Senator faces investigation for possible fraud SALEM (AP) Lawyers will bo wading into most ly unchurtoii loaol waters if a probe into Sen Peg John's fund-raising practices turns into a criminal case The Cottage Grove Democrat has been the subjei:t of investi gations since January, when it was disclosed she sent a fund raising letter claiming her cam paign committee had $10,()()() in debts and no money to pay them off. Records later showed her campaign had no debts and a Skinheads make attempt to recruit high schools for Northwest members SHATTLF (AIM High school students are used to hearing the pitches of military and college recruiters, hut re cently they’ve also been up preached by white supreme cists. Supremacist "skinheads'' have begun recruiting drives in Federal Way and Auburn, Wash., high schools, police said. Skinhead leaders have be gun spreading their word through students sympathetic to the movement. Skinheads, who favor black leather boots and shaven scalps, have boon described as the foot soldiers of the white supremacist movement. There have been recent ar rests of skinheads in eight inci dents in schools south of Seat tle, for suspicion of assault, possession of illegal weapons and racial harassment. "Why they're targeting the Fed oral Way area I don't know,” said officer Dan I’lngrey, a member of King County's gang unit. "Hut it’s definitely a significant in crease." County officers and state troopers monitored a gathering of 20 white supremacists Sun day at Saltwuter State Park near Dos Moines, about 25 miles south of Seattle. Those at tho meeting of the Washington State Aryan Na tions listened to speeches and socialized, and several mem bers worn quasi-military outfits and provided security. Justin Dwyer, the group’s 23 year-old leader, said there have boon monthly meetings held .it vurious locations recontly. Ho said recruiting is going on throughout Western Washing ton. Dwytir, who lives in Bremer ton, said the state organization wus formed in April as an off shoot of Aryan Nations in Hay den Lake, Idaho. Aryans Nations has formed state groups in Washington. Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Wyoming, he said. Dwyer said tho group's mis sion is to "awaken our people" to tho unfuir treatment of whites. "I don't hate other people; don’t get mo wrong," he said. "But the white man has got to find his own destiny." As part of tho recruitment ef fort, ho said, the organization looks up people who have writ ten letters of support to Aryan Nations in Idaho. Peg Jolin fund-raising case involves little-used law $28,000 surplus will’ll Uni letter was sent. Jolin told The RtyfistvrJhiard of hugone shi’ considered a claim of debts a mom effective way to raise money, although no debts existed She called the claim "a technique, just like marketing " Jolin hasn't been charged with a crime, but the Oregon Justice Department plans to take its findings to a grand jury soon Officials arc proceeding un der a rarely employed law against using "undue Influ ence" to sway someone's vote, political affiliation or political c( attribution. Ataording to the law, undue influence includes fraud Klo> - lion law experts said the statute i oil Id pose problems for prose i'U tors The prosecution must show that she committed fraud, and I don't think train! has ever boon defined for this purpose In election law," Portland lawyer Richard Hotton said in a m uni Interview But a lawyer who helped draft the law say*- using false claims to nuse campaign funds was intended to he covered This statute doesn't have any surprises in it," said )ai k. l aust of Portland "It deals with the most serious and ex (rente possibilities of viola lions A nd I ra u d is One ol mem Secretary of Stare I’hil keis ling, whoso office enforces nltx lions laws, iisktai the attorney general lo Investigate Jolin un il<• r tho unduo Influence law Allot staling tho results, ho s.iiti Ihoro was “credible evidence" that sho broke tho law anil that a n indict in lin t s h o u I d ho sought. Violating tho part of tho un duo influoncu law under which Jolin is being investigated is a felony with penalties ol up lo five years in prison and a S 1(H),non fine ✓ / prices effective 9/23 10/5 Brain Power! With All The Functions You Need to Function Better Sharp EL-506 SLR: Scientific Calculator $OQ95 Sale Aii Sharp EL-531 D =g?^i|=95 Price EL-512H: Programmable HP-32S Scientific Calculator Sharp EL-733: Financial Calculator Sale $3495 Scientific Calculator • . ' i. • • • . • ' <$cw mean, siandarc x>'$ on • ' A " V- , ■' • N < - ' ' • ■ . • ■ Our Price s6995 HP-17BII: "Best Buy fof the Buck" Business Calculator • ^ iotve • • ■ ■ AM HP Solve and • AigeOrac o< RPN Aeytioard • M Sale 89 95 5 Thai HEWLETT mL/LM PACKARD HP-10B Financial Calculator • Interesi Rale Gonwsons •i y’J‘. -Tt* • Oneandtwovanatte statistics • l. Tear Regies, > 0ur Price HP 42S Scientific Calculator • Mar < .wz ■■ HP-48SX Scientific Calculator • ■ RAM • - y.. .. c. i • Seri :