Imelda hoping to return home with Marcos' body HONOLULU (AP) ■ linol(ia Man •.s said Sal irdav- sh> ; , o.. t return to Manila this week with tile fmdv <•! : r i ,I.; ; ... President Ferdinand Marcos Marcos, speaking at a news . nee nit tie ms aid ; r.;\e; . rv of her husband's death in exile, s. in- d cunlident u. dd : . able to take-his body home to the Philippines on Friday She hri- i ly prayed at Marcos' crypt as supporters, tourists and the news me dia looked on. Hut Franklin Drilon. spokesman lor President Cora/un Aijinno said the government will suspend landing rights of any airliner i ar rying Marcos’ iiody to the Philippines without permission ill Manila said Friday that the \ ' S government did in t plan to renew a prohibition on airliners leaving Hawaii with Mar cos' iiody, hut there has been no official announcement on whethei the ban will he extended Marcos' lawyer. James l inn, has said he doesn't Want the forme: Philippine first lady to return until December, after Philippine per ties choose their candidates for the May -presidential ele< lion "I don't think she can get a fair trial in the Philippines." Linn said at the news conference on Saturday "She would .'be better ad vised to return after Aquino is out of office " Marcos said she requested an extension of an entry permit Irem Aquino's government, but has received no answer 1 he permit;ex pires Saturday. "If they do not extend the permit, other plans must he made," Linn said. In July, the .Philippine government lifted its live year ban on 'members of ttie Marcos family, who left the country during the HUM; "people power revolution" that .toppled the Lamer sir ig man and propelled Aquino into offic e Pumping blood Registered nurse Jo,in Schrouder takes r end from Ue .-e • • K.i" Friday afternoon at the Phi Gamma Delta House as pad ' " . ^ < ' Mobile Drive P' ’ by J r • ■ P.i r Whales beach themselves at Cape Cod TRURO. Mass. (AT) - Rescu ers pushed and pulled 1 fi stranded pilot whales olf a Cape Cod beach Sunday, re turning the animals to sea at high tide. All the whales appar ently survived. The whales apparently were from a different pod than a group that went ashore nearby earlier this month, an expert said. Coordinators said Sunday's rescue effort at Fisher Beach in Truro went smoothly and the whales were offshore by mid afternoon. "It was pretty miraculous, getting them olf the heath to day," said David DeKing, direc tor of the Center for Coastal Studies in l’rovlncotown, whu h coordinated the rescue. "Hy the tiimi they wmi driv en out to deep water they looked pretty good." UcKing N.iiti Sunday night "They were swimming and diving and do ing all the things they're sup posed to do." Rescuers said they were able to mobilize even before the whales beached themselves be cause residents reported seeing the animals moving unusually close to land Sunday morning. Also, the whales run aground in shallow water rather than coming completely ashore, making it easier for rescuers to move them as the tide rose. The whales "never had a chance to get high and dry and cooked," said Charles Mayo, a whole specialist at the coastal center. Pilot whales measure up to 20 feet long and weigh between 2,000 and 4,000 pounds. Once beached, their hulk can crush their internal organizes. Whale blubber, which insulates the animals from cold in the sea, causes them to overheat on land. Kathy Shorr. also of the Cen ter for Coastal Studies, said the whales were from a different pod than a group that became s t r a n d e d on Sept. 11 in We 11 fleet, about five miles away Volunteers returned 25 of those whales to the sea, but four other whales died. Kdver Go To Cto» " uU-> O"-’ • \ O , . \ ' ' , v . h A ' ‘C^^?onS^uiag ctoBEK^is:h:dea m *.nicca h^K uinXV,Oi ‘ , 0,(U-rs r . . ssl- %s«" n'-'Wl ? ltlW(V'"' . , »\hh>V. .'iu\ - •.... , ,i... hiiuK. Kt'iintuv ■ .«(\ ,U" ... I |\1V H ‘ . u( al's,V.’ul \<»“r .\ .fA»K U h isf «>f l'u' ’.joins oi "bui,n .x,fUiUon svnW>. • **£»*#* * •’;°' •*£,* v***°M ■ ....’ „ rt. ,estion' SI I 111 i\M^ ■ re sappy 13th ft Kincaid, Open M-f 7:30 - 6, Sat. 10-6, Ph. 346-4331