back To Basicsi AT THE UO BOOKSTORE PRICES FEEECTIVt THROUGH J OCIQBER S. 1991 EARTHWISE RECYCLED PAPER PRODUCTS ECO Earthbound RECYCLED FILLER PAPER {( ultrcjo rule 100 count) Mr,} SALE 1.15 Denru$on RECYCLED 3-RING BINDER (Whf.it of Oatmca V Reg 3.79 SALE 2.59 1>.. 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Ki-vnolds said llii' objectivc ol the rule i hangti is to attempt to integrate spec ial needs i hiJdren into mainstream soi it'K at a voung age “Historically, these kids ba\ e been ill tin' spe ( ial edtli alum ( lassrooms and bv ibis program, vve are trying to get them into .in integrated setting Ke\ Holds said I he i <• nl e r s parent counsel has been .support tve ol thf rule t hange at t online |o Reynolds We've gotten strong support from the parent i on use! " Kevnolds s II a sullit lent number of hear ing requests is ret eived the date time and lot a lion ol the hearing will he announced shortly there after A del i s i o n w ill he made hv Dan Williams based upon i omments and advice rei eived l-ur (her at tion may he taken to amend the rule perma nently. but sin h at turn will not take place before the end of the year RECYCLE THIS PAPER. *