,-■0 HELP WANTED ss Without the hard Big income. servicing Mktto P«’ cus tonws Call Jaoque. Independent j Micro 0>o< Advisor toddy at 686 Q44 7_j Po*tal job* available! Ma-'y pu*. • 'Vtt.it beoeftts Gall (805) 682 7555. iti P 3309_ The i MU Board n now ueung A»««^sr«. bf (?) fMU PfOQ'wr, npaMrafivat and (1) ASUO Prograrn lapraMrutMi A^ttcafton plus poelon d**cnpBjr. r ASUO W* Sod*4 EMU USteKrte sap*rxJ Oaadlrw to* atari«» Friday Ociotw * b 2 Positions Available how.u i«m Commirtea (1) Motetat* and (1) fie* Mgr lylnmun V5*v Work sbdy tetcou agad Aqty ai ha ASUO ortca TOE Daadlna xvtxt fth_ $7. SO-hour. Disabled lemale ne«x1s helpers ovor brunch arxl dinner Near UO 484 54?3 after 2 30 ;i5 WORK STUDY Video Technician: Reliable work study student necrlod lo tape class sessions Training prov«d83 9104. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Unique live bedroom, two balh home. 1697 Orchard St. ftocontly remodeled with refrigerator, stovo, microwave, washor'dryer in a great neighborhood $1195. Ask about our Move In Special I _34 3 6000_ FURNISHED 490 E. 34th 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, plus study, fireplace, garage. weatherued. uftlify room %7?*> UNFURNISHED 3942 PAM 3 bedrooms, 1 baths, appua/vces, fireplace. fenced, garage $615 1250 SUNNY DRIVE River Hd 3 bedrooms, wood floors, woatherlzed. hoi lub $795 No Peis. Shown by Appointment Spyglass Assoaalos 345 West 10th _6**6 11 30_ ?2S APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 bdrm. 1 bk U ol O Available r>ow f urn . bg kitchen. DW*Jisp. bg ctos ets. new carpet4moloum. lots of park I'g laundry. sundeck 663 8919 v. block from campus Nn», large, furnished 2 bdrm api $510/mo 344 4 760.683 4905 Call Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 A COVERED PARKING A WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS A EUROPEAN KITCHENS A FITNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co ■V- DUPLEXES ONE BLOCK TO CAMPUS Beautifully remodeled tero bed room with new carpets in f our pie i furnished optional 1452 E 19th. §\ $4*4 Aak atxiut our move in bonus' frO-$00Q.. FREE RENT Until November 1; 1 & ? Nh'-.h^ lumi^n«d apartmurt* t block to campus Parlong laundry 1424 f Ifr". M ; IM 484 4 1 97 Plumtree Apts. 1555 West 18th large, two bedroom. laundry, appe arxes $495 606 4809 Ugr or 941 6000 Lg t bdrm apts 17 blk from UO In very clean .quiet complex Big krtch en w center island, aeparate vani ty bath, 6 walk-in closet. fully furn. free covered parting Taking reser vationa for fail l arry. 484 4 1 0 T NO UTILITY BUIS $445 include* heal. eiecinctfy. it:x1 cable On sue laundry, parking. a;«J ««tra storage Elevator k>r your convenience SE40HT WALK TO CAMPUS Eugene Manor, 1040 1050 f erry 484 7441 STUDIO-$?65 765 East 18th St 485 6991 ONE BEDROOM 1187 Wrist 8lh $280 1668 f erry Laundry $140 TWO BEDROOM ■ 1150 Wusl 11th $550 THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX 1862 Kincaid l owor level $690 ROOMS 2140 Harris'. Include* utilities and kitchen use $185 * Non smokors only No pets Shown by appointment. SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES666-1130 2 Bedroom - §395 10 blocks 10 campus Very large and clean l was* No pets Unfurnished 2045 Wifinmene 663 9104_ Small 2 bdrm furnished upt rneir Mus«c Okjg *3/0 Reference* Cali after 2PM Ridgewood Apts. 6885/t>9 Studio, one and two bedroom aparimenta Pool laundry facilities *«ath«ri£t»d. Five buildings. 