:?s APTS DUPLEXES TH£ COll EGlAN ~1B10 Aktof ~r>cm totting Upscato »! uOent housing including meals 343 1255_ Unfurn •partm#nt, campm a?«m if. 70 E 15th) Spacious. 2* bdrms. appi new carpet 'paint 1485 ♦ dep 484 7489 UMIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RENT NOW FOR FALL! A CLOSE TO CAMPUS * PARKING A ON-SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bedroom* $575 3 bedroom* from $685 Call 683-0729 NOW! Janninga ♦ Co , 683-4219 $100.00 ” MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1247 W. 81 h *2 1 Bedrooms from 1305 2 Bedroom F lai 1365 POOL PARKING LAUNDRY Call Nino, 344 5583 Jannlngs ♦ Co._663-421 fl 1 bdrm turn, clean. quiet. DAN. disposal, laundry, covered parking. 136fv'mo 1200 I erry 343 3318 WILL GO FAST! 1 bedroom span men! 2 blocks io campus Very dean, pots negotiable oil street parking avail 135S'month 345-2255 ODE Classifieds... a good deal! A LARGE, CLLAN. QUIET 2 bdrm. 1 bk U ol O Available now Turn . btg kitchen. DWtfisp. big clos ets. now carpot<1uk3leum. lots ol park ing. laundry, sundock 683 8919 V, BLOCK FROM CAMPUS N*ca. largo, furnished 2 bdrm apt tblO/mo 344 4760. 683 4905_ onebTocktocampus [Jaautifully remodeled two-bed - room with now carpets In foorple*, furnished optional. 1452 E. 19th, #4. $494. Ask about our move-in bonus! _ 343-6000 FREE RENT Until Nov am bar 1; 1 A 2 bedroom furnished apartments 1 block to campus Parking Laundry 1424 F Wh Mgr 111 464 41?/_ GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1803 Garden Avanue The BEST KEPT SECRET on campus 2 bedroom apartments. available lur rushed or unfurnished. private park.ng. on sae laundry Ask about MOVE IN SPECIAL only $39511 Paul. 344-1721 Janmngs ♦ Co. 683-7771 GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION HUGE 7 bedroom apartment available lor lease Appliance* include dishwash er a/id disposal. private balconies, oft street par lung, right on busline to U of O ONI Y $395111 Janmngs ♦ Co683 7771 JEFFERSON APTS 600 JEFFERSON Roomy ? bedroom townhouee style apartment available soon Private pa tios. onsite laundry and parking Call Larry to view. 343 9235 Janmngs ♦ Co. 683-7271 934 WASHINGTON #10 Huge 2 bedroom apartment m vintage house available soon Lots ot extra storage, fireplace Must see to appreci ate $550 Also 2 bedroom apartment available m complex in rear $395 Jannlngs ♦ Co. 683 2271 Lg 1 bdrm apis ir2 bfc from IX) In vary claarvqmet compiax Big kltcfv an woentar Island, separata vant tytoath, •' walk-in cloaet, fulfy turn, free covered parking. Taking reser vations for fall. Larry. 484-4103 r ?2S APTS DUPLEXES MO l/TR ITY Bit l S 64 4 S mcturtaa ht»n,«xv-»i SHOHT WAi x TO CAMIHJS T ugana M-anor, 1040 10V) Ferry 4«4 ,'44 1 STUDIO-6265 765 ( a&i 16th Si _48*> 6991_ Small ? bdrm tumiahad apt near M , ancea $495 606 4809. Mgr or 343 6000 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Vz Block To Campus 3 bedroom apts Nicely remodeled wtih garage park tng. laundry, appliance*. fufrsthed optional, 715 1/2 E i«h (behind white house) Manager r> *9 $«» * furnished, Util, paid 4 Laundry faculty. covered parking A 1220*110 nth Real the rush! Mwn now and g«t 2 *<*»*» TREE. Private er*ra..x» to thaea roturtM*hed quads Call 343 4109 •* 2 WEEKS FREE ** Walk lo campus from !h*m* nawty -•> i quad* • Pfvaia E ntrance * * Excailanl location * * *223 Include* UtUrt*** * * Month to Month Tenancy * Dnva by 1 730 Ifcfyard (m alley bafwxJ 1 742 Hitya/d) Maw' t stetfo Nom-awV H-< -t1 ' j :jo QUADS 553 E. 18th Avo f q.