CHICK OUT CLUB WASH! LAUNDRY WITH PUN! hr; sckh n tv n music 1.01 S OF-' Cl MN MACHINES wrm no wait vim o i.AMis/ on i I AN NINO RIDS H 'S MORI: THAN Jl sf VolJR I VI’IC A1 1 At ’NHKOMA 1 lls WORTH IIII CHANOf ' Advertise ,„.h, Emerald No cutbacks in defense just yet hmiMrroj W (AP) Adminis tration o i f i f: i u! s said Sunday thoru will be no short-run savings In defense costs from President Bash's dramatic .nut lear we ;> Hits standdown "(her tlie next few months, or in risen I yar lti'IJ, there are added (osts with terminating con tracts, moving systems around, destroying warheads, eh . thill had not pros lously been expected,” Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney said on A!U s 77m tt r,-k With Hi \ ui lirinklcy. (dietiey said the nation's mil: ilary must In- re.idv to right- a regional conflict anywhere in !! ,• world ami that the Strategic Defense Initiative is needed in .1 world of nuclear prolifera tion He defended the B-2 bomber program ns necessary to the , .cantry s defense and said the armed forces already are in the moist of a massive builddown that '.'ill t ut their manpower by :;ri percent The need to prevail in a re : :I I onflii : like Operation Desiirt Storm forms "the basic umierlying assumptions by which we size our forces to day," (‘.honey said. National Security Advisor Brent Scoworoft said that "five \ ears out. I think there will he a pc > e dividend," and "hopeful "Ml Freedom of Expression, the University and the Media Everette E. Dennis Executive Director The Freedom Forum Medio Studies Center New York TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1991 ♦ EMU BALLROOM, 3:30 PM, 1991 CONVOCATION Sponsored by the School of Journalism hollowing the convocation lecture, members of the university community will join Dennis for a panel discussion on hirst Amendment issues. The panel will be moderated by journalism dean Arnold Ismach. Other panelists will be Tim Gleason Associate Professor, lournalism James Klonoski l’mtc'ssor. Political Science Paul Holbo Associate1 Provost tor Academic Affairs Lauren Kessler Professor, Journalism Christopher Blair Fditor, Oregon Daily Emerald Public Reception, EMll Pall room, 5:30 pan. University of Oregon 1 ) A School of Journalism ly It will t)c" sizable. Bui "I honestly don't know how much," s.iid Seoweroft, speaking on NBC’s Mrct Ihr I’rass. Defense spending is heading down to 3.0 percent of gross national product, the lowest level since 1030, said Under secretary of Defense Paul Wollowil/.. "The United States can afford the programs it needs and still afford an adequate defense," said on CNN’s Nowsmakur Sunday. The administration got an ex pression of support from one congressional Democrat, Sen Sam Nunn of Georgia, chair man of the Sonata Armed Ser vices Committee. "! do think those who believe we’re going to be able to de clare a peace dividend and have a huge amount of money for domestic purposes are not looking til the fiscal picture of the country,” said Nunn. "Most of the defense savings are going to have to go to trv to meet the deficit, which is grow ing," added Nunn, speaking-on CBS's "/-Vice the Xatiun." He also said he doubts tin need for 75 B-2 bombers that cost $050 million a piece. "'I he strategic: role has neon diminished somewhat by the president’s speech i! we carry through on this action, and I think we have to re-examine the number of B-2s," Nunn said. ”1 don't think we can af ford 7f> " But lie added that the B-li's conventional role is "il any thing. growing more impor tant" because air force bases are c losing, the plane carries a tremendous payload and it can fly all over the world with one refueling. Bush administration officials defended the Soviet response to Bush’s initiative; President Mikhail Gorbachev welcomed the disarmament proposals, but offered no im mediate reciprocal cuts. "It’s just as il somebody had hit us with this cold within 1M hours, we would not prepare a substantive response; and say. 'OK, we'll take down the fol lowing systems,' " Cheney said "it'll take some time; for them to work it But I think thev Will." Choney also said ho doosn’t sot: any cull to roduco U S stra togic nuclear capability below the 50 percent level envisioned in the START treaty. "As of this moment, we have now stood down almost half of our ballistic missile force, 450 out of the 1,000 ballistic mis siles we had deployed ... are now deactivated," said the de fense secretary. He said they're on standby status. Cheney said the accord should he Implemented aggres sively "before we start talking about reducing it oven further " Scowcroft said the treaty will be sent to the Senate in Octo ber. Graphics • T YPf SETT IMG • PASTEUP • • IAY0UT • DESIGN • • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • 346-1381