Ore von Daily o WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 25 A caretaker reads Maurice Sendak s Where The Wild Things Are to a group ot enthralled listeners at the EMU Child Care Center With the help ot the Early Education Progiam. the Center can rich* temporarily otter special needs care tor children who quality lor Early Intervention Programs Special-needs care available on campus By Colleen Pohluj l ilt I 'im itsilt h.is-cit.ii Ini a l• ■ 11)|>>ir.ii\ ndmmiNlrntivc rulf i li,ni tpialilt Im I iris Intfrvfii llmi sfrt ii i s I.ally lahiiatimi 1'iugram. a pri\atr non profit oii’.im/.itinn m Ltiii1 ( nimt\ prm ides sn, \ h rs tor spri i*i.l iti'ol * hildrrn a.L»r three to live This organiz.i tinn is a prm idri *»f I ati\ Intel v rntinu ser\ ii t‘s I hr l utr i h.m^r will enable i lllploV d", to in riv r stall and Ii.lining suppuittmm I I I’ 1 hr i enter \\ ill in rivi* .1 i onsiiitant Irnm thr program tour horn a .week in addition to .1 part lunr .tide .i I so bom II I* \\ r bn cifllr .1 Siilrlhtr so I f I* 1 .HI hrlp Us help thrsr 1 hihiim s«iiill Irrinis Kr\ 11 olds. I Ml * hi hi 1 are i oorilm.i hn Ihr 1 rntri Urrclril . 11 least tom sprt iftI nrril i hihlirn in order lo ret rive assist.im r from I I I* .h < noting to Hi \ imhis I hr him In pmv id** * .ir** tin spr< i.d needs * luldren emerged Turn to CHILD f\up 4 Church groups denounce anti-homosexual petition By Gerrit Koeppinq ! n • ••., i RepoMei The ga\ and lesbian ( (immunity re i ei)tl> gut some unexpet ted allies in the bat tit: against i .onservatives who are try mg to put all anti homosexual rights ini tiative helori Oregon \oters m Novt'in her 10*12 The Oregon ( alhoiic (innferent e and the I ( lime i i ti a I ministries ot Oregon both ( allle out against the initiative peti turn whit h is sponsored by the ardently i on sen at i\ e ()regon ( at i/e ns Alliaui e I he initiative would change the state (.■institution so that homosexuality, pedophilia, sadism and tnasuc lusm i mild not he promoted em ouraged or lai dilated by the slate II the initiative passes ill stale stat tiles lh.lt i urrenth e\isl *.. (Miill1! I .MVs .mil lesbians would be pretnpled I lie initiative would also make .ill (Ulbllt si bools iiu lulling the st.it*; system of luvthei edtu ation assist m setting sl.iu dards tb.it ret ngnotes homosexuality .is abnormal umiu; iinittiliii.il mid [lerverse .old tb.it these liebaviois .ire to be (list (imaged and avoided I'd get the initiative on the ballot 8*1(100 sIii.itures need to be gathered by |ulie 1'fHI Hul aiiording to Philip K.uusdell the i hie! petitioner and state polite al duel loi ot ( M \ this should be no problem We ll be III evert shopping i enter ill the slate (gathering signatures vv e bate In.ini lies III evert ( utility and we have ■ i mail my, list ol UiO.lKM) so 1 .••(• no prnhh.ni in getting signatures lie s,llll Tills despite ,1 st.ileinenl tele.lsed li\ 111.- ( tregon ( .itlinlii ( jinteieni e in r.irh Si pii nili. i which asked parishioners In not sign in i lit til.il>’ tin prlltinll be i .him- ol uniiliny which tin- uinloieiu e s.in! w ,is nvi-i btn.nl ambiguous .mil pntcntiulh hiirinful .mil disi iunin.itorv In homoHttxu.il i ili/i'lis rln- (ontoreiu ,ilsn s.inl lilt; initiative i no Id li-.nl In housing .mil employment ilisi riintii.iliiin in .1111111nin In affirming attitudes ill.ll In.n! In h.lb- ( min s against ga\ s .mil li-sln.ms I n iii.iki- things even harder Ini I In I)( A tin l.i uim iiii .il Ministries ol I In giin ,i mainstream umhri'll.i group tli.il lepFfNents more III.Ill .11011 tlltleiflll i hurt hi"- i'i’Iimm iI .1 statrnif lit i mi ilfnining llif 111iti.i11\ <■ 111■ t it inn At cording in I IIimi lame I In- assoi i ali* tlirn Ini ill I.i iinirnii nl Ministries nt Oregon. tin organixnlton ii'Ii'.isi'iI .1 slaU'iiii'iil say mu tin- I i uinnni .t 1 Mm Istry nl Oregon ili'iimmi i's tin- petition ut tin- ( Jieguii t iti/ens Alii.mi i is m.ih i unis .mil disrespei llul against gay .mil Irsliiiin people U t■ iits< ihir•!