Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1991, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wilson veto sparks protests
(A I’) Cov.
I1 n t c Wilson's
I weekend veto of a
•homosexual righls
bill triggered violent protests hy
thousands of gav activists in
San Francisco on Monday and
filled the streets of Los Angeles
with anti Wilson protesters
The San Francisco demon
stration turned violent Monday
night when some r>,()()() protest
ors converged on two state
buildings in the Civic Center
and began breaking glass win
(lows and doors and spray
painting "Wilson is a Basher"
and "Gay Rights Now" on the
Angry protesters threw a
burning 11.ig through a broken
window in one of the build
Police and demonstrators
sprayed one another with
mace. Officers ultimately
doused demonstrators with a
hose from inside the buildings,
hut the Low-pressure spray did
little to push back demonstra
In Los Angeles, the mood
was equally confrontational
"Wilson is a liar! Kqunl rights
now!" shouted demonstrators
outside the Federal Building in
Los Angelos, condemning
Wilson's veto of legislation to
outlaw job discrimination
against homosexuals.
A second protest outside the
governor's office in downtown
Los Angeles drew about 300
people Monday afternoon
On Monday night, thousands
of protestors gathered in West
Hollywood. They vented their
anger at Wilson's action by
blowing whistles and scream
ing protest chants as they
blocked several streets in the
city known internationally fur
ils large. gay populace
Those protesters poured intti
the streets surrounding the I,os
Angeles (bounty Museum of Art
wliere Wilson w.is meeting
with the Mexico President Ar
turn Salinas do Gortari
In the San Francisco demon
strations, protestors chased
mayoral candidate Frank |or
dan, who was police chief dur
ing a controversial sweep oi a
protest bv ACT t'i’, from the
predominately gav Castro
Several hundred protesters
broke away from the crowd and
forced Jordan out ol the neigh
borhood whore he was pick' d
up by a police car.
Jordan was police chief when
gav protesters alleged the uii
necessary use of fore e to clear a
lUfl!) demonstration in the Cas
tru organized hv the AIDS Goa
1 ition to Unleash Power
"Gay and lesbian people are
not just disappointed, they're
angry Pete Wilson is going to
have hell to [lay,” said Torie
Osborn of the L A Gay & Leshi
an Community Services Center
She said Wilson proved him
self a "liar and a coward" for
vetoing the type uf gay rights
measure he had previously in
dicatod In' would support
In vetoing AB101 on Sunday,
Wilson said it would burden
employers by adding to the
"flood-tide" of litigation which
he called a threat to the state's
economic well-being
The hill’s author. Assembly
man Terry Friedman, D-Sher
man Oaks, called the veto “a
victory for bigotry Ho (Wilson)
has caved in to the right-wing
extremists and the religious
fundamentalist fringe groups "
o vx^
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God Squad' may convene
\Y'.\SMI\1 < TC)\ i \H| i111♦ *i*«*« rrlarv
M.mih'i 1 Hi.m Jf is rVp«‘i tin) to i unvrnr thr
(«od S(|ua(i to drt uir if timber s.drs should
(ontmu* tii• sp11r thr fhiiMt .It*. thr northern
spottrd owl I br ()irut>m*in rrportrd
Stiuru’s imla .itrd Lujan unuid ninhr flu* in
noutH rmrnt ?odu\
1 h*- (.mi S(|u.i«i tnimalK I hi1 I nnlampt r. I
S|m.h irs ( nmmilhv at quirrd its tin kn.iiiu'
f»r< ,him’ it dri idrv u hrt hrt a sprt irs fivrs m
perishrs It has t!*«• ptnvrr t»» <i«*< nit* it thr pro
uni|U( nn rssitv ut -.riling frdrral hmhrt nut
Uriahs tlu I :ui.mgr mi' Sprt li", \t t s tnuiidutr
tn proto*.! I hr mv i
Hu* owl v\ as listml as a ihmibmrd spt*« u s
in Imu luigtdv .is a rrsult ut r\(t*%si\r
logging in thr old gnmth hursts in uhti.h if
I tvvs.
