CRIMES Continued from Page 1 window. Tin’ men were not identified 1 hreo portable toilets were consumed bv .in ar sonist's fire, near Aul/.on Stadium, on July r> No one was arrested. In addition, minor fires were reported on 23, 28 and 31; Augl 25; and Sept N’ t A possible bomb was reported ;it (tree nil., on July 12. An Oregon iiaii worker toi.i OPS that the beavv package, bearing no return a,I,ire-.-., was delivered by a man who did no! identif\ himself. It was later discovered that the package .un tamed pennies Among the OS!’ reports were sever d minor as saults and fights. Records also indicate that individuals were (.ited in unrelated incidents for public nudity. m sift entry and masturbation. The majority of reports described thefts. includ ing ..’5 bicycles., more than SI.GOO trash, .ami' a ST.OOO ring. all stolen from various rumpus !.i lions. More-titan a do/e.n wallets and ; .: ■ s were st. len and at least 2(> hum ellaneotts property thefts occurred: Among-the reports were many found or rer r ererl items- 15 bicycles, seven wallets and purses, and Sl(H) cash, which was eventually returned to the finder Students, faculty'and staff are warned not to leave unattended no matter how briefly am thing that can he picked up. said to Marj' Higeiow. a supervisor at Ol’S. MEETINGS Morlor Board mooting will taker plan: tonight al (> in EMU Cedar Room B ('all 746-G325 for moro information International Assoc iation of Students In Economics and Commerce will moot tonight at 7 .to in ;t 10 Gilbert Call 340-1340 for more information. Students for Creative Anach ronism will moot tonight at 7 at Agalo Stroot Classroom #1. Call 4)14-5009 for moro information MISCELLANEOUS Child Care Inc., 1(59 North Washington St., a community non-profit proschool child earn center, is sponsoring a "Sand wich and Savvy” parent educa tion workshop tonight at 5:110. The topic will ho children and reading. A light dinner and child care will he provided at no cost. Call Michelle at 344-11155 for moro information and sign up for child care VOLUNTEERS White Bird Clinic is offering its quarterly volunteer commu nity service training program Sessions begin Oct It). Credit c an he arranged through the University and Line Communi ty College. Call 342-H255 for more information OPPORTUNITIES Bidding for the following companies will take place to day through Wednesday in 244 I lendricks l->: ;l;H* i > •II In !•' r i cl a v ‘ s Emvruld, tho (lollogu of Education was incorrectly referred to us tho School of Etluca tion. It was also incorrect ly reported that the Col lege of Education will be eliminated. The College of Education will remain, although teacher educa tion programs will be dis continued. This discrepancy, how ever, does not change the reported impact of the loss on tlio ESCAPE field studies program. Also in Friday’s Emer ald. a photo caption erro neously reported the size of the Knight Library ex pansion. The project will add 132.000 square feet to the building’s current size of 237,000 squure foot. Also, a story in the Sept. 16 Back to the Books odition reported that the library was ex panded in 1907. The ac tual year was 1966. Krnesl X, Young I'rito-Lny, Inc. I’rii c Waterhouse A ('.o Russell Stover Candies. (■■Irunt Thornton Accountants ft Mgt. Consultants Moss Adams Coopers & Lvbrand Standard Insurant c Co. James Ri ver Corp Shell Oil Peat, Marwick, Main A Coinpu ny. Hoeing. Call .tin 32.15 for more infor mation. Career Planning anti Place ment Orientation Session will take place today from :t 30 to iK) pm. In 23H Hendricks Call 34G-3235 for more infor mation. KKI.ICION Hildi’ study will lake pi,u <■ '.tonight at 7 .to at thn tiathnlii NVuinan Center, 1850 Kmerald St Carl! 0}l> ItltH for more in formation. Deadline tor suhmiltine l t aIs to thr lirneruld front desA, i:\ll Suite .till), is noon the il.i\ he torn pubtk .ilion lit ills run thr il.iy ol thr event unless thr eveilt tail’s iilurn hrtorr noon Noth rs of events with a do nution or admission ihurge will not hr m i epted (.'am/jus events and those scheduled nriirest thr /whlii ution dale will he i;i ven priority t he Km •'raid reserves the ripht to edit notices for grammar uiul s t\le GRAND OPENING DUCK - TAILS HAIR SAIDS • Contemporary Culling & StyMm.j • Perms • Color Weaves M-f 1:00-9:00 iT V A wa "Professional Products Refill Center" NEXXUS-Paul Mitchell RedkervAveda-Matrtx & More EMU Ground Floor • 343-8219 "27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-291* 202S f ranklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 9/403 GIT ACTIVi' GIT INVOiVIO1 Gil GOING' Git ACTIVI' GIT INVOIVIOI O 0 1 5 s 3 I 0 < 3 Fall Intramurals , & Special Events Come to the RIM Office at Gerlinger 103 or Call Ext. 4113 for Details lOiAiOANI HO ijAIIDV HO iONIOO HO iQJAK)ANI HO HAIiDV HOI It you want to meet all your banking needs enroll at IVi-mtvc I I'iiwt Interstate Hank o! ( hv^jon. We have a sjx-eial paekaye designed to help students studenl Line ( an nettei tnanaye youi expenses Student Loans, l! paying for s< hool is a con corn, we ( an help you with a student loan. Student loans allow make it through those trying college years the Student lane Account. It ha all the products and services you need: C heeking Account with no niiniinuni balance. Write up to Id checks a month for one low monthly fee And cash your personal checks at over 1,100 First Interstate offices in dl states and ihi I tistrict oj Columbia. First Interstate Hancard. (>< t up to SlitMi cash every day at I >ay A Night li llers* throughout hirst Interstate territory and at do,000 Cl KRI S" auto mated tellers across the 1 S. and Canada. VIS.V Eligibility. Even it you have no credit hi tory. you may -till quality tor a student VISA’. ><> you you to borrow money lor lolle^e and not I rejoin paying it bar k until aftei you graduate. So lot all '.out banking needs Irom a eliei kmi; ai eount toa student loan graduate to Mr-t Interstate Hank University Branch 1380 Villard 465 5945 Two Day & Night Teller Machines also available at Kaulman's 840 E. 13th 18th and Oak Branch 95 18th Awe E. 465-5849 First Interstate Bank