Oregon rugby team pummels Corvallis, 56-0 By Steve Mims Emerald Contributor The Oregon Hugby team got off to .1 quick start on Saturday, and never looked back, defeat ing the Corvallis Killer Bees 50-0 The opening game of the sea son turned out to be the game of ;i lifetime for ka/.uto Nakakoslvi, who scored six tries, including the first lour of the game. The game was scoreless for the first ten minutes, then Naktikoshi got hot He scored four tries in the remainder of the first half, most ol them on assists from Mark Holland Holland made it look easy as he got the hall outside, then Nakakoslli used his speed to gel it in the goal. Nakakoslli scored all of Oregon's first-half points, giving them ti 1(10 lead at break time. Bob Bierce, a transfer from England, got the Oregon team going in the second hall with a pair of three-yard scores, stretching the lead to 240. A couple of minutes later, the Duck defense pushed Corvallis past their own goal for another try. After this conversion, Ore gon led 30-0, and the rout was on. After assisting on almost ev ery goal, Holland finally got one past the goal himself Nakakoshi finished up the m or wg with two more.tries, giving him six on the day and the Dunks a 5tV-U victory I’raises were flowing for. the Du i k team hirst y ear h ad Loach Huh Snyder said, 'it's nine to see how good this team really is We haye i Toto! de sire, and talent. "It's a team game, and today we were passing to tin' open player. When yeu have 15 guys playing as a unit, vmi'renil heatable." Snyder is president of the Or egon Rugby Union and an ex Dunk player from 197H-.H2 The man everyone was talk ing about on this day was Nakakoshi This was his first game for the Dm ks. and lie im pressed everyone. Nakakoshi, a transfer student from Japun, has been playing rugby for years Alter only one game here. Nakakoshi has be come u big crowd favorite for his exciting play Oregon has -J5 rugby players this year, split into two teams The Ducks are members ol the Northwest League, which in Oregon rugby players shut out the Corvallis Killer Hoes in a stunning first g.imc ot the season hides Orrijmi Still**. Washing ton. Washington St.it**, Central Washington a mi Western Washington Kurly pnuiii lions had the ('orv.iliis team oast as favorites. but Oregon's performance has turned a lot of heads 1'he lop two teams from the league go to the Pacific Coast Champion ship, and thi1 w inner there ad vanees to the National Club (lluimplunship Thr 1 Jinks' nrxl lioimi g.nno is ()i ! 1*1 ugiiinst lho Orison S p 11 r I s I' n inn ,i l South I it ml I'i 'lcl. ni'vl lo the Aut/.un foot benign Thoir luiigun-opunnr is Nov Hi aginnst lliii University ul Washington FOOTBALL Continued from Page 19 un seven of the Trojans' 10 to nil plays during tlieir tirst touchdown drive, including the touchdown itself on .1 five-yard run. "They maybe could've run with us,” Royster said, "but we knew they couldn't play smash mouth football with us • Thn Dm ks really wanted to forgot about the previous vvrek rind's loss nt Utah, and guaran teed, when Oregon was down ;)()-(> in the fourth period, it was L'SC, not Utah, on the Ducks' minds. • t Jregon .; 1-half I bull team ' Not Saturday Injuries have taken perhaps a larger toll on the l)ut ks now than at first estimated Oregon is now til! without : olli.it k So.m il.ii vsi-11, who was sidelined with an ankln injury, anil Oregon Coat li Kit h Brooks said Burwoll is alruaily "doubt ful" lor next work's homo c on test against New Mexico State Center dreg Phillips is the latest Dm k added to the ranks ol the wounded I’hillips left the game early alter injuring his leg. IaiHI O'Neil's condition Was questlunubie until Saturday Hie Ireshman quurtorbai k is suffering from a staph infection ill Ins elhciw !h.it limited ins throwing abilities during the game With all the injuries ami ills appointment stemming from the Ducks' four September a, imes. New Mexico State could be how the Dmks spell rtiliel helore traveling to California .mil Washington tutor in Octo ber. Although New Mexico Stale is I ir hum ,1 foothulI pmvrr. ()r ■ iion Imeli.ii km i unes Ifuutista knows how importimt it is for the Ducks to in,ike a good showing this weekend "There’s a sense of urgency to tie.it New Mexico Stale," he said 1 ALL POSTERS, PRINTS & FRAMES are also 20% Off! Through Oct. 5th 13TH & KINCAID Now! * Some of your favorite Portal Art Prints are available on 1 lanes 100S cotton Tees, Sweatshirts & Long-Sleeved Tee And... They're Introductory Priced at 20(/< Off! s. * M-F 7:30-6 SAT 10-6 346-4331