Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Program co-director resigns
Coleman will stay on as English prof
By Hasan Jafri
f meraldConlnbutO'
\fter si\ sears as■ u>dtrec tor of the Folklore
.uni Fthnn Studies Program, Fdsvih (.oleman has
resinned although lie will (onttiiue to lie pari til
the lac ull\ The resignation s\ enl into effei I Sept
Ilmvever m a new ties eh ipmehl Risa I'alin
the new dean nl arts .mil letters met ( oleman
I uesdas and is ti\ mg to find a solution to the
prohleni \u details are \ el ,i\ .iilalile
l iileman. who has been insulted with the
folklore and Kthnii Studies Program siru e its in
(option 111 seals ago resigned hei mse the pro
gram mas he heading in a tress dire, (ion with the
additional fat lilts joining ((lining tall It is pnssi
hie I iileman said that the program in.is split
into separate Folklore and Fthii.ii Studies pm
Hie program is in tail at a i mssroad in
said There is opportumls lot the fat nits te> go
info ness directions I here is no ( ontlii I I see
this as an oppdrtimits lor othei people to ditei t
the program ”
I it’ll though inort- t.n ulf\ is joining the pm
gram mi'i llii' \oais ( oli'inaii has berm dissutis
I md w ith the iiiVnni i.iI t iimmilninil of tin* I' nil or
mIa to the program
I in mi main years thorr iio niumn ui
support tin u ha! was nei esyari to deiftop the
program " In- said Ihere should In- mure np
portiuulv to put mi workshops and things like
that So t,n there is no fndiifi to do all that
Then' is verbal i ommilunmt hr said hut that
never tianslalrs into money
Hi' is tired and frustrated with battling th>- ad
ministration to gel money with not a lot ot .up
port trom llic lai tlliv lie added 111'did add how
evet that I’alm is enthusiasm about expanding,
tin- program and vy ill try to allot air more monel
to It
( oli'liran uas also unhappy w ith his i ompensa
turn as i oilili'i tot ot the program Ilf was paid
S ' ill per year as i o direi lor ind also had to
maintain Ins lull that lung load unlike his peers
\ s dii i i tm ot tin program there u as no tillif
l<> really be tin- direr tor boi ansi- on top ot that I
stdl liad to maintain nn full te.it lung load tor the
Kuglrsh department ' hi-said
Finally, going to
college can save you
some money.
Bi •
lirt \ou never thought
soil'd hear lhal. Hut just Its
heine a .student, sou eau
<jel si*e< lal jinees oil 11»M
IS/J’s—r<Mii|Miters that ss ill
he||i sou through s( hool.
,llld loi i o .iltfi soil ”el out.
I I»M oilers a S.II lets ol
l’s J Selected \eadeiliie
Solut 1011* models to
ehoo-e Irom. \nd
ss ith an HIM
r^k " - I’S/J loan
- 1 lor I earning.
\ou ran own our lor a> lilllr a> $.10 a month ami lakr n|» to li\r
lo |>;i\. Hun now and noii II <;rt a '[»•■< uil lionii' l’a< k worth
o\rr $1.(MM) in si\ in*i> on air Ira\rl. |>11«xi<' rail', 'oil warv and inoit
So wlillr tile prirr oi rollc^r krt‘|» "oiiij^ ii|». at Ira't thr |»i i( rol
succrrdin" i> on it' was down. \ i'it \our <aiii|iii' outlrl to lind out
how to makr <i I'S/'J < li<k foi you.
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J1 W 8V 4*V) •' - V» ' ‘ ,tr
;>'v.: • tjy K\Vm H.v <n
Although ho recently resigned os codiroctor ol Iho I olklore and / th
me Studios program, Edwin Coloman plans to continue teaching
classes in the English department
Oregon Daily
1N» (V«iy:'i D.1-y I pv.(- U<v » Monday Ihax-g'' f »*Si»y Ck."r>g r»i s* ’ •■.**
i**v and T iMMhiy i»r»1 IhunnUtf dur*ng ?h« '.ummw by tN» O«goo Daify j m««<th1 Put)f«rM'>g
,) I* , a! th® l>ntv»Kv..'fy of Osgon f ig«n«i Oogw'
I’hi f ^Mttnkj op«n»!»*> ndapendontfy of tn* urvvw'N ?y *th a! Soflo XX) of if^i
\ !{) Mu' i i Un*jr» «> (! .5 a 'Htmtxu of !f» A&‘*X- rt!ud f’rws'j
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