i-SPORTS-i CARDS and a lot more BOXES, PACKS, SINGLES • Baseball • Football • Basketballs and supplies 1 Chazpro FUNSHOP 603 E. 13ih Avc. 345-0032 10-6 00 M b In parcade Soon 5 00 SAT by Sacred Noon-4 00 SI N Heart E-MAIL Continued from Page 2 point Miilodv Of iourso this will take soli ii irity and intensive lobbying with George "Wh.it s.iv ye. brothers I..in v Si loin/ Aug. H "WOW"" ■ I got the same idea wlien I woke up this morning. "Count on Mr"""" Half Walters — Aug. !! "liven though their meetings have U rn i unruled, we still need to decide if wr are going to stage a coup or end run on the Smocore appl We need to hear from Bruce, ASAl’. if you think we can pull it off." Ill in e Berg — Aug. 10. "I'll vote with you. hut ONLY if one of you can talk to George- and get him to change liis mind, without that v\ e < ause dis ruption and controversy and gain nothing hut alienation if one of you can contact me sometime soon about whether or not you got to George, I'll lie proud to vote with you. "Great idea, we re just 1 short Half Walters — Aug. Ik'. "just met with George and he said ho would rescind his support of Simx ore and would switch to Melody Kelsayf "It's my feeling that wo should nominate her at the CC meeting and get it over with I don't want our work session packed with |»C people flanging to our every word and making us future targets II wo do it at the CC meeting, we’ll keep that dour (dosed. "!! ain't over til the fat lady sings " This nest transmission is a personal fa vorite of mine In it. Walters compart s ho mosexuality to pedophilia, incest and r.ijiu Also interesting to many college aged peo I lo would he Wallers morullv superior knowledge that living together is on the same level with raping your own child Half Walters — Aug. 17. "Kvrryune knows there are homosexuals, hut it is not necessary for everyone to know who is homosexual Homosexuals seem not content unless they make poop In aware of their sexual behavior. The church's position is that all sexual relationships outside of (heterosexual) marriages .ire immoral in cluding adultery, pedophilia. Incctst. rape, homosexuality, and plain old 'shacking up. The church has not targeted homosnxuolit>. but the militant gBV groups have targeted the church. For two hundred years the I SA has at - i epted Christian morality as the moral foun dation for our society even if many or even .1 of tin* population were not true believ ers. 1 believe that COD and the bihle will lie re, a ted by six ioty and that the church will be persei uted here in the I SA, to the de light of many Plan takes root There are no more transmissions until it.,- night of the vote when Berg, \\alters and ‘P.S. I wish Gayle would quit spreading gossip in Bishoffs column like some stereotypical female. ’ Ratf Walters Sch.in/., aided by Ceorge Woejik, carry out the plan to dump Sin.u ore Actually coup is the right word As we witnessed recently in Russia, coups are often carried out by peo ple who are endowed with the knowledge of what is best for the ignorant masses. Be cause of this ignorance, the coup plotters must carry out their plans In secret so that that the ignorant masses won't get in the way of the moral minority. Kilter Cuyle Decker Decker is author of some of the funnier statements in tin: re mainder of the F-mail. She is also the victim ! one of the most typii ally ignorant of Wai te,-s' statements But first, she talks about us ing the same kind of backdoor lactii s the Olliers used, although she says she finds it distasteful. Cuyle Decker — Aug. 2 1 I can't think of a more obvious way to underline my philosophical differences from those of Kali and Larry than that, short of having an nhnTTTnrv TtiPfo am kflrtif* ItmAs tr whai I will do to make a point." Weed killer Don Bishoff now arrives on the seem Bishoff first broke the E-mail story and sent Walters and Sohnnz scurrying for cover. Berg had since gone on vacation. Gnvlo Decker — Aug. 21. "Bishoff is doing .1 column on the M day night screw-up (over7) and called in fer an interview. I expect that we w 1 i 1.: fried, but I think we deserve it. I agree u vnu about the need to lower the HKC \ i ., hility. M.ivhe Bill's idea of getting a politi cally neutral youth project started with the HKC will help, unless of course the perm.e nentlv paranoid on the council see some kind of gay and lesbian plot afoot "When will people stop fearing .-every-, thing they don't understand." Kail Walters — Aug. T.t. ‘‘Esteemed follows of the burned by Bischoff bake-off. "Now that the line in the sand has been drawn, why don't we find a pro-life candi date thut will represent the aborted who have no human rights at the present time! ‘‘Digging in. Half. "P S. I wish Gayle would quit spreading gossip in BischofPs column like some ster eotypical female.” Good advice Bill Morrisette — Aug. 25 "And Lurry, if you really feel that conser vative Christians are victims of persecution, harassment or even misunderstanding, you should bring it before the HKC and ask their opinion and especially for their understand ing — you might he pleasantly surprised In the response you get.” This entire affair has led me to develop my own advice for us all: If you feel that you are being persecuted, don't use your re ligious or political beliefs 11s a scapegoat. It could Ihi that people think you're just a jerk Living in University Housing is more affordable than you think... 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