50 GORWCHtmS DISBWDEDUI5 &UNGUNG INEFFICIENT NHWHM. CONGRESS. ji House LETTERS We agree I would reallv like to see peo plo write letters to the Kmnrald. Mark A. Russell Student Think about it Not only was Russell Mc Glothlin (Lambda Chi Alpha) offended by the cartoon Osc.ir ilia i'rcshmtm (ODE. Sept itT>) that was totally degrading to tho greek system, but I .is an "independent" was insulted by this idiotic statement of stereo typing by someone who obvi ously doesn't have the slightest clue about the greek system i happen to know a lot of people who are involved with the greek system and all ot them are verv successful stu dents working toward high-lev id career goals as most ol us do when wo enter into higher edu cation. They are also very active in the community. donating main hours of their time to tlui wot fart; of tills University Neitl Skorpen’s goal is to write a cartoon that is funny' (Funny is a key goal here ) Your last cartoon, Skorpen. was not the least tut amusing And the next time you drink a few to many beers, or watch a pretty girl cross the street, think a little let, Skorpen Just think Tim Fui le Mush l*ei tor mu in e ..... £ Kodak Deserve Great Developing >> At Unbeatable Prices! PUNIVERSm O F O K b G O N 12exp. 3x5 2.89 24exp. 3x5 3.79 36«xp. 3x5 5.79 FROMSUDE 3x5 490 REPRINTS 3x5 250 4x6 390 CHECK OUT OUR 1-HR. PHOTO LAB We will malch anv devclonini; iirie'C in Lane C'uunlv! 13TH & KINCAID ' |f \ ' M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 346-4331 □RESUMES Give your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at Letter Perfect Graphics Suite 500 EMU 346-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri Oregon West FITNESS 1475 I RANK! IN IUVI). rATATATAVATATATATAT w o R L D B E A T ▲ ▼ A 1 I IS i IV!. MAN. mi di RinniM lONIGHI MORE TIME IOMGH1 \ Ur 343-0681 r ► ◄ ► C : a : l : Y ^ P ► s : o: ◄ ▼ AT ► Ifw* I !•*/ U1 *. CliU'7 M«; • lay •• „•'< 1 •< ■ « • 5 ,; "•» V ' * yea/ and TootaUty vti Dk.naiay d»*nng lh* Dy Ouyon Da y 1 * *»' »«! Pubif.'>eg Co Inc, a! ih« UrvviK .^y of Owgon. I oy«/H», Oagon TU* I -n«tr.-ifcj o^i'.iUfc inUwp«* ft member ol Ihe AvioCKilotJ f'n. .s The t itUKitaJ A povtlio property I f«» un .iyi\,l h* ’ . ! ■ ■ • . i, ♦ . ••* by id* l ditof In Chiot: Chi .*.f B«»,r Managing l ditor E ddoual E duo/ Graphic* Editor EntarUirwnanl Editor Aaaoctat* f dftor» Pal Mctaicft Cuth*> J©t1 P«&tay l ayru* l akobhh N«wt f dttor [ ditorUl t ditoi S{>orl» I drtor Night t dilor ’ s IJOt;n»»M Dun I'u'.o'S Jako li«*r y Don Psloo community iw»w» i**. aiuoim ■ >7 Higher Educ*ttoivAdmini*tr»»ion Cwrit* (:•«>? u!i MaporUrs ' 1 ■ ’-y B.tfoy. I 'utrU>nn**au. (h*> •• » it/juraio, (««» t l , l r-.il M- -o-j.f. >4 ..*» N»w*s-»on. Cottoon Photographer*. Ja/vw I .1 . U*in*vt Advertising Juan Bn*Jk*y. '.«olI Oixui, l *#*■—’*« f u*; H'rt.i > K r- " . ! n fki' + u M M.iuy. Colheni* IU:> U Mary lUuiiottan. I ryn Mmr*uit. font Cl4&»iti«d f'uggy U • . ». W.» .»;** Kwvw A' ► • Cki;». ti f u/'iiT'i' . , .aM Hoatl Junn.'«» Ms-tiy. J M. i . M:. f«# Mult Mix /', Jo "! fu.-and. Don fUs J<*- '