Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS SI m MHI K ATT KM THIS'S N! I V\ I) t.; C K Bl ( Ks ! >•». i'f i '■! " * ' • !Hl‘ j . ! a*up**r prr .-Ufct.imrf pir*«r‘ SlMN N WIN - • . - * * 4 ' - fr .■ ,),% - S>f« - St )| I ) H > -jr *r !T M (u''.Cl s. • ,v-n »f , ' i’IKII ! ' ■ iv» To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT oot omcr MX) EMU UO BOOKSTORE DEADLINES LINE ADS DISPLAY ADS 1 WO I.'W'X'WV, <)<«, PAYMENT unit**.:. Dill mg has bimn .‘Slubhsrm.J f < hilling • 4» 4 4 •, f •« ;> ! y fhi* f IUr., f • • ? Of hi - Wj*.# t M- • REEUNOS ash. r.HumJs. COPY ACCEPTANCE f RRORS ‘ .hJ* RiTOft errors irnmrritateiy by f .11 ing 346 4.143 We * annul bo responsthto fur rnsi rlt. ■ < if »otj do not n titty us of Ihe error by 1 p m on !ht- ! a > of Ihf fit'.' inserte ■: Tb. ODf .icnni fa- iuible ‘ •» an ai’>(.uni greater than !h* .xlvff I»• ■ • ■ a JTAKE7 CHARGE (VISA or MASTERCARD) < 346 4343, m, I Ml hi \l I) Room 300. Erb Memorial Union (EMU) ids PERSONALS r>. J day AT A i?h& groin BBG 4 '■. ■*»ry A/ . AZ CciKjfitulatKjnt Kn»t»n Storray and ! int jJaf on your •ngagamant l ov9, Your Siatani HX AX 12 ongi•tulationa Stapham# B and ( i ic H. on your pinning Wa wrah you two tha in tha fi/tura? i av9_ Your _ Lamda Chi Thank you tor the BBO on Wadrvaa day, *• had a Qraat tima lova.Al‘0 Si I th< rtbivN mi motion * I I .it*. I I M il .111 in I In ()t •'Kim I)«ulv I HU fdll!' < .ill U«» 4 »4 » KX A X£2 Thanh* for the great party last Saturday Nkjht You guya get a great jytedga class' toy. AX £2 AX£> We would like to Introduce our new 1991 pledges! Julia A Karen C Jenny f Jamw M l uni say H M if haHe K N «•> I K 1 t.. y W i l\4» M Nanette P Shannon R. I aslay 11 f h/abath ( Alyaon M l on M Jennifer K Rachel K Katherine l f.Wli&ia M Heather O. April P Michelle R Margaret S April T Allison W You guys are the best! Love, Your Sisters no LOST £ FOUND LOST Tfi--v.au* cywga tabby l:*k • ■ i. « 4 r % »>*.; Our 'y rn,i *y us T> PiNG SERVICES iii ■ fi tUN «n GRAD‘u. -v'l Al’PfiOVl 0 yn.V !' »*•. •. 1-J vs txu ► , . Sl 1tv !V, pttpirfK 1 w/.l ruSu'V'O *j*r . . : t . . • r ON CAMPUS! Peggy * Typing Sarvvca M . vyvuw and las*/ . fi\. r. v at 14? 4068 Y> v 3 344-4510 A L IT Y V» -mD PfKX:LSSlNw t . „ . *.» u . . .o., . — v - f*4 ! ■* | 1 Tth nsTYPiNG SERVICES EAGLE EYE typing I DltiNG Printed text to computer files. PMOfF SSJONAl TYPING p>«>. : vu'-y Honrtii. t «c«ll#nl typist kx iVX3 'u for prompt 'tufYC* cat! Ruby TYPING UNLIMITED Uartiara l and l aaarPnntar 4 3543 FRt NGM CMTI A. iAH .r A • . • *. ip INIf MNATIONAI STUOI NTS’ t«.