>ad *ntr* PHIVATl. BATHS arxJ ratr*Q*iraiont Paring t *1 ONI V $26S imniMt • Co ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th CfcMn, qOMM COCnpMii WJkk to Cl*aa A 4v.*«J tha (UA( j h*&*aM $50 mov» *n Oorum Off SHUT T PAMklNft All UTIUTtf S PAiD Cad 544 -9390 J«rvnrtg • ♦ Co. M3-421B 245 ROOMS Room tor rant, to t*w» i oATor fv>m« dOM to avnpu* wxiutfa* jtMtma Ca# Hitt Al ftM7 250 DQRM CONTRACTS Dorm contract lor %<%*» Mu« 04i. q •«< rocxnmaia B.wn Comp^a* Muora t,a «!tr»r 7pm A.nA tor A* Jr tan TV M For Sal* Multi>ta dorm laa Contact Tracy Sim peon at 4A4 7036 For aala. Mufttpfa dorm :«*» u i Call l at, 683 11 75 Mult4>ta dorm contract tor aala* Call now* Maathar, M3-11 75 25$ ROOMMATES WANTED Famaia houMmitt wantad to fum home Hardwood Hr\ WO. *ky itght* Cioa* lo bu»t>*Ku A?*>C/mo ♦ ut.l 346 ?3?1. avaaAnsg Cat i*ny famaia mi’hi to Vwa 4 mitoa From U of O 344 ‘Mtil Hoomala wanlad to v' rw ’ • '■♦*? 2 bdr apart morit, v* biocfc trom U ol O to slwa with rmtht pr«» uiw Irar^tar student S29Vmon 1 Roommita for house, 18th k friendly W O, 1bath, hooaafcaep •r, garage, yard, clean. quiet t?OGmonlh ♦ 1 i uliiitiea 6? 260 REAL ESTATE Refioeaeaead k IRS foreclosed homaa dvruUOwi «l Lxeow n*i/kef .«> .<*» fanttwUc saving*1 You r*»t«i r A;*o SAL tM*kjut prop»*n«ft Car* if.»d*v) 68? 76!»5. i *1 H 1464 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Old couch, oacl fng. rwr» tw«l cr>b true* tool bo*. nowur stove. mts*_«wui noous 687 9711 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING ?’Q CHILD CARE Childcare Needed 1-2 nights a week for 1 child Must hava own transportation Please call Afyca, 14 2 2994 after 3 p m 2ss aue SPORTS BOWLING CLUB MEETING 10/2, 4:00 PM EMU LANES or call 146-3/33 Sponaofd by Ckito Sportt JOIN CREW laarn to Ho« and Coaipati Inlorma Bor.a Iteatog Wadnaadiy. Oct 2. l * p* EMU Cadw HoomtE IF Howmt ard Conann W«coma MAKE YOUR WORKOUT COUNT! U of O karal* Clot) mairuciion competitor! *nlorm*.onai making. Oct 1. 7 pmflpm. Cmla/ Room C. EMU Sponsored Dy CHjO Sport*_ CLUB SPORTS SNOWBOARD CLUB MEETING A. I T 03 1 7 pm, I MU Cmim f Q*1 l oa. 34V <.4K2 Spontor*j by CM) S(xyti U O EQUESTRIAN TEAM A .v» \ md o»4 •bcuA ttu* • ,t> Sport* acl-vay Organi/Mron* running T,*•* 8 00 Od 1 m [ Mi l < *xiw Room l, U of 0 Jujitsu/Judo Club Meeting V you ara knl«Mt*d In partlclpaf ir*g In traditional and aport martial mita atop by Cadar Hoorn A at tha I MU on Octotoar 1 at 6 00 p m ?90 CAMPUS EVENTS Dfuida Maating to oft if* ywa; 0.1 3. Omk Room, 7pm Oftx.na, / 30 pm AH r*m Endangered Tibet A slide show lecture about the plight ot the culture & environment ot Tibet under Chinese occupation Presented by world tamous adventurer, photographer, & author Galer Rowell Wed., Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m. EMU Ballroom For more info call the Outdoor Program, 346-4365 FREE! WAIT Donl buy any poster* or art prints until you see the annual Art Print Sale at EMU Main Das* area. Oct 711.800am to 5 00 p m 100'a of (Jitterant prints untieI lev ably priced at only $5 00 each or any 3 for >13 00 7J<7XrwhV: i m s'-... 