Thr Labinrt Irvrl i nmmittrr tins .«* t»*iI mils
tVNicr mik i* 107H u hrn ( nngrrss .iddrd thr
r\rmption tn fhr \ ndangrird SprtTrs \i t (hi
IMP ot lliosc on .isioih t>n111 in !‘t '» ( nngrrss
ovrrrtilrd it
( \ l-unisun diriM tor nt thr Hurr.iu of Land
Management ushrtl Lujan un Sept It tn < on
U’lir tin- t.nmmittrr in hoprs it would allow
thr HI.M to m.ikr 44 timbrt sales harm! b\ thr
f ish and Wild I dr Srivii r to prut ml the ow I
fill* HI M hud pl.mnrd to srll r»tt million
hoard Irrt of timhri in thr tistal war that rnd
rd Mnnduv tuit ft'slrit tions (n ptolrt t thr ow !
drastirallv reduced thr urea available for log
ging on HI.M and I orrsl Serviie hinds in On
gnu and W ashingtun
Lawyer calls move ploy’
|Af’) {'ailing ill*' (Iml Squad ovi'r the
>|M)tlt;d uvvl .ippt'tus lu Iw ,i polilit.il plm In
hulp Sun Huh I'm kwini*l grt if id*'* ted an i*n
vironmi-ut.il lav.v**i .dltuutd lui'sd.iv
Vu Slici ut the Sn rr.i ( lull l.t'nal Di'trnsi
I'Uinl in Si' itlli'. i iinti'iiili'd tho tjuu triutidil
liiisn I (ultilli.'d two t in id it tuns tlnil .*rt- rr
i|iiir*'d lii'tnri' tin- Kmli’inguri'd Sjm i ics { uinniit
tt'i' ,dsu known as thr (iod Sipi.id i ,m nr.uil
.tin I'Vdiiptiuns in dii' I - ud.intp'ii'd Spin.ins
At t
['he I’ S Hiin-iiti ol I,tiui Man.inemenl
hasn't ,11 i opted allei n.itiv es ti> its (imliei sales
as suggested li\ die t S I tsh and \\ dillde Set
v n;r and hasn't |>ie|iated an environmental
imparl statement Slier said
I he HIM is setdmu exemptions hit It lull
Inn sales in spotted ms I halnl.it in its Rosebud;
ell I ('.His Has ,ll si I'll Is in Western t help ill
I he HI At is nut aide In sell the timhei it is
tiilerinvi now sn there isn l a limber i itnii h
Slier said there aie alternatives availallli
whit ii were puiiiteil mil: h\ Ihe I ish and \\ dd
hte Servil e w hit h pi im.ii 11\ ditpettd on HIM
adriptinv; an adequate lnn« 1.10140 plan In pm
Its I the ini I
II seems In he lar.;eh i polltir.il ploy tin
Sen I' n kvvoods ie elei linn i nmpainn
rh.it is an instill re .ponded I’m kwood
spok espei si ill I atirl lined It s not mllv all III
suit lo Sell Pat kvviMtd hut .dsn an insult hi the
people involved
Pal kwood Inis heen pushing his own hill lo
euaiantee adequate levels ol linthei lo keep
Northwest mills rutinim; l ast \ eai lie Hied lo
amend Ihe I ndamp red Spei ies \i I so tli.it Ihe
HIM and Forest Servite i tntld hriiqt enlire lit
vear loinpiiv; plans hetnre the Card Squad talh
it lhan indiv idual limhei sales
Pat kwood said he wehomed luleMol Suite
larv Manuel l.iqnn |i s det isiiitt lo eonvene
the lominilhv
Ihe t!od 'squad will lake illto .n i • 111 lit all
spei ies whether thev ate owls or people
I’,ii kwood said I have worked lot a loot; lime
lo III lilt; li.l la nee lo tills plot . and I like lo
think today s dei isum is title in some small
pari lo mv eiforts
laiv nonmenlalisls said they vveie i onlident
that Ihe si lenlific ev nleiu i that the .polled
owl is in thinner ol estiiu tton would prevail in
the i niiiiiiillee as il has in previous l imit hat
I Ies
It I he memhets ol the I ndauijered Spei ies
( aimmitti'H follow the law there is little doulil
I (lev have lo linil ill lavoi oi the si lenlllu ev i
deni e that the old growth dial they propose to
i ul here will substantially harm Ihe survival ot
Ihe owl said Liny lull le (ht-Kini diret.lnr ol
ihe V\ ililei ness Sot inly
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