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Sint e February, the Hush ad ministration has Ixinn trying to arrange negotiations among Is rael, Arab states and Palestini an representatives Until late last week, only the Palestinians had not at least tentatively en dorsed tier peace conference. Then, the Palestine National Uounr il. the highest legislative body of the PLO, voted to en dorse a Palestinian delegation's participation In the negoti ations and dropped Abu Abbas, who Washington accuses of Ixi ing a terrorist leader, from its ruling executive council. Abbas, head of the Palestine National Front, based in Bagh dad, is suspected by IJ.S. offi cials of being implicated in the abortive raid on Tel Aviv beaches May 30, 1000 State Department spokes woman Margaret Tutwiler said, "We've certainly noted Aim Abbas' departure from the ex ecutive committee." Still, she said, "that does not satisfy all of our concerns.” The terms for resuming direct talks with the I’l.O arc the same cited by Bush in suspending the dialogue, she said. The president had called on Arafat to condemn the Tel Aviv raid. Bush said a general I’LO statement denouncing attacks on civilians was "not suffi cient.'' Bush also said that the people responsible for the raid would have to be disciplined. As Bush and Baker have pur sued arrangements for a peace conference, the administration has insisted it is not dealing with the I’LO and has assured Israel the organization would not have a role in peacemaking The effect was to diminish FLO prestige, although the Pal estinians Baker met with insist ed they were PLO-approved. The actions by the Palestine National Council in Algiers last week could be an attempt by Arafat to raise the PLO's stature and to have at least an indirect impact on the negotiations. Meanwhile, Tutwilor said Baker expected to meet again soon with two of the Palestini ans, Faisal Hussein! and Ashwari, to complete the terms for Palestinian participation in the peace talks. NATIONAL BRIEFS Ross: Children need support WASHINGTON (AI *) Singer Diana Ross lold Congress on Monday thut she brings a special expertise to her job as spokeswoman (or the National Children's Day Foundation her work in raising five kids of her own. Ross spoke to the Houso Select Committee on Children. Youth and f amilies as it held a hearing with high school stu dents from around the country to mark National Children's Duy. Her children range from ages ;t to 20 She said children need support from their communities and neighborhoods as well as their parents Many turn to gangs, she said, because they lack the security of a home “The heroes are our parents, our teachers, our community leaders." she said It's very hard to ask a child to care about the environment w hen they don't have enough food." Heston plays hero pilot SIOUX CITY, Iowa (Al1) Charlton Heston, lu st known for Ins biblical roles, is playing someone who’s still alive Heston on Saturday completed u week of filming in Sioux City for a made-for-TV movie In which he plays A! Haynes, the pilot who crash-landed a crippled jumbo jet with 28-1 atioard at the Sioux Cateway Airport on July Id, 1‘tHt) While he has corresponded with the retired United Air lines pilot, who's a technical adviser for the movie, Heston won't meet him until they liegin the cockpit scenes this week in Lais Angeles. "I look forward to his expertise and a chance to thank him for a good part," Heston said, adding: "1 think obviously his skill and courage ure what came into play in the incident." Haynes lost control of the wings' moveable parts w hen the rear engine blow up, severing all hydraulic lines. Haynes controlled the plane by using alternating power from the two wing engines Unable to land normally, the plane cart wheeled at the airport. Of the 284 abourd, 112 died. Geto Boys say racism motive for denial JACKSON, Miss. (Al’) — Members of the Geto Boys say race was behind an airlines agent's decision to slop them from boarding a flight at Jackson International Airport. Ue were singled out because we were the only blacks." said 1 ony Randle, manager of the 10-member Houston-based group, eight of whom are black. I hey said Continental Express airlines would not allow them to board a Sunday morning flight or two later flights to Houston International Airport They also said they were unfairly accused of talking about their plane crashing while waiting in the lobby us mechanical problems with tho aircraft were repaired. Asked about the racism claim, airline spokeswoman l’eggy Mahoney wore "denied boarding for one reason only, be cause they wore loud and obnoxious." Thu Goto Boys flow home Monday.