1)0 Outdoor Program pretumta u vnkio on booling many of the We*l% ikbl V f>v"*r» W**J'*oa*lny Od 2 l*l ’2 30 pm in Room 23 l Mi J 346 4365 _ 300 FOOD i DRINK The c nf** nt COLLIER HOUSE ul I llh It ml I Miv* r*il> •n i nan* llw h M I WELCOMES NEW STUDENTS A NEW FACULTY ( omr enjoy mir historic* setting & moderate* prices! Lunch: Coffee: 8:(H)-:W)« Everyone Welcome! ARTS!, ENTERTAINMENT Moo«# of Rhythm A Mot* to 0 J * Simpfy th« Host Sound A f'rtc* F rn Brochure A $ AX) ♦ ,666-6 709 0««K ov#*T IMOW V. u Vr WM( U f««—t —< > 1».f 11 W Tto S./ *•, * JO i io OOTRAOICXAH Paris is Burning ^ )i)-in '*»* rv« ?oo •«> ^ I t-MfiMU/lr *OA£ atotw BRIGHT m ANGEI H«.t >.*.ia)W CXKM TRUTH OR DARE * tNuTs„.<0^ ^vux JOin Straight out of Brooklyrr « "I»w «' ^ 30f> HEALTH S FITNESS LOSI Wf IGHT MOW . A'X) Iimw twtflc wflh Th«» Mk:ro (>** ir» uii ahortteNa andlT wCWKS Cad Jmoqym. Uxlop«wxu>nl Mt. 't> 0*#« MWxy M 666-0*47 today_ 3?o SERVICES DISCOVIR OREGON 1 .»•» day trip* FXPt RIF MCE OREGON tn* rvui feitiMH' nxvny uml'i MotriMMrnam* mnvk) Many doattnonona oItanad 341*001 f or brochure, in to *.’*> V *!> »UUl IMG. DUMP MG & MOVING Cod C 1 S Property ImpriKOtnont Planned Pa rant hood haa a pregnancy teat that a 'W\ accurate on* d«*y after a mawed penud' l»x luOea unbiased oour»*4inQ Cafl 344 wn AOi 5 0«4I» 11 m«< «l<1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer ACH099 t ind Ihu Mnn* (piny) 5 (lowm priflnur 8 * Homo curcift run! 12 Homo of tho Molt 13 ItInh tun U.hI 1 4 Spin 13 C i ill dun tlruclufo 17 I’rop mi lino! I hmiMiH 1 8 Solemn w< >n« Inf 1 U Hlntling ( not mein 21 Siihjmi I l.ulny 24 I im 1 ion 25 Mom t >f iino 20 I nnl If night If nlni 30 Hibl:cnl lion 31 John I If own a IkxJy" |K)nl 32 Onrjiuilifig 33 ( juit. K liimixir f»d of ion 35 Clonchod hand 30 Odin - blttrn (Oik urn 3/ Out modad 30 Scotch Ion ciiKua 4 1 Old I lonch coin 42 loin (U >11 If) A uninlnh 43 I’orlnblu nlovu 40 ‘'.wool, | ml) iy h iill 40 You imghl Ixonk il r>0 Ait lino IllOill rut op Inc Id f> I Chic nod jnunly 02 I Imulla clumsily 53 Judicious DOWN 1 I Ina Invn 2 Oiuek lutlar 3 Snllsliad 4 I mya dunuil 5 Ool ac tive's land 0 ( >(ij miiiiimI III 0 1)1 7 I llsliu|)S I) Olnislmos dectxn lion 0 I liuului suc consas 10 Oiy ol lined ill mils 11 Sliong Impulses 10 Hni n Solution llin*: 24 min*. Yaalarday'a anawar 10-1 honlai 20 Formally, formerly 21 Chlel nod ol Memphis 22 Architect Saarinen 23 01* n taunted 24 Smnll ttodle* ol water 20 Command 27 Cornulln Skinner 20 i lardy liarolnu 20 Glut 31 I ngllalt historian 34 Ouruilna 35 Imperfec lions 37 Soil drink 38 Social Insult 30 Quota 40 Anagram lor llonto 41 llanrty maul 44 Wood aortal 45 llra/lllan bird 40 Child s gnma 47 Syllable with lid or llnar CHICK OUT CLUB WASH! LAUNDRY WITH FUN! BIG SCREEN TV & MUSIC LOTS OF CLEAN MACHINES WITH NO WAIT VIDEO GAMES/DELI TANNING BEDS IT’S MORE THAN JUST YOUR TYPICAL LAUNDROMAT IT’S WORTH THE CHANGE! 595 E I3lh ( uqj-iip 34? 1727 5531 M.«m Spnnglteld 741 2224 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson -v MAKING A 1 H JXUAK'Nt. TWfc. CBEtV. IN rm vKx®', AiW Wl *ut N -fx) CXSCCW W‘ »JK5 UMNij OjBV lkil£JMH> VO SA.MV W to-lD USV vj*> A S*»H I Cayw, K;