-• w *. ■« p* 1 • , ' - . .1 ... i . - X 144 4 f t • us & TO FOR SALE Vise Architecture Students! M.fj • *i a *5 IWxVTj %'b Gr*»p^»c SuoaM*. $ft5 Arch 4fi7. 4(\3 Book* Ca*i 01 6itfl . fcM [)uut>l# watv'twd $•'*> Ad Hi* >) fSO Cali Try;..- ;>r {>»,TA. 4B5 tt<>4 4 f uton I lima, 4 t, r ../• C.-ua! * ;■ r» rtS ng tiornge spcv o So-*J l ■> asr>umbto& $*>C 4&4 ?134 Hewlett Packard Handheld* . Iff* 4c \X ' HP •*M X J* ' < «• A.1U•■•.»■ <>■ S ‘ Aii ii Book! IK»»1 fternt, Now-- «.4'tK 41 Suftwfv© l tv.vy Solv® & Integrate. Co'viiH* 754 1207 Kmg^/B watertwd Da'* * • * sh<»v«*’, Wavu»i' \ rr • V> otx) Go l'*rio\ »•;. « iu King Si/# Wa!#rt>#d wvn S100 or ho*.: o?W 343 07b 7 MOVING MUST StU. 1 -• » S ‘ ■ , • S' t t * $ >*» M Si.pp-«V t>ef4 ohW 3 &poed b.*>u S t *j*..iso * " ait>- *4 c • S'. ‘ ' ;. <«• ti/u t>«3 * "1 rvj.rU. I**V v ' 11' U • i O* U*r 8 uoocn S^ l**.an I 'i0: j .•> M*it5 $."«. 4/ round C ’ > 1 ' ' a'x! efut's $U>0 3X3 (>.i m umi Sr* 3X.2 bookasa. $B IV M.in!, S-' W* *1 ■,.» rotary (Oaf*$h 4 y •*, bXb - n d I » Unu*»#d M^itne. 4 2 • V< 1 .KV •*.. A -ip S.i i 1 it ... mV* S1 5 4d4 4552__ Wetsuit .,«• j.. ’ n-i-r •u'-g ;V)fvtt anil . x».; • ».! a P«-flttCt lor C>to d .^ As ntM $’ *5 :xj 4B5 C919 '»*• rut* gold wadding »#t 0 d>a mondt $lf 125 firm 34 3 21 14 r FOR SALE MISC *> pxr* laclronal couch. K'O No mj>s 2 Par itoola. $1S 6W 64 vr ns BUY OR TRADE H T ambourmaa S2 00 10 ' 7 ambourtnaa $3 00 No [)#*>•(• Plaaaa Tha Bury & Sa'I CaMar 361 W *>th MS CARSTRUCKS _ GOVfRNMfMT Sn/fD Vahlclaa ft $i r>0 Ford* Marcadaa Cor vatlaa Chavya Surplus Boyars dt i ?; 80*i 96? 8000 t it S 9642 t>.*6 AM* Romao ‘ v r~ «.*. • /.»' t* stop by 1 *' Larwood. No 179 *M>60 __ Smad cars, truO r- t • , • by FBI. Ih.S. I'( A Av.i y ;>--r ii'llit no* C-« (ftJb) 6a? r»t c-igio ___ 19/4 Jaap CJ5 N**«w S'v»* r*#* *•**.-*, v,-rOG obo 686 8?t8 ■ - Subaru 4WD *0 ;an VV>* -)<•• 5 i I I'tM; i • 4, B •• 1980 Toyot* Corolla Wagon, 126,000 iv, fH d«m tir«i Sarvica racords HMKJobo 14 3 • 64 7 3 1 .* >0 VW Rabtnt Datum 4 cp*»*jd. 7 door, f I e*16 bUick. h».m»U*s, »un » A ijuu, iy/4 uatsun Good mileage. 343-7365. 4X4 64 ba/u Tfoojxir II $4,600 663 0179 64 Jaap CJ7. 6 c> 4 sp. Va'd lop. - . tv. nr. !*<*» ' «W cfvom© .s •. $5000 935 ]'*4 ’ 06 Nissan 200 SX l .. ’ - ; Hi lton. a* oplionv $4 700 344 3721 Of 726 7435 ■ >,»:torcyclesscooters Honda C-70 l i**« ndii'v>'\ 8,000 ■ ,-ms $40C Inttipom.vu '.frtnsponiiion Honda 5pf»a w •>*>,' -'m*. l *o ■ a Mid ‘i >M> Of Vf*j<* a! '■ ttOO l iiMj * xd, No 1 73 >3/5_ SCOOTi R, 61 f'av.pod fQac. ttml. 7 sncJudod, gtxxl cd/xJi $350 34534*9 Su/uki CS 550L, $550 Of U«*!a Kx • V.'M n b KM 68? 4 749 1901 Vasia Scoolar, .