1 bth 4 Hilyard location 484 902?_ I Ml LOllUiiAN ’MV An Ur + leasing Upscale student housing in during meals 343 1255 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RENT NOW FOR FALL! a CLOSE TO CAMPUS * PARKING a Ofi-SfTE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bedrooms *575 3 bedrooms from *685 Call 683-0729 NOW! Jennings ♦ Co., 6*3-4219 $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1247 W 8th 92 1 Bedrooms from *30*) 2 Bedroom Elat *365 fOOL PARKING LAUNDRY Call Nmo. 344 5583 Jenninga • Co_683 4?1fi t.“)!) Mill, large. cJean. da • Dedroom. carpeted. dishwasher, quality furniture, pnvate pat*o. free cable TV, walk to school but covertat parking for thal special ' Voikswag an” Resident Manager 8? 343 5867 keystone FTeal Estate 746-1402_ 2 bdrm turn, dean, quiet. DW. dispos ai. foundry, oovwrwd perking. *495/mo 1200 F wrry 343 3318 _ ;:*■ APTS DUPLEXES 1 bedroom •(iartm»nt M»» ;» bk> * V.jm Co <»v Oftrrpu*. r*jn* CAr;**‘ ' $ CMWX j $V*5 fiH ' -O'f.M c* UvO'. 4{*S 7a ’B 1 bedroom - S345 10 tteooo. lo cnr-po* Ur t>m l»*w« *. • ,*^v ? 4S W »i -oi'o t"«H • >’ -4 2 hodroom. or M v *> rt 4 p*»« >*. vkAJ o» O QUf T. on v.tu ndry. V■ »>C 405 8* B 7___ 2 L>*dfoom, fuml*h#d. ’ t block from cam{»ii Call 485-3M1 2 BLOCKS TO U OF 0 Millrac® Apartments 1805 Cardan Ava ? t**1/(xyr tUM* *;th p/tvi»!*» porov ? ? HOry !ownhOu*u»* PATIOS * PARKING a IAUNDRY •• .*• Don row. 144 5 Jjflftlliyi ♦ Co. 6814219 1 bdrm furn, ckwm q.,«4 l)W.dt«,poa aI te» -ory. covwui y*t/v r^g HcVS-^o 1200F«Kry 343 311 H 240 QUADS "" •• 2 Wt I KS I HI I " W.i-h to cnmpo* *e.xn th*»%o now’y '•* fuftxsbod quod* * Pnvala I ntMoc* * i ica4k*ni l cx iti a >n * ‘ 5.75 IncUxU** 14 > i **v ‘ Monlh lo Month I •wvwv> ' Ortvo by 1 7*>0 Miry.wd (tn a .«>> tteteurx! 1 742 * iiyrtrtj) 1>i ( V-|?H Ni,!" Xf.1 *4 1 r 1 ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th Ctaon. Qu**M com pro* W .K ’ ■ .iv* A ja>«J ’f'-H ’vi. .•*» ISO movit .n bon . Off srm ( I PARKING Al l UTUITII S PAID Call 144 a?90 Jtnnlngi ♦ Co. AFFORDABLE 1 360 Aider 51 345-SMQ Nm o. cfcMlr **»■ iT-.a.'-'a* **! q,«ld5 ttvrtna: (i A Furntahad, util (>*»d A Laundry facility, covarad parking a $22^.month 245 Room lor rant, in .Mol 0•«». ; sot roommate Bean Compton. Moo*e i after 7pm Mk Icy M'Cio. 343 1 364 For Sala lAiltifjt# dorm lea Contact Tracy Stmpaon at 464 2936 255 ROOMMATES WANTED ~ Famata houaamata wantad 'o share turn r*om« Ma/tfwood firs. WT). l.ghts Ck>M» lo Dos-t>*ke S2S0*mo ♦ UUI 34 *» 2321 UVHV^'Sg Ctt OH.ty Famata %**•»*.'•£ same to sh-i?a hov-'-u 4 miles Irom U Ol O 344 'MfU Roomata wantad lo share l 2 txlf apartment ’ i Wock from U of O :o share with ma o pea law transit* student $29Vmonth ♦ v» util 687 7 1 65 _ 1 Roommate for houaa, 18th & f rkarully WO, IV, bath, hooaafcaap ar, garage, yard, claan. quiet $?OGmonth ♦ ¥» UlittU— 683-766? 4 bedroom, 2 bath house Largest room evaMabte 648 W Bih Street n«**#d hom»« KOcitiu tt( txHOt* ma/iuK »m jo f uniasic savings1 You ropm' A*o S&l bailout propofUi* Call {BOS) (Mi 7btf. til H MM WCUJ9 SPORTS JOIN CREW laam to Row »n«J Corrpete knfonn«Dona lAaaOng Wadnesdif Oct 2. 7 00 pa tllU Cadif Rooms E 4 F Rowan 5 CLUB SPORTS MAM VOUfl WOHKOUI COUNT! U oJ.O K«m CM) instruct ton jartrton tfriormanonui moating. ! iy Oct 1. ’0™ «pm. C«d*r M * rt C. I MU Sponsored try CM) SNOWBOARD CLUB MEETING AT rvavijof* wwAXXTW I (Xl 1 7 pm t MU C«n!A/ t Q»v loo. !