El Salvador’s judicial system still scares some SAN SALVADOR, HI Salva titir (AP) — Thn judge ami two prosecutors involved in the tri al of the soldiers charged with murdering six Jesuit priests will leave HI Salvador immedi ately after sentencing, accord ing to church sources A jury convicted two of the nine soldiers accused in the killings on Saturday. The sources, who spoke on condi tion of anonymity, said Judge Ricardo Zamora will leave after he sentences 061. Guillermo Henevidos and Lt. Yusshv Men doza. Two private prosecutors hired by the Jesuits, Henry Campos and Sidney Blanco, told journalists they also will leave HI Salvador, to study law The sources gave no un equivocal explanation for the three officials' departure;, but officials in sensitive cases in the past have been threatened or killed. The Jesuit case was particu larly sensitive because it marked the first time in HI Sal Columbian officials cut peace talks BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) The government suspended peace talks Monday with loltist guerrillas after police blumed the rebels for killing six people during an attack on Colombia's former Senate president. Gunmen ambushed Aurelio Iragorri on Monday as he was campaigning near the south western town of Cajibio Iragorri was not hurt, but six people in his entourage, includ ing the town's former mayor, were killed Police blamed the attack on the National Liberation Army, ■in insurgent group known by its Spanish acronym Kl.N A re bel spokesman said he had no such information It was the fifth attack in re cent weeks on candidates in congressional and gubernatorial elections set for Oct. 27. In a communique announc ing the suspension of peace talks, the government called Monday's attack "criminal" and "cowardly." The statement did not say whether the sus pension was permanent The gunmen killed four of Iragorri's police bodyguards, the former mayor and a civilian accompanying the candidate in liis car. Authorities said police in helicopters were dispatched to the area and exchanged gun fire with insurgents on the ground. Iragorri, a former Senate president, is a member of the President Cesar Caviria's gov erning Liberal Party. Government peace negoti ators have boon meeting in Venezuela since June with rep resentatives of the Colombia's two remaining rebel groups, the ELN and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. In its communique, the gov ernment said it was suspending negotiations so its negotiators could return to Bogota to confer with the president. Smaller rebel groups have al ready signed peace accords, and one, the M-19, has become a major opposition political party. Judge and prosecutors in the Jesuit case to leave vador that military officers have boon convicted of human rights violations, despite a con tinual stream of accusations over the past dozen years lorge Alberto Serrano, .1 mill iarv judge who presided in the trial of a kidnapping ring that included officers and far right ists. was killed in May I'lrtH There have lieen no arrests in that case The priests, who were teach ers .it the Jesuit-run University ol Central America, were forced from their quarters and shot to death by soldiers on Nov 1(>, Their housekeeper and her teen-age daughter also were killed, apparently to eliminate witnesses M.iny within I ho military consldnri'd thi> Jesuits to tie loft 1st sympathizers Several of the accused said they were noting under orders to kill the priests and eliminate witnesses Jose Maria Tojuira, the head of the Jesuit order in Central America, said he was surprised that only two of the nine had been convicted "We thought there would he a gudty verdict for all of them," he said in a television inter view. "We thought the crimes were sufficiently proved The jury, which was kept hidden during the trial for its own protection, acquitted two lieutenants and live enlisted Recycle This Paper nii'n, including one tried in .ill sent!,i Some of the acquitted sol diers had confessed In shooting the priests The nrim patrol responsible for the killings came from the in i I i t a r v school, which Itena v ides d irei led I he judge has 30 dav’s to sen tern e Benavides and Mend, /.a Thu maximum ponalH is .10 visits in prison .Thu Josuits anil others have contended that lilt' killings won* ordered liv senior military officers, and that those respon slide for the orders and an at tempted cover lip have gone free Church a n d dipt o in a t i < sources said Zamora may go to Kngland. where tie has received invitations to speak on legal matters at several institutes and universities Huy 2 Used Records or Tapes and (let ()ne FREE Happy. ‘TiaiIs IVr !>.»>) or $1 .SO Oi l any Compact I )isc “(1 nv usi\l record ur tape of espial or lessor \ .duo) We pay cash for used Records, I apes C IK Sk 1 E. 13th • 483-5351 • Expires 10/15/91 More and more I’hl K across the country are recommending Hewlett I’at kard financial and scientific calculators to their students And for some very strong reasons "Tile III’ IHSX S icntlfic Kxpandahle lias [Niwerful graphics tools that are remarkably helpful to .students learn mg mathematical com opts \nd with the equation solver feature, it s excellent for apply ing mathematics to engineering," according to I ir William Rahmeyer a professor of civil and en\ ironmental engineering at I Util State l liiversity The III’ Business Consultant II has an ispiation solver and extensive math film turns These free the stu denis from omi|iutatioiial tedium so they ' an tfuiik and internet nil a higher level" says I >r l,ee \ SUIT a pn ifessor i if math eduealu in at N< irlh ( arolma Stale I 'Diversity Si him Ins k yee, tfiere's no Lister relief from the |iain of tminli prof items III’ call ulatot |‘he lu st fm vmii Ill Hu*.if>*•%<* i •UMilta/if II l^X s. w ifh I iiuutafctl'h HEWLETT PACKARD