><•* all (Im womans frum signing I In* petitions Despite all llic opposition. tin- ( )( A s I’liilip Kaiiisi Id 1 is i i ml ii la nl I llunk all tin- opposition is slum Ini il he sanl I'ulitii i.ms will pav a si rs Ini; pine il Him come out against us sii ive'ie very i onfuieill anil irli happy m uni position Ilf sanl INDEX Resigning_— Kit Coleman Knglish pruhssur uni i u din'i Imi ot the Kolklure .mil Kthnii Studies Program. will >t<■ j> down |rum une position while keeping the See story Page 3 Getting involved The Student Senate is taking applt (alums truiii those interested in scr\ mg oil student t.u ull\ i niniliittees See story. Page 6 Know yourself (!art*t*r (onsiiltant Marti (ham*\ spoke on I u»*sda\ «inrl gavi* .ulvis** mi finding «i satisfying (K ( u pat ion See story Page 7 Changes Tim Oregon football tram is uncb*i going sunn' mid season < badges in both offense and dHrnsr in an effort lu get bar k on trat k See story. Page 12 Future of free speech topic of Convocation Speaker says all must be given voice By Lisa Millegan I leodnm ul speet It on univorsitv 4 ,uu puses should belong to .ill people not (list those who hold polHicallv 101 rci C ot'ivs s.iid llii- kt-\ noli* speaker ■ 11 liirsd.u 's I nivorsitv ('onvoi (ition Although r.uliiiil right wing views such .is while supremai v .nr considered wrong In most 1,11 nits members .ind students, university offii nils should still allow these views to he expressed said Kverette I tennis executive duel tol ot the I reedoni I orurti Media .Studies ( en lei in Mu York I lie 1 ainpus ot 1 nurse, ought to lie a free /one where unpopular ideas are tol erated. not nei essarilv always ai 1 opted and eiutirai ed hut challenged and massaged as the basis for furthei disi us sion and dehate he said How much hotter lot the student with 1.11 1st 01 sexist attitudes to expo them opeiilv and In* challenged rathei than repress them and remain un ( hanged ' he added A former editor of the f in-yon Hail\ Emerald. Dennis was dean ot the I'm verstly s tout n.ilism si hool front I‘(HI In 1‘lH l \tli i leaving Ili«- si Itiic11 hf In 11.1 tin1 founding direttnr of I In • Media Studies i fiiii-i formerly known is tIn■ I,.niilfll ( filter tm Mediii Studies Also llie clirei tor ol lln- ( enter for l elfi otimtiitin .ition anil Information Similes ol the (hailllnte Si hooi ol Itllsi m ss at < ulii iiilna I nit ersit\ Dennis has written mil i o authored lit hook- and rnanv artii les in popular professional and si hoi irlt periodii als Ills spt-fi Ii entitled War ol the Words freedom ol I. \ press ion the I'm versilv and tile Media was sponsored In the )ourualisui si hool and leatured at the i onvoi alion a 111111 el sit tradition to i elehratf the opening ot the ai aiiemn tear Dennis said he sympathizes with uni versities that have set up rules to pre vent hate speei h hut lie said he doesn’t like sill h lodes hei allse ol their reslrii time, on freedom ol spent h Mtlmugh I am strongly opposed to spent h that deliberately and wantonly lusters hatred and (ontempt, 1 am at the Turn to SPEECH ;i up 4 Everette Dennis