Navy stops Soviet ship MANAMA, Bahrain (A1 *) — A Jordan bound Soviet freighter turned In tho Rod Sea ovor tho weekend by ti U S. frigate because It reportedly had inilltury cargo dostlnod for Iraq, tho U S Navy said Monday. Tho Akademlk Millinnshokov was in lorcoptnd Sunday by tho USS Truott, one of the allied warships that Is still enforc ing thi! U N trade embargo on Iraq seven months after tho end of tho Gulf war According to tho Nuvy, allied warships have intercepted 11,705 merchant ships since the embargo began on Aug t>, 1900, four days after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Of these, 2..'Mil have been boarded and 11*1 diverted Chief Jim Richeson said the Truott or dered the Akademik Millionshekov to turn around because a hoarding party found “it had military cargo not listed in the manifest " Mo did not say what that cargo was, L but said it originated in tho Soviet port of Nikoloyev and was scheduled to unload at tho Jordan port of Aqaba Jordan was a major transshipment route for goods l>ound to and from Imq before the war Kit heson said another ship, the Kota I’elanl, was intercepted Monday by the Prune h frigate Commandant de I’imodan Student kilted by police COOKSTOWN, Northern Ireland (Al'J Police said Monday they mistakenly shot and killed an unarmed Catholic teen-ager who wandered into a stakeout for Irish Republican Army guerrillas Kevin McCovern. a Id-year-old student at a local agricultural college, was killed while fleeing police who had ordered him and his two friends to halt Sunday night, police said "There is a lot of anger This sort of killing creates distrust," said Aldan Mur phy, u Roman Catholic priest who was among the first on the scene ■"These were three guys who really weren't up to anything." The three youths were walking from a pub to a discotheque when they appar ently wondered into the police-army stakeout at a road junction, police and area residents said. The IRA confirmed that one of its units had been planning an attack on security forces at the junction late Sunday, but called it off after an urea resident spotted their mortar bomb beside the rood and called police. The Royal Ulster Constabulary, a most ly Protestant police force, apologized Monday to McGovern's family, acknowl edging that he was "not engaged in ter rorist activity." Sean McGovern suid in a phono inter view that his son had been studying in hopes of taking over tlinir farm in Kinawley, a County Fermanagh village. TO |0ystore’s mdratn, *nG OgS&SS?*^ N8™ _ I ,K.t boofc ___' .... ,.« sob'"llsu‘\... iuc uu;>\'1 ' Hev« uo .-'Z****™ ___--—«sss?s .... £?--.^.ocvo»km^. [tV.HM "' . a#.* ...» ,il>iw ,<>..»< *• rxcw* i':i„t.v«. H« '-^'k s^’"' •sj'SS*4* ■£?$%*** “c s-Sj^ssjsS1. ‘ syHabu" govenM«t \ program ,\ra<.lUne tu,a' . ggsa