EDITORIAL Chemical weapons? We’ll trade with you In .ill llic heady drama of President Hush's an nouncenmnt about the cutting hack of nu< lear weap oils spectators of Washington politii s missed a big in du .itor that things are business as usual in the Oval Of In e. despite the i rumbling of communism and the eas ing of world tensions <.asc in point The House foreign Allans Commit fee approved a bill Thursday that would ban imports foi one year of any country that uses chemical or trio log i< a I weapons, and am company that sells or pro (lilt es them lu addition. countries who use chemical weapons would be subjei t to a whole slew of sanctions m< lud mg loss ol all foreign and military aid, termination of credit guarantees, loans and high-technology exports and possible suspension of diplomatic relations Sounds good, right'’ After all during the gulf uai we toured Saddam Hussein s chemical warfare arsenal the most Isolating those i outlines from the rest of the world makes good sense file liush administration doesn't feel that way Hush bent I louse lawmakers to bis will and got them to mi bide a c l.iuse that would allow the president to lift the bail d it would infringe' on national sec uritv inter esls I he bill was designed to help rid the world of chemical weapons through the use ol eremomi: pres sure not military means Once powerful, lire bill is now Hist a hollow shell, gutted by a c ynical udminis trulion jealous ol any attempt by Congress to take part m foreign polie y matters There can be no doubt the bill yvas directed at Iraq, who used chemical weapons oil Kurdish refugees sev eral years ago. and sinc e* Iraq is currently under C \' sanc tions for pretty much the same filing the issue is one bn the hack burner But future i onsiderations y\ai rani a strong measure like* flit* one* Congress proposed, and Bush shot down Ronald Reagan opposed a similar bill during his administration, saying it would prevent him from •denying support for Iraq during its l‘)Ht)-H8 conflict with Iran Bush, with an eye toward the future, is say ing the same thing Remember Syria7 Hotbed of terrorism, scourge to tin* United States7 Well, we’re friends now And Iraq, file c ouiitry yve supported even after it killed .17 of out sailors aboard the I'SS Stark? Well, we don't like them any more Persian Cult politics an*, at best, confusing. Bush, with Ins cavalier altitude toward friends and enemies, makes diem no betlei With Cenrge at the i ontrols. the gull takes on the look of a schoolyard squabble "Let’s lie pals" one day. "I hate you" the next Willi Ins latest victory over Congress. Hush has re served himseli the right to flip-flop C S relations on a w him ‘Tammies" of the United States take heart II you y\ant the (ireal Satan on your side just get in a nic e re gional conflict and pop some mustard gas Uncle Sam's cavalry will lx* charging over the hill before you know it LETTERS Glorifies What 1 want to know is - why are greeks so offended hy the Osuir thi< I'rrshtnan (()l)i,\ Sept. 2.r>) portrayal of thorn, when so many of thorn wear sweatshirts and t-shirts that joke uUuit and/or brag about thoir i)o«T busts7 Wanael's World lias presont od much the sumo picture of greeks, and so far i haven't seen or heard any complaints about it Could that be because Woo snl glorifies the behavior (as the sweatshirts do) rather than con demns it? Debra Day Psychology Fairweather fans I was at tho Oregon-lJSC foot ball game last Saturday night 1 was disappointed with the lie huvior of some of the people in the crowd Near the end of the game, a man behind me decided that It was necessary to verbally as sault the quartorback for his "poor performance." He shouted that Danny O'Neil had "given tho game away" and that he "should be benched," along with many other deroga tory comments I don’t know exactly how much O’Neil heard, but the look on his face suggested that he felt bad enough alxnit the game without the personal insults I'hn unnecessary roughness of this particular "fan" showed a lack of sensitivity that embar rassed me The players work hard and don't deserve to be cursed at for their mistakes, if you. as a fan, are unhappy with the performance of the team, or if you are not ut the game to support your team, win or lose, then stay home and swear at your television. If is hard enough for the foot ball players to play some of the teams that they face — they should not havo to play against the fans, too. l’oor sportsman ship makes the game an un comfortable place for both the players and the other fans. To O'Neil and any other team members who huve been curs ed at by people at the games, I offer my sincere and humble apology I wish you all luck throughout the remainder of the season. R.J. Gillespie Eugene Filth monkeys After a joyous summer filled with warm sunshine, loving rainbows, brothorly love and buzzing bees, I returned to the University in hopes of spread ing my internal joy to my fel low people. Alas, my dream has died and my joy is now replaced with rage and disbelief that our com munity has allowed a gang of irreverent vandals and hood lums come back in an evil man ifestation of a television shown as Our Version of Hell When I read of their expul sion from the airwaves last Au gust in the Kogistor-Guard, I was overjoyed. Their poisonous toxins and their politically in correct filth was gone. Now these filth monkeys arc; back every Thursday night on Chan nel 11. 1 urge you to watch at least once and 1 guarantee you foul as repulsed as I do when ever I see one of their obscene flyers. Liberals unite! Disband these festering termites from our house of tranquility before they destroy all of our society's mor al fibers. Jerod Hume Student Harassment Why is the Oregon Daily Em erald encouraging harassment? A front page urtii le [ODE Sept 27) notes violent attacks hut gives no description of the at tui kers The Register-Cuard did the same Bob Jones Freshman *tu. I 'A SuKl wt (AN SutCESSRJUV SHt^tKP OUK WsN Iblwt \*VLW COJU& £tLIGHTING VifANWHU-t A' rut l Kji-KAiV ANTiCS *> TUtY IKV It) tJUXK us MAw ) v^r> Ti*tY Say ihi ws no »un in K>c^r vni*6 (oNSfKVAnvA ANY NV»<1 ' MAKK'UfAKVI ). THAHKVOU LLAUrNCt 'liwZAJi >^e3i ) ' uck*. 0* *k’ -V, OTfiAHwi A . kKMC ? HtM-in cake 7 vA (jOsM i w TmV. LkMtCn*^*jT ‘Vtsiopsr i*fcN 0OP' »V< ’ « •Af OW NO 6tW*rNlWt EpUGtfiX But Vju (QUO) A*. ( I Ml' JM •jni'wi thi DfiKr MOK^ fasiOW’ Tf* HSX'sl ; i:7 M£ 7 0M ' * T4£ 6»6 PICTlXI TR,Y mtf taoKOCK t*j