•♦*> f.4iV Ss «v\so#wd by CKjb Spona -\P\Rl\U\I Ml N1INC.' I at oof .claaaMtada t>a foul tfu»da' U.O. EQUESTRIAN TEAM AaI gju •««>■< iw f rfxj out atxxd tn«s • it) s»*xit adtvtty Orgnn«/atonal mooting T ,a**> 8 00 pm. 03 1 m i MU H^yr \ U of 0 Jujitsu Judo Club Meeting K you a/a ifaft)Cipat tng In tradrtional and aport martial arta, stop t>y Cadar Room A at t t Mt i on Octohr 1 at 6 00 p m ?90 CAMPUS EVENTS WAIT Don't tx/y any poatara or art prints until you a*a tba annual Am Print ‘.ala at l MU Main Da*A araa. Oct Ml. 8 00am to 5 00 pm t00 a of drffarant prints unPaliavaPty pMcad at only JS (X) aach or any 3 tor S13 00 rn ARTS J ENTERTAINMENT r OoiCOUWT *TK>W» «. i* L pummm n' >«** t t «11 > W T r N.^r#v 'JO JJO OUTAAoliOO** Paris is Burninj nNAi 4 OATS -A V*Vv>*AAr *»1 AX'* *t>V* BRIGHT * ANGEL ■■ :iV mVi Viii i: i h TRUTH OR DARE * 1>1,J *•»*.* to* *■ nNjki 4 DATs Straight out of Brooklyn” Ll' " 1i -'*r •'L*-. ' V *' !'*t .>i.L •» rf»->»ud Moi<»« of Rhythm * Mobil* () J A Sxrnply tb# Rest Sound 4 Pries f ie« (ifochur* A $<’00 ♦ .644-6/0* 300 FOOD i DRINK I fii* rnf»* nl COLL1KK HOUSK Ml I Uh r>< . 11 mm* It' im ifw ► M I NKVV STUDENTS A m:w faculty < ’onic enjoy our historic setting & moderate prices! hunch: 11:30-2:00 (Offer: 8:00-3:00 F.vnyonv Wvlcome! ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT <)(11*011 I >aih I nu t al ' tK ' . i Jih 1I'XJ#'. «*xk»n! M or o Oh#’ ; -VS v ■ * »'./«* "4-J ’ 3.x? SERVICES OI5COVI H OHl''CON 1 t».. '*»' -*1 54 Vf-\)1 I (X tWO< K'uvCnto J, *• S »*• GAY MEN: HE l ATIONSHIPS & INI IMA CY A ifuKapy grtx-p to Ih»^p gay mon * r%of .#i{tm«n.:y. ru«tf«om,: ;>v V.\*7 Planned Parenthood kx Pup % tnH*1-on chot ks. D*dh control A coon vo g l>*> 1 Temporary health insurance avn t‘ *• »! rt*w*' tiny* ftandy Hmiam. 48V0fWi (8 am •> pm) CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACR088 1 Amork nn 0(1 IK'fllOf ()or ok 4 Plumod bird 0 l opidop U*r ml ft Imp? 1? Wmlli 13 WnlOfod fi ilk 1 4 I okyo (HU « 15 I ho I bvly Plnnul. lor oiio 1 7 Como in fir «l 1 H I livor Inlnnd 10 Ibid to1111 mi od 2 1 Poo ft nuiklon 24 Non • onial in I ond( ill 25 lb linn I« 20 II mighl bo olo< Ilk: 20 Inlorprotft 3 1 I lofrofth log (jK)Oll(') 33 lud 35 Anil IflffOMftl lonrn, for nhoil 30 Affirm* livo vt)lo« :ifl I uKu n «| K MlfWI 40 Mrtlny inllmniM 4 1 Anngimu dI npm 4 1 A« Inf I liiynmnd 4^1* ivo I* ikim 4 7 < untiling 411 < "lilt i*i'in l«il 40 14»l«vl*»N)m I iiogf Mils fl4 I niling Ini It mai < m hu* rjr) A n 11»»U i \ 11 * 111 >i» mini fVO I Innlnn r>7 Spiing Snruntf r»0 Mum rtQ Slmng uigo DOWN t )i h slti Moilinof * '2 MlfHir'd nuoftt 3 Snbmt) ol I Of 7 11| »i tght 0 Inlonno four W 11 uiy W(>ik It>f 1'» A« mm 10 I Inmovn Him iilialil 1 t ()nn/n or Curtin < £ Solution lima 27 mill. 1fl I’nuU) 20 I'ui^Kinon 21 Dinnoy dog 22 I one lug nwiml 23 ()!lu on for 9 I >< iwn 2 / horn of lH>y lond In 2U I linloiy* Vli glnln 30 (-oi f»ol nu| ifKii I 32 Onion i I nr '* < 1111 ntii mi 34 I togion i »r doin nm 3/1 Klimmh 30 I (oil A'ilnif o. Ini on*) 42 Anngmm of nliinl 4 4 I lo■-1 ttCOUM*. ANiMM. > THIS nA \ A* Bui ITS NOT *v KM IT MUSI W 'CM WlMUI'ff HvjNl \K i tft Ml )N OR l WINS U1T NSU. 1< '« c . MV **N MM* W v*K ' i Mi RfcUM*/ y TMv • W\A»H' WUN *WP ( Lf JVV ■ SIM fiM t\00b