* i to; con 1967 Honda tine 00 I .«*. S* t?bo , f .. - M Ml . 01i”3 64 Mond» 5 lntt*n <.p:o' |,53v 75 Honda 750 TOUR. $ 00 65 ifcxxja ..-..v' >• $' n •; CuS 3tx> : • Honda Awro I » • 484 r >' Oi* '\l. *. y t .■*’* 1 36. !>.•»* '66 Horula tlfia 150 ■ .'«m‘ *»»•■ ,r i • V * I * 4115 * »■t 66 Yamaha It.a $’ •- .‘O ! *4 i55 bicycles CAMPUS CHUISI II’. «»: SVin > t990 I > -! I » A. I f.l. * k*.V‘ • ' ' u .ji■■■ C* %f " v.'ikS OO'iM'On $ 1/5 7-0 l *Mat mm.'-aju 345 0043 04 10 Sf*a*d, tra' %**’ f ' $35 ?i l? sp, uicuUini cx*wr: on. $'25 Ha.il 686 4980 s e-eccs 2 Raleigh V *;.**id t £« «♦ *»'' $•*•> **.* fl t«»'. 485 7707 artar 5 p m . l,: : s? 286-386-486 B#*l price* in town' Call lor I quota M*>rr wry Open 5> 4.1? 40 • a and 94? 0 ’80 Compaq Computer I > HAM, 5*6mh H'X 5 25 0 '•*. V 683-436? HP 28S artvancad s< «**' * - r ' Nlivu- -•-»*; S,‘>0 tv r .i'.H v .. 1 ©95 4229 Great student comfxjtwr . ’ ' *’ ' MG m«g dr>v*i 4W RAM I .Aro-t r 2400 baud modern. «ots ol * "*.»'<* Pascal. C. Windows & more S’- 500 GaH Ptttfrr. 342 3360 Plus 4 computer m , • >' : m o ,* pr -V,,n a ’ \>r l 350 4r * -0003 Smith Corona PWP100C * '• Corona {-ate l lira fitiOO”* and disks Ported! O' •:?■ t!'y ovrr V ’ 'C S3 50 835 3332 Smith Corona PWP3 wordpfOC&S'* S. '* •. t>o Kan D . 34-t T.-.f, ___ Word processor-Arr ‘ -■ P;. nix • .: : p* • u.n i :k« ntr* S20G 063 8444 Word Processor P,vw.w".( KW X - Keyboard. mo■ Ao* and printer | ' . . > 11 * K S'* )4? 41.31 XL SOI Typemiter : s 1 ** mint »!•: >n Ong>na; cost. S2C8 : *iii lor St 70 Pnorw altar 7pm, >45 6003 SC,'JD SYSTEMS Complete stereo CO 6yi-'*»m onty j,4"-0 Pa404 75 INSTRUMENTS Guitar amp, Peavoy 130W, 2 channel. •ipn/f-ar w tn DOO chorus and Oiitay V300 344 5031 • - _ FREE TRAVEL- A-» courtwrs and . : ut.f-.ps Sturtuni*. aiso nodded Spang, and Summer lor A ' ..someru Park employment Cal) ;HC5) 682-755V Frt I MSI_ lratelmg Soon? Apply lor a C rad It card i ly inywhsit in the USA tor 5189 less Call T CM3 AY" 485 8839 -os OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN SAFERIDE O NEEDS YOU! Volunteer Drivers Needed Permanent drrvors one* ? hour p«- siH’i A toma’e d' v»*rs a © O" .« as needed No speci&J ary iivd uD> w lor COd'! Drop by ou1 omc« >n I'm* ASUO Women's »—v' ‘ . v 3 ( MU o' *i 346-4230 lex more '’formation Modems in the lo-owinc majors car* i MU t ol v Son: *'3 U'Oo- d'uJMutc , Baas player singer too*dig tor work : i'»3 rocs band Rush. 54* Big (> .«HifYSryCfl flftt » ■'. ,;t*r KilS 34 3 6858msff_ . 'I PPC RTUNIT'ES tarnS 1000* .1 wk *• " , f or into »q SASt to Pa '?c W«»s’. P,,t ashing. Bo* 64179, f . ;h' « QR. 9,*4Q3 Know Bafora You Co, wh«re to work, hva and ski free in Colorado’s reports Currant Guide to A*f»n, Vail. Brockanridge and more' J16 9S 6174 YOU CAN MAKf A Dlf FE.Rf NCE r aVi’'‘!'C child «**;».»*! hr'. world Voiuntoor m a dynam.c homo t>as« • i" »r>g pt No expohonce mih »(•. v$ry Cn«M ava uDto thro gh i SCAPE Call 4054938 no HELP WANTED RAISE $500...$1000...$1300 FOOL FUND RAISING f or your fraternity, sorority team or other campus organuation UKXimiT DC HfVIfTMWT II WHS n.mEmiimrunia Applications arid job descriptions for the flowing positions a?o available "i« A .UO Office E MU Sv to 4 Constitution Court- ? position® ASUO Asst Finance Coordinator Apt nation dead! tie is October 4 UM1 at 5 00 pm The ASUO is an A' Frmntive Action.'l qual Opportunity ___ College Students. Mata) extra m< *»y Need 2J to 3 students to become Open House Party Plan Rapresenabvos f or .i^v . ca:«on form send SASL to Mrs Ahra Housouer, 111 lemon Tree Cir , , ,i .i» *». CA 9S607 EARN MONEY Read g Poors* $30.£)0C-*yf income potenttai D«ta/is fdOS) 96? 8000, o»t Y 964? E ifxir.once Eugene's »■/.<- ' the art plasma censor CaM 683 94 30 and w« ii !e*l you now to help yourself end others E i per tawed Electronics Taehniasn Job requirements include 1) Repairing and caiibraiing electronic and electro mechanical equipment (tins ncludes troubleshooting arv»«>g and d*gtal or ajitry to ir»« component ievei) ?} Con *Jfueling one of a Kind scientific mstru mi s 3) Mod'tymg e*iss>ng equip men! 4) Mamtanog printers and per sonai computers i 5?0 hrs ww>r. %7 0C Yr Must be a IX) or LCC stu dent II i.utttod, CO''ad Du.u Brumbtoy. Institute of Neurosoance a! 346 4516 Frame shop I Af)d part time pus tions open tor trameraiesignor f 'lease send resume and cover letter to fO But 139: \ jgono 9/44Q Hous»Keej>*r and «rt«r school super v*son k>r b:n g'.me boy Two to throo * 343 4071 m Nanny m * Housekeeper ~ ■ ii*.*- ■ ■- *>*» person who genuinely tovws 3 ' mo saaeapmg and a'tur school .-i'u 2 boys |B and iG) Childcare • . u .*'sJ oriver s license fequirud . -•' ? iu«o»j. welcome. Private room. 049'. phorTV, and board included » WbCuno Term 1 yf « Cal or wnt# Ca/U,n Coims. 301 654 4176, 33 Oitord St CHCH. MO 2081 Dooncslmry BY GARRY TRUDEAU •r V4V ANOIHtF (A‘V Of 0&' OCOQUbWb' £ - Vv • A //V 1HC JHt JFT9 >1K! //V THl Air > «/v*>v \ /w Him AGAIN! HOP ON, YlAtAP,. WITHIN MttU’ rH'; PlO, / IS 6<>.v • n at a mob scene.1 PILOTS' wenZOOS' OPOUNP t Pews' 6 P*> uX'HUM1’' k'S HU MMTK&fS' RtfUbUS' rt«V VICTIMS' ~v Oi. I tiJAHT THIS CLUB PVT OH A k WARTIME ^ footing! t^f\ BtmR HAK5 THAT Tt-N CJV